• 中心温度多少摄氏度太阳地球相距多少千米

    Does the centre temperature have the number centigrade? How many kilometers is the sun apart from the earth?


  • 两枚欧洲宇航局建造卫星探测太阳地球之间如何进行相互作用。

    The satellites, built by the European Space Agency (ESA), will look at interaction between the sun and the Earth.


  • 月亮运行太阳地球之间时,一种奇异的魔力心底生根

    When the moon passes between the sun and the earth, a strange fascination takes root in the heart.


  • 贯穿张图片明亮水平线银河系太阳地球就处于其中

    The bright horizontal line running the full length of the image is the galaxy's main disc - the plane in which the Sun and the Earth also reside.


  • 46亿年前发生的事情当时太阳地球出现在如今已经消失的星际星云中

    That's what happened 4.6 billion years ago, when the sun and the Earth emerged from a now-vanished interstellar nebula.


  • 另外没有人可以预防遭到的辐射,比如太阳地球便天天我们以辐射。

    On the other hand, nobody can prevent getting a radiation dose: the sun and the earth are continuously giving us some.


  • 太阳地球天王星将近30亿公里因此行驶到再返回需要一个高速交通工具

    Uranus is nearly three billion kilometers from the sun and Earth, thus traveling there, and back, requires a high-speed vehicle.


  • 月亮直接太阳地球之间经过遮住太阳一部分全部时,日食便发生了。

    An eclipse of the sun occurs when the moon passes directly between the sun and the earth, screening part or all of the sun's disk.


  • 日蚀月亮穿过太阳地球之间时发生,挡住全部太阳留下光环

    A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, blocking out all of the sun but its corona, or outer ring.


  • 作为联接太阳地球纽带,行星际空间空间天气锁反应一个关键环节。

    The interplanetary (IP) space is a key node of the cause-effect chain for the space weather, as a pivot linking the Sun and the Earth.


  • 目前对于太阳地球引力变化引起的微振动采用先进主动控制达到高精度隔振要求

    Adopting the active control can meet the isolation demand high accuracy for tiny vibration induced by the gravitation variation between the sun and the earth.


  • 原因一个新月直接通过在太阳地球之间阻断太阳的光芒但是仍然可以见到束状的光环。

    They are caused when a new moon passes directly between the sun and the Earth, blocking out all but the sun's wispy corona.


  • 凌日是指行星(本次是金星)运行至太阳地球之间因此可以观测太阳圆盘上有一个黑点

    A transit occurs when a planet passes directly between the sun and the Earth; therefore the planet, in this case Venus, becomes visible and hence obscures a small portion of the solar disk.


  • 这次月球通过太阳地球之间引起的日食一月号上午大约八点到九点半的时候,英国可以观测到。

    The eclipse, caused by the Moon passing between the Earth and the Sun, will be visible in the UK between around 8am and 9.30am on January 4.


  • 月亮传递过程瓦尔帕莱索,75英里(121公里圣地亚哥,2010年7月11日食西北之间太阳地球

    The moon passes between the sun and the earth during a solar eclipse in Valparaiso City, 75 miles (121 km) northwest of Santiago, July 11, 2010.


  • 为了能减轻装载,美国宇航局最新月球探测器间接的飞月球通过天文学中的一个停站点,在那里太阳地球重力场将相互抵消平衡。

    To lighten the load, NASA's newest lunar probes will take an indirect route to the moon, via a type of celestial way station where the sun's gravity and Earth's gravity balances out.


  • 离心率倾斜摆动变化并不影响地球接收到的太阳辐射总量

    Changes in eccentricity, tilt and wobble do not affect the total amount of solar radiation Earth receives in a year.


  • 二氧化碳我们太阳之间形成了一道屏障阻止热量大气中散因此地球变得越来越

    Carbon dioxide, which makes a barrier between us and the sun, prevents heat from getting out of the atmosphere, so the earth is becoming warmer.


  • 阿利斯塔计算认识到太阳地球其他行星要大多。

    Aristarchus recognized from his calculations that the Sun was much larger than the Earth and other planets.


  • 按照它们太阳距离排列这些行星分别水星金星地球火星木星土星天王星、海王星冥王星

    The planets, in order of their distance from the Sun, are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.


  • 这个理论就是地球火星大气层足够温室气体帮助提升温度从而弥补早期太阳提供较低热量

    The idea was that trapped greenhouse gases in the atmospheres of Earth and Mars might have caused temperatures to raise enough to compensate for the low heat the young Sun provided.


  • 地心指以地球为中心,所以地心论认为太阳行星恒星围绕地球旋转,地球静止的。

    Geocentric means Earth-centered, so the geocentric view holds that the Sun, the planets, and the stars, all revolve around the Earth, which is stationary.


  • 称为“明亮的早期的太阳解决方案”,根据方案,太阳提供足够热量,使地球火星上变成液体

    It is called the bright-young-Sun solution, according to which the Sun would have provided enough heat for the water on Earth and Mars to be liquid.


  • 介绍陨石不同类型以及我们能够从中了解到有关地球太阳形成的知识。

    I wanna go over the different types of meteorites, and what we've learned from them about the formation of Earth, and the solar system.


  • 我们太阳后来温度变得更高时早期细菌持续清除大气中的二氧化碳甲烷使地球气候不至于变得无法维持生命的存在。

    When our Sun later became hotter, the continued removal of atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane by early bacteria kept Earth's climate from becoming too hot to sustain life.


  • 金星自转一周需要243个地球日,因此来自太阳热量悠闲、更容易观察到速度被吸收分配

    The planet Venus takes 243 earth-days to turn once on its axis, so incoming heat from the sun is added and distributed at a more leisurely, observable pace.


  • 随着地球围绕太阳的轨道倾斜我们带到这个半球,我们远离直接接收太阳光线的地方。

    Earth's orbit around the sun and tilt on its axis combine to carry us in this hemisphere further away from receiving the sun's rays most directly.


  • 月蚀中,地球将从太阳月球之间经过

    In a lunar eclipse, Earth passes between the sun and the moon.


  • 全市发生太阳地球月球连成一线地球夜晚一侧观察者可以看到暗了的月亮。

    During an eclipse, the sun, Earth and moon line up, leaving a darkened moon visible to observers on the night side of the planet.


  • 全市发生太阳地球月球连成一线地球夜晚一侧观察者可以看到暗了的月亮。

    During an eclipse, the sun, Earth and moon line up, leaving a darkened moon visible to observers on the night side of the planet.


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