• 我们讨论观察发现人们真正追求不过我们的表达方式奇怪并且笨拙

    We said, look, what people are really after is to love and be loved, and we just do it in weird and awkward ways.


  • 作为海洋国家日本通过一种奇怪方式来表达他们海洋

    FOR an ocean-loving nation, Japan has an odd way of showing its affection for the sea.


  • 感到奇怪,”班夫人,“为什么总是自己孩子想得那么傻。”

    'I am very surprised, my dear,' said Mrs Bennet, 'that you should be so ready to think your own children silly.


  • 荷华英格兰高地丘陵地带,凝望天空的人发现一些奇怪的事似乎象征着不详预兆云团

    In hill country from Iowa to the Scottish Highlands, sky-gazers have reported some strange, ominous-looking clouds of late.


  • 我来说,像这样广角镜头奇怪的。

    For me, it doesn't feel well to have love in such a wide Angle camera.


  • 掌握了足够中文我理解WoAiBeijing”这句出于一种奇怪原因,我觉得中文的“”和英语单词“Eye接近

    I know enough Chinese to understand 'wo Ai Beijing' and for a strange reason I always feel that the Chinese 'Ai' is close to the English word 'Eye'.


  • 感到奇怪,”班夫人,“为什么总是自己孩子那么她们很聪明。”

    'I am very surprised, my dear,' said Mrs Bennet, 'that you should be so ready to think your own children silly. As it happens, they are all very clever.'


  • 现在了他男人生活弗吉尼亚州郊区这里没有人认为是件奇怪的事。

    Yet now he is married to the man he loves and living in a Virginia suburb where few think this odd.


  • 不是封书信唯一奇怪地方看看关于怎么,2:,遵守主道,的心在里面实在完全的。

    That's not the only weird place in this letter, 5 look at what he says about love in 2:5: "Whoever obeys his word truly in this person the love of God has reached perfection.


  • 是的就是一种奇怪果子诞生一刻,一直沉睡你的心里,在你的呵护慢慢生根发芽。

    Yes, love is a strange fruit, from the moment you were born, had been sleeping in your heart, in your care under the slowly take root.


  • 自己,为自己所有独一无二的魅力感到骄傲也许有点奇怪,有点不同常人的才华拥抱你的特别。要炫耀,然后全世界分享

    Love yourself. Take pride in all your unique glory. Maybe you're quirky and have a very different talent. Embrace it. Flaunt it and share it with the world!


  • 十分,我并不觉得这种奇怪。我很为她骄傲

    I love her so much I can't see straight. I'm very proud of her.


  • 这些故事一个万花筒,里面装置着关于高兴意想不到奇怪邂逅,尤其是关于

    The result is a kaleidoscope of stories about joy, separation, unexpected strange encounters and most of all, about love.


  • 几乎我们一样问问,芬自以为能听懂别的动物的谈话是不是很奇怪

    He loves Fern almost as much as we do, and I want him to know how queerly she is acting about that pig and everything.


  • 这也奇怪因为丽娅父亲也是个地地道道实利主义信徒。他女儿有钱人而不是一样的穷光蛋

    No wonder, for the father was just another member of the materialistic society, and he wanted a wealthy husband for his daughter, not a poor fellow like Saeed.


  • 奇怪也许那些穿“看起来不舒服的”鞋子人竟然性格一般比较“沉着冷静”。

    Thee strangest of all may be that those who wore "uncomfortable looking" shoes tend to have "calm" personalities.


  • 这种奇怪事情尤其是证明某个观点的时候。

    He loved to do curious things like that, especially when he was trying to prove a point.


  • 这家报纸写道:“男人们……都不免奇怪'应该忙于烧火做饭使得幕者们发疯。”

    The men... couldn't help wondering: 'She should be busy cooking and driving her admirers mad.


  • 可能很多优秀的男性也尝试接受,可是失败了,我还是他,呵呵奇怪

    Well, there are many excellent men in my surroundings, i have a try to face the music, but i failed. I still love him. haha, it is so weird.


  • 很多男人发现自己容易,奇怪吗?

    Is it any surprise that most men find it easier to love their cars more than themselves?


  • 无休止的追逐,奇怪是及时只带总是追不上你,叶觉得很幸福。

    The way i like you, it is like playing carrouse. I wonder why even I know I will never catch you. But still I feel luckey.


  • 的确奇怪哈丽特的表现真是奇怪极了,真叫玛琢磨

    It was, indeed, so odd; Harriet's behaviour was so extremely odd, that Emma did not know how to understand it.


  • 这个奇怪传统始于1949年,刚好去世一个世纪时间,每次都是伦坡生日一月十九日)那天进行。

    The strange tradition started in 1949 - a century are after Poe's death, and it occurs every year on the author's birthday (January 19).


  • 又或是奇怪而胆怯渴望——机会能够照顾责任看着拥有想要一切,一切完美东西远离她——这就是吗?

    Or was this queer, timid longing to have the chance of looking after her, of making it his job to see that she had everything she wanted, and that nothing came near her that wasn't perfectjust love?


  • 又或是奇怪而胆怯渴望——机会能够照顾责任看着拥有想要一切,一切完美东西远离她——这就是吗?

    Or was this queer, timid longing to have the chance of looking after her, of making it his job to see that she had everything she wanted, and that nothing came near her that wasn't perfectjust love?


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