• 本文根据模糊集合理论讨论了太阳分类预报

    In this paper, on the basis of fuzzy set theory the classification and the prediction of solar cycles are discussed.


  • 本文统计分析了日球基本参数能量参数共转变化第20太阳中不同位相的演变

    The evolutions of corotating variation of some basic heliospheric parameters and energy parameters are studied in this paper for the solar cycle 20.


  • 商业时报援引太阳邮轮发言人朱迪的话称,公司收到马来西亚方面的“一些建议”。

    Sun Cruise had received "some advice" from Malaysia on the matter, The Business Times newspaper quoted company spokeswoman Judy Choo as saying.


  • 金星自转需要243个地球日,因此来自太阳热量悠闲、更容易观察到速度被吸收分配

    The planet Venus takes 243 earth-days to turn once on its axis, so incoming heat from the sun is added and distributed at a more leisurely, observable pace.


  • 这两装置阳光充足气候条件下工作良好在北欧,太阳可能云层遮挡温度不仅随着季节变化而且还随着昼夜变化。

    Both these devices worked well in sunny climates; but in northern Europe, the sun may be hidden by clouds for weeks at a time, while temperatures vary not only seasonally but from day to night.


  • 星球每太阳绕行椭圆形轨道中轴就变化

    The mainaxis of the planet's orbital ellipse shifts each time it goes round the sun.


  • 如果放到我们太阳中,参宿四的直径几乎可以环绕木星轨道

    If found in our own solar system its diameter would almost encompass the orbit of Jupiter.


  • 4.7环绕恒星轨道一个适度椭圆平均距离0.04个天文单位(为水星太阳的十分之一)。

    It orbits its star every 4.7 days, in a moderately elliptical orbit at a mean distance of only 0.04 AU (one tenth of Mercury's distance from the sun).


  • 由于晚上,四的,所以命令“要光亮”,太阳就升起了。

    Since it was nighttime in my dream world, it was dark, so I did my “let there be light” thing, and the sun came up.


  • 打了电话问题天文学家了一通,然后告诉查利·达:“安塔芮一个黑夜里你们地球会绕太阳旋转93。”

    He phoned, asked the question, listened. He told Charley Dalton, "your planet Earth makes ninety-three revolutions around your sun Sol during one period of darkness on Antares II."


  • 地球围绕自己轴线旋转为24小时,即一天;地球环绕太阳的时间为

    Our earth turns on its axis once in every twenty-four hours, and goes also round the sun once a year.


  • 2011年4月13日太阳落山时景象,地震海啸灾难摧毁了宫城县Ishinomaki将近5废墟随处可见。

    The sun set on April 13, 2011, over debris still piled up nearly five weeks after the earthquake and tsunami disaster devastated the city of Ishinomaki in Miyagi prefecture.


  • 太阳黑子是太阳表层形成一些黑斑,并会生成的数月内消失,对于这些,数个世纪以来的文学家都一一记录了下来

    For centuries, astronomers have recorded when these dark blemishes on the solar surface emerge, only for them to fade away again after a few days, weeks or months.


  • (地球太阳公转一365),对比起来,月球约用29天左右绕地球一

    (It takes about 365 days for the earth to make a complete revolution around the sun.) In contrast, the moon takes 29 days or so to make a complete cycle around the earth.


  • 地球花费24小时完成地轴的自转,花费大约365完成绕太阳的公转。

    It takes Earth 24 hours to complete a rotation on its axis, and roughly 365 days to complete an orbit around the sun.


  • 他发表评论之前,全球媒体业巨头们聚集在美国太阳,进行了为期非正式秘密讨论娱乐界重量级人士的每年聚会。

    The comments came after a week of informal, private discussions between the world's leading media magnates at Sun Valley, an annual gathering for the great and good of the entertainment world.


  • 每年能看见太阳日子只有几天“村干部霍存(音译),"我们总是黑色,没有人会在外面晒被子,所以我们寄生虫也多”。

    "We only see the sun for a few days each year, " said Zhou Huocun, a community doctor. "The color of our village is black.


  • 虽然,太阳活动目前标准11中逐渐增加这种固定的持续几千年

    While solar activity is currently increasing in its standard 11-year cycle, this same cycle has occurred over millennia.


  • 万宝路牛仔”可能就是最好例子太阳眯缝眼睛同时四散发出硬朗的气质。

    The Marlboro man is probably the best example of the attractively rugged aura surrounding sun-squinted eyes in a man.


  • 太阳圈温度高达数千万数万英里外向四蔓延。

    The ring of fire, heated to tens of millions of degrees, stretches out tens of thousands of miles.


  • 地球磁场效应不仅能够指引指南针,还能够将其效应延伸至宇宙空间指引地球太阳流向,这样就形成了一种称为气圈”的结构(如上图所示)。

    Besides directing compasses, the Earth's magnetic field reaches out into space to direct the flow of the solar wind around the planet-forming a structure called the magnetosphere (depicted above).


  • 第24开始,人们通过太阳扭转振动位置强度准确预知第24期内太阳黑子活动的推迟。

    Before cycle 24 commenced, the position and strength of the torsional oscillation correctly predicted the late arrival of this cycle's sunspot activity.


  • 美国国家航空航天局科学家已经悄无声息地一个木星计划发射任务准备了一,这个计划被认为能够解开太阳如何形成关键秘密

    NASA scientists are slightly more than a week away from launching a Jupiter mission they say will unlock key secrets of how our solar system was formed.


  • 之前在贵州省贵阳市小村庄里看到一个太阳照明的试点项目

    A few weeks ago, when I was in Guizhou province outside Guiyang city, standing in a small village to see a pilot project in solar lighting, I reflected on what I had seen.


  • Gliese 581行星拥有太阳的行星一样类圆形轨道

    Like our solar system, the planets around Gliese 581 have nearly-circular orbits.


  • 处在27,000光年外太阳每隔两亿三千万运行

    The sun, 27, 000 light-years away, completes a revolution once every 230 million years.


  • 马勒其他一些人认为太阳运行大约要用2600万的时间。

    Muller and others believe that the dark star probably takes about 26m years to complete an orbit around the sun.


  • 但是拱星四外壳可以宇宙延伸600多亿公里相当于地球太阳距离的400

    But the larger envelope of circumstellar dust extends some 60 billion kilometers into space, equivalent to about 400 times the Earth-Sun distance.


  • 天文学家Gliese 581已经发现行星——除了我们太阳之外,Gliese 581人类发现行星最多的行星系。

    Astronomers have now found six planets in orbit around Gliese 581 - the most discovered in a planetary system other than our own solar system.


  • 地球上看,我们将地球赤道往天际延伸之后我们称之为天体赤道就是现在被描述成天空一个圆形区域。当地球沿着轨道绕太阳公。

    A circle all around the sky. We can also imagine that while the Earth orbits around the sun, from down here on the surface.


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