• 相当显而易见奇力能够越过只乌龟- - -无法赶上

    It is quite clear that Achilles can only pass the tortoise - he cannot catch up with it.


  • 深圳市奇力电子有限公司一家集安全防范产品研发生产销售设计售后服务一体的专业公司

    Kochi Electronic Shenzhen co., Ltd is a security product development, production, marketing, design and after-sales service into a professional company.


  • 因为诺所没有看见,乌龟没有逃避降临到阿奇力身上的这个命运- - -乌龟的步调变得越岭越短,可是也没有到达极限

    Because what Zeno hadn't seen is that the tortoise does not escape the destiny that weighs upon Achilles - its step too gets shorter and shorter and it never arrives at the limit either.


  • 我们一些永远无法实现思妙想,要么是因为这些想法不切实际要么是因为我们或者注意太分散

    We all have brilliant concepts that never come to fruition because they are impractical, or because we are too lazy or distracted.


  • BBVA经济学家拉斐尔•杜曼指出大型出口公司小型内销公司之间生产差距也是双重性的体现。

    As Rafael Domenech, an economist at BBVA, points out, they also include the gulf between the productivity of big exporting companies and small domestically oriented firms.


  • 根据研究,这些受训老鼠后代记忆优势数月会消失

    In Feig's study, the offspring of enriched mice lost their memory benefits after a few months.


  • 就像事例一样,庞大粉丝数量不能说明什么除非博主足够大的影响后盾

    Like Gingrich's example, an excessively large number of followers doesn't necessarily mean much unless a user has influence to back it up.


  • 他们有可能击败布兰.林肯这位也许是继威廉姆.富布莱特之后最有影响国会代表

    They also look likely to knock off Blanche Lincoln, the state’s senior senator, and arguably its most powerful congressional representative since William Fulbright.


  • 法官对于发明普遍观点倾向科尔·里想象理论而不是来自法官来自实验室经验

    The average judge's view of invention tends to have more to do with Coleridge's theories about the imagination than with the judge's experience inside an engineering lab.


  • 他们有可能击败布兰·林肯这位也许是继威廉姆。富布莱特之后最有影响国会代表

    They also look likely to knock off Blanche Lincoln, the state's senior senator, and arguably its most powerful congressional representative since William Fulbright.


  • 此地敏感颖悟之赋予丰富感知极端贫困伴行,也就不足

    It is not surprising that the sensual riches granted to a sensitive man of these regions should coincide with the most extreme destitution.


  • 的住所白色极简风格的大院,院里有一个私人湖。该院子也兼作艺术画廊,展出名人安迪·霍尔、罗伊·斯坦、张晓刚的作品。

    Han's residence-a white minimalist compound with its own private lagoon-moonlights as a gallery featuring art by luminaries such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Zhang Xiaogang, and Fang Lijun.


  • 勒亚从卡拉北部流过,有大片呈现巨大绿色几何形的盐田排列三角洲的北岸。

    The Lyari River passes north of the Port of Karachi, and expansive salt works, appearing as large geometric areas of green, line the northern edge of that river’s delta.


  • 竞选期间,萨科下生迅速发觉购买大众关心的问题,承诺加以解决

    When he was running for office, Mr. Sarkozy was quick to identify purchasing power as a popular concern, and to pledge to do something about it.


  • 所以按照规则游戏不然就不要干坐抱怨把你思妙想化为现实。

    So play by the rules of the game the best that you can, or don’t sit and complain when you have a great idea and no one to help you launch it.


  • 克勒若奥卢先生已经证明了自己坚强精明而谨慎的大忙人,可能内部异议分子转移几个月的注意

    Mr Kilicdaroglu has proved himself a tough and canny operator, but he may be distracted by internal dissent for months.


  • 条河流——勒亚河(Lyari)马里尔河(Malir)从卡拉穿城而流入阿拉伯

    Two rivers, the Lyari and Malir, pass through Karachi en route to the Arabian Sea.


  • 周 二早上这位员工宿舍楼死亡,生前资源承包商雇员,美电子(ChimeiInnolux Corp.)旗下工厂工作

    The deceased man, who died early Tuesday after falling from a dormitory building, was an employee of a human resources contractor working at a factory owned by Chimei Innolux Corp. (3481.


  • 西班牙每日体育报报道塞维利亚打算1月增强球队创造,据悉他们有意引进尤文图斯边锋拉西

    Sevilla are considering making a move for Juventus winger Milos Krasic in the January transfer window in an attempt to add more creativity to their squad, Spanish daily Sport reports.


  • 巴伯苏拉威西岛的塔斯卡野生动物营救中心以及印度尼西亚非洲影响这两个组织中做志愿者

    Barb has volunteered with Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Center in Sulawesi, Indonesia and African Impact.


  • 巴特诚实理解不相上下,这二者都专用事情上

    The honesty of Partridge was equal to his understanding and both dealt only in small matters.


  • 人类之所以主宰地球不是因为任何肌肉大无比,也不是牙齿异常锋利而是我们大脑独特创造

    Humanity owes its dominant position on Earth not to any special strength of our muscles, nor any unusual sharpness of our teeth, but to the unique ingenuity of our brains.


  • 一个剂量约莫是九岁以下孩子们有效剂量的一半可是第二剂量光鲜较着地增强他们免疫

    One dose was about half as effective in kids nine and younger, Fauci said, but the second dose will boost their immunity substantially.


  • 然而是十分独特一个人并且可能会产生如比尔·盖茨史蒂夫·乔布斯影响

    But Page is sui generis and could potentially have the kind of impact Bill Gates and Steve Jobs have had.


  • 然而是十分独特一个人并且可能会产生如比尔·盖茨史蒂夫·乔布斯影响

    But Page is sui generis and could potentially have the kind of impact Bill Gates and Steve Jobs have had.


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