• 关于太阳光谱构成我们了解不少

    We have known much of the constitution of the solar spectrum.


  • 我们台多波段太阳光谱进行耀斑光谱观测

    We use the multi-wavelength solar spectrograph of the Purple Mountain Observatory to observe the spectra of solar flares.


  • 例如看到黄金线太阳光谱唯一的谱线。

    For instance you see the spectral line of the gold is the only spectral line in the spectrum of the sun.


  • 太阳光谱测得直接辐射光谱含有大气水汽含量信息

    There is the information content of atmospheric water vapour in direct solar radiation measured with a solar spectrometer.


  • 通过模拟太阳光谱光源,对电池组件的相关参数进行测量

    The equipment is specially used in testing solar energy mono-crystalline silicon, poly-crystalline silicon, amorphous-crystalline silicon, and solar cell module.


  • 然而太阳光谱大量红外线,如不加以利用未免有些愚蠢

    But there is a lot of infra-red in the spectrum, so it seems silly to ignore it.


  • 光谱十分接近太阳光谱从而使发光效率显色大为提高

    Spectrum very close to the solar spectrum, so that the light-emitting efficiency and light color of greatly improved.


  • 今天太阳电池反射涂层尽量充分利用太阳光谱波长排放大量粒子

    Today, the antireflective coating on solar cells is optimized to the wavelength of the solar spectrum emitting the largest amount of photons (light particles).


  • 元素首先太阳发现后来,在地球上发现,通过观察太阳光谱中的吸收线

    So helium was first discovered on the sun before it was later discovered on Earth by looking at the absorption lines of the solar spectrum.


  • 太阳光谱中的几千条谱线绝大多数确切地地球已知元素谱线相吻合。

    Of the thousands of line in the sun's spectrum, most can be definitely identified with those of elements known on the earth.


  • 本文讨论了利用自动太阳光谱测量地面紫外辐射光谱进一步计算了NO_2的光分解系数。

    We measured UV radiation spectrum reaching the ground by the Automatic Solar Spectrophotometer, and calculated NO2 photolysis rate further.


  • 介绍利用离子工艺制备黑色氮钛对其磨损、耐腐蚀稳定性太阳光谱吸收等性能进行了研究。

    Black tin coating was prepared by multi arc ion plating technology, and wear resistance, corrosion resistance, heat proof property and absorption property of solar spectrum were also discussed.


  • 原子物理学研究原子基本结构性质及其相互作用规律的科学,起源于19世纪太阳光谱气体放电研究

    The basic task of atomic and molecular physics is to research the atomic structure, property and interaction regularity. It came from the study of sun spectrum and gas discharge at 19 century.


  • 摘要介绍利用多弧离子工艺制备黑色氮钛对其磨损腐蚀、热稳定性及太阳光谱吸收等性能进行了研究。

    Black tin coating was prepared by multi-arc ion plating technology and wear resistance corrosion resistance heat-proof property and absorption property of solar spectrum were also discussed.


  • 根据实测气溶胶粒子大气气溶胶在8—13微米窗区的衰减效应进行了计算利用太阳光谱得到的某些实测结果进行了比较

    Attenuation by different kinds of aerosols has been calculated on the basis of size distribution measured in the real atmosphere and compared with the results measured by solar spectrum.


  • 如果真的放大太阳光谱,你可以分辨出多达10万条的光谱线。

    If you really magnify the spectrum of the sunlight, you could identify more than 100,000 of them.


  • 如果太阳光谱放大了,会怎样呢?

    What happens if the sunlight's spectrum is magnified?


  • 我们得到太阳光谱看起来像是颜色互相渗透

    So we've got a spectrum of a beam of sunlight and it looks like the colors bleed into each other.


  • 英国天文学家分析一台太阳摄谱仪时注意到一种特殊光谱线模式,它与图书馆里任何一种都匹配

    A British astronomer was analyzing a spectrograph of sunlight, and he noticed a particular pattern of spectral lines that didn't match anything in the library.


  • 然而月亮不会完全消失因为我们大气层空气可以折射一部分被挡住光线太阳光谱中的红色光折射月球上。

    However, the moon doesn't completely disappear since the gasses in our atmosphere act to bend some of the blocked sunlight, directing the red part of the solar spectrum back to the moon.


  • 二氧化碳甲烷太阳中吸收能量并且光谱留下独特痕迹能够探测出光强变化

    Both carbon dioxide and methane absorb energy from sunlight and both leave a unique signature that can be measured to detect changes in intensity.


  • l 牛顿发现太阳可以分解像彩虹那样各种颜色组成光谱

    Newton also discovered that sunlight can be split into a spectrum made of all the colours of the rainbow.


  • 太阳分离光谱颜色棱镜分光解析

    The prismatic resolution of sunlight into its spectral colors.


  • 室内全光谱太阳可以起到太阳光照的作用,这种设备对不能室外去的时候就更有作用了。

    Full spectrum light bulbs can also help simulate sunlight and help when it's impossible to get outside.


  • 赛尔建立基础上的理论假定颜色添加剂如果光谱所有颜色混合在一起,就会产生白色的光,太阳光就是一个普通例子

    Munsell's theory, based on light, assume that color is additive and that all the colors of the spectrum, when mixed together, pro duce white light, the common example being sunlight.


  • 你们知道拿着一个水晶棱镜时候,让太阳光从中间穿过就得到了光谱彩虹那样的。

    You all know how you take a crystal prism when passed beam of sun light through it, you get spectrum which looks like continue rainbow colors.


  • 赛尔建立基础上的理论假定颜色添加剂如果光谱所有颜色混合在一起,就会产生白光太阳就是一个普通例子

    Munsell's theory, based on light, assume that color is additive and that all the colors of the spectrum, when mixed together, produce white light, the common example being sunlight.


  • 单一半导体光催化剂催化活性一般都不高,通过改性可以提高光催化活性甚至在提高活性的同时扩展光谱响应范围,提高太阳利用率

    The activity of photocatalysts can be improved by the photocatalyst modification, and the spectral response is also enlarged and the utilization of sunlight is enhanced.


  • 单一半导体光催化剂催化活性一般都不高,通过改性可以提高光催化活性甚至在提高活性的同时扩展光谱响应范围,提高太阳利用率

    The activity of photocatalysts can be improved by the photocatalyst modification, and the spectral response is also enlarged and the utilization of sunlight is enhanced.


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