• 第一被发现太阳行星51PegasiB,它围绕着颗类日恒星旋转,距离地球50光年,它被非正式命名为Bellerophon,Bellerophon是驯服了文艺女神珀加索斯的一位希腊英雄。

    The first discovery of an extrasolar planet around a sun-like star was 51 Pegasi B, an exoplanet roughly 50 light-years away, unofficially named Bellerophon after the tamer of the mythical Pegasus.


  • 嘎嘎姐用来搭配这套古怪冬装脖子宽大的物神皮革项圈黑色香奈儿太阳镜。时尚女神此行目的地是巴黎的一个布鲁斯广场时尚商店

    The star accessorised her outlandish winter look with a broad leather fetish collar around her neck and a pair of black Chanel sunglasses for her trip to one of the city's Bruce Field fashion stores.


  • 能证明Solarworld野心是,广告闪光之处是着“美国制造太阳自由女神

    Illustrating its ambitions, a Solarworld advertisement features the Statue of Liberty holding a solar panel with the words "Made in USA."


  • 依然相信上帝一些以色列人开始崇拜其他太阳神(Baal)或亚女神(Asherah)这样神祗

    I still keptthe way of the Lord but some other Israelites started to believeother Gods like Baal and Asherah.


  • 后羿九个太阳之后女神给了一种感谢他。

    After Hou Yi shot down the nine SUNS, a goddess gave him a magic medicine to thank him.


  • 各种古典风格装饰艺术品充斥房间,客厅放着爱神青铜雕塑是最有名希腊爱情神话故事之一,还有黎明女神欧若拉引领太阳神阿波罗的油画。

    Classical art dominates here with a bronze statue of Eros and Psyche, one of the great love Greek love stories, and Apollo led by Aurora - the Greek goddess of the dawn the Greek goddess of the dawn.


  • 银河系中央巨大双星一组双星是银河系的圣生命。 人们称呼它银河女神、佩洛玛(全然完整的神圣力量)和银河中央太阳

    In the center of our Galaxy, there is a huge double star, the source of Light and life for this Galaxy, the Galactic Goddess, the Pleroma, the Galactic Central Sun.


  • 根据太阳移动轨迹应该在中午之前登参观,拍出来女神脸上比较明亮。

    According to the track sun moves, I should arrive Liberty Island no later than noon, then there will be appropriate brightness on face of Statue of Liberty.


  • “瓦尔俄足”前夜的活动程序:妇女围聚火堂边制作祭祀女神太阳馍馍、月亮馍馍山形馍馍(舅舅陪同);

    Before the day: Women of the village make the sun-like steamed bun, moon-like steamed bun and hill-like steamed bun in order to offer the Goddess.


  • 太阳神阿波罗主管音乐诗歌预言孪生妹妹阿耳忒弥斯(狄安娜)则月亮狩猎女神

    Apollo was the god of the sun, music, poetry and prophecy, while his twin sister Artemis (Diana) was the goddess of the moon and the chase.


  • 所有诗人英雄一样,皆是曙光女神儿女,都会太阳升起的时候奏响他们美丽的乐章。

    All poets and heroes, like Memnon, are the children of Aurora, and emit their music at sunrise.


  • 西弥斯女神24可能来自早期太阳时间并且可能类似于也许已经在猛烈轰击期间小行星到达地球上的冰。

    The ice on Themis 24 could be a sort of time capsule from the early solar system and could be similar to the ice that may have arrived on Earth from asteroids during the Heavy Bombardment.


  • 日本航天局官员,“月亮女神采集数据有助于科学家最终月球建立一个太阳发电站努力

    Officials at Japan's space agency say data collected by Kaguya should help scientists' efforts to eventually set up a solar power station on the moon.


  • 日本航天局官员,“月亮女神采集数据有助于科学家最终月球建立一个太阳发电站努力

    Officials at Japan's space agency say data collected by Kaguya should help scientists' efforts to eventually set up a solar power station on the moon.


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