• 长的句子占用昂贵空间,而这些空间可以被更好地用于暴力无情的人。

    Too long a sentence will take up costly space better used for the violent and unremorseful.


  • 很少有用户能够忍受太长的响应时间

    Few users tolerate lengthy response times.


  • 有些/组件可能出现参数列表变得太长的现象。

    Some side effects are going to be long argument lists for some of the classes/components.


  • 占用一个长的时间完全忽略他们基本上同样糟糕

    Taking up too much of someone's time is almost as bad as ignoring them entirely.


  • 需要太长的时间,惊喜的发现朋友多么的乐意你诉说。

    You don't have to be alone in this. You'll be surprised at how ready your friends will be to listen and be there for you.


  • 个月时间乘坐任何巴士长的时间,有些人感觉其他人累。

    Three months is a long time on any bus and some have found it more tiring than others.


  • 长的时间里我们上网为了联系彼此却付出了隐私作为代价。

    For too long, we've been going online to connect to each other, but sacrificing intimacy as a result.


  • 简短屏幕阅读纸介质那样舒适,因此人们趋向回避长的博文

    It's short: reading on the screen isn't as enjoyable as reading on paper, so people tend to shy away from really long pieces.


  • 但这绝不会持续长的时间因为公众具有良好判断力不会第二购买相同的制品。

    It will not do so for long, for mercifully the public has the good sense not to buy the inferior article more than once.


  • 是的已经买来了所有东西这个不用长的时间准备。会有多少参加晚会

    Yes. I've bought all the things to go in it. It won't take long to make. How many people are coming to the party?


  • 因此并不需要长的时间所以推荐个构建发生,都创建建立一个新的工作区

    Since this does not take a lot of time to do, it is recommended that you create and set up a new workspace each time a build takes place.


  • 四月天空仿佛烦恼什么,任由青灰色云层长的刘海遮住清澈眼眸

    April sky, as though always in trouble for something, let the blue gray clouds hanging for too long as the fringe, cover the clear eyes.


  • 因为模型没有任何材质大量几何面可以不用长的渲染时间而渲染出分辨率的图。

    Because the model didn't have any materials or a ton of geometry, I was able to render at much higher resolutions without extremely long render times.


  • 如果这个客服部门话费长的时间回应的要求,或者只是简单交流句,了。

    If the support department takes too long to reply to your queries, or if it takes you quite some time to simply get in touch with its operator, it might be too late.


  • 他们:“我们应当从较为简单的代码开始或者“我们花费了长的时间以至于我们设计没有准备好”。

    They said things like: "We should have started coding earlier," or "We took too long to get our design ready."


  • 然而这种提醒使人们愿意谈论他们感受或者会使他们觉得自己有些正常或者已经痛苦长的时间

    Unfortunately, that type of advice can sometimes make people hesitant to talk about their loss or make them think they're grieving inappropriately or for too long, or that they're not normal.


  • 由于用户可能分享太长的StumbleUpon链接或者把这些链接用于自己博客,所以不是问题

    As users aren't likely to share the long StumbleUpon links or use them to link to a site from their own blog, this shouldn't be too much of an issue.


  • 宏观经济条件激发了危机,但部分原因是政策选择联储忽视了房市泡沫并且利率水平停留了长的时间。

    The macro economic condition that set up the crisis stemmed in part from policy choices: the Federal Reserve ignored the housing bubble and kept short-term interest rates too low for too long.


  • Levit建议说:“需要完成工作清单办公室找你的上司,不要任何一个项目上停留长的时间。”

    Levit suggests, "Appear in her office with a checklist of things you need to cover, and don't dwell too long on any particular subject."


  • 表明花费长的时间浏览其他人社交媒体帖子可以创建不现实社会比较”,导致情绪恶化嫉妒感

    Spending too long looking at other people's social media posts can create "unrealistic social comparisons", which induce a deterioration of mood and a sense of envy, it suggested.


  • 虽然剧中才离开神秘瀑布镇不到一个但是我们相信并不长的时间里,他必定受到Jules的影响。

    In Mystic Falls time, he'll have been gone less than a month, but we can't imagine that quality time with the near-feral Jules can be a positive influence on a kid.


  • 然而,假如强劲、过于猛烈阳光经过时间吹拂以及长的日照之后问题往往就会无可避免的产生了。

    Accordingly, temperance wind and sunlight are essential to the environment but fierce wind blows for long time and strong sunlight shine for long time, which would cause problems.


  • 杜福尔发现,总体上而言,指挥+控制老板喜欢耗时长的辩论讨论而且他们擅于应付各种‘问题’。”

    In general, command-and-control bosses "don't enjoy extended debate and discussion, and they aren't adept at dealing with any type of 'people problem'," Dufour observes.


  • 杜福尔发现,总体上而言,指挥+控制老板喜欢耗时长的辩论讨论而且他们擅于应付各种‘问题’。”

    In general, command-and-control bosses "don't enjoy extended debate and discussion, and they aren't adept at dealing with any type of 'people problem'," Dufour observes.


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