• 蓝天白云极目远舒,苍穹深处,遥望天路

    Looking as far as eyes can, blue sky, white cloud. Overlooking road heaven from deep welkin.


  • 舒服天路起泡了。

    This pair of shoes are not comfortable, I had blisters on my feet after walking in them for a day.


  • 天路历程》大致旧约新约主要情节对应

    Pilgrim's progress with the old testament and roughly the new testament correspond to the main plot.


  • 通往雪域高原天路沟通的,难道仅仅只是天堑

    That day a road leading to snow-covered plateau, ah, communication, do not just natural moat?


  • 于是他们叹息:“要是一条能够偷偷潜入另一种存在快乐的天路就好了!”

    Then they sighed: "o that there were heavenly paths by which to steal into another existence and into happiness!"


  • 旅游局表示草原天路游客身上用于景区维护环境保护。“草原天路誉为“中国66号公路”。

    It said money collected from tourists driving Grass Skyline , which is known as "China's Route 66", will be used for maintenance and environmental protection.


  • 螺旋楼梯不仅重新连接功能新的垂直交通体系作为陈列馆展示流线。这条“天路”寓意着云端漫步,也是云南公路人不断向上进取的象征。

    Spiral staircase is not only a new vertical transportation system connected to the function of each layer, Also as a gallery show streamline.


  • 太黑了,我们看不清路。

    It was too dark for us to see the road clearly.


  • 走了两天,但仍然找不到出去的路。

    He walked for two days but he still couldn't find his way out.


  • 家伙乐意帮忙,我们一路愉快地着天,一直聊爱丁堡

    The guy took it in good part, and we chatted happily all the way to Edinburgh.


  • 因为一天黎明的到来,将要再次感谢——,让她分享了特殊时刻

    And as a new day dawns she will thank the road yet again, for special times Shared.


  • 捐赠者必须说服选民,将来的某个时点捐赠会结束,总有天将撤回援助,即使还有要走

    Donors will need to convince voters that there is an end point in mind and a date for withdrawal, even if it is some way off.


  • 但是将来某一天团队研究也许能为大家指引可以花费更少时间在睡眠上的路,这样说

    But someday, her team's research may lead to a way for all of us to spend less time sleeping, she says.


  • 我们早早上床睡觉,第二早起出发驶上大洋条路从阿德雷德到墨尔本,沿着海岸线延伸160英里

    We went to bed to rise early the next day and set off along the Great Ocean Road, which stretches for around 160 miles along the coast between Adelaide and Melbourne.


  • 这些需要任何东西除了所爱的,文本编辑器,一个我建立邮局,一本好书简单食物御寒衣服以及户外世界

    These days, I need nothing but my loved ones, a text editor, a way to post what I create, a good book, simple plant-based food, a few clothes for warmth, and the outdoors.


  • 我们很长的要走因为我们发明大多数纳米机械装置”仍大范围干预或者精心布局来实现任何设想

    But we're a long way off from that future, as most of the nanoscale "machinery" we've created requires extensive intervention or carefully prepared conditions in order to do anything.


  • 第二醒来时候希拉里都清楚昨天跳进了一个深渊必须自己想办法寻路出来

    When we woke up the next morning, Hillary and I knew I had jumped into another pit I’d have to dig myself out of.


  • 还有一天新来年级的小学生学校公车上坐路,也是假毛儿上前安慰

    The other day when a new third grader lost it on the school bus, it was Jamal who went to comfort him.


  • 如果天雨路滑,如果冰天雪地,可以将人们处于受伤的危险之中,”

    If it’s slippery, if it’s icy, you can’t get people exposed to injuries, ” he said.


  • 旅程不过二十四英里路他们启程很早,为的是正午赶到天恩寺街。

    It was a journey of only twenty-four miles, and they began it so early as to be in Gracechurch-street by noon.


  • 他因天气原因住了,天来剑河地区所有雪天住了。显然利用这个时机(也利用了我们付给他的向导)城里尽情痛饮

    He had been stranded by the weather, which closed all roads around Jianhe for three days, and evidently had taken this chance (and his fee) to go on a festive bender around town.


  • 一路上他们经历了各种各样经历:如碰到其他医师,并座神山上接受了长达一治疗

    Along the way there were all sorts of -adventures: -encounters with other healers, a day-long healing session on a holy -mountain.


  • 我们自由诞生的那天起,美国个关于未来信念——坚信未来总是现在,即使前方的充满不确定性。

    From thebirth of our liberty, America has had a faith in the futurea beliefthat where we’re going is better than where we’ve been, even when the path aheadis uncertain.


  • 第二天早晨床上收音机里正在唱的《无论路远》。

    The next morning I laid in bed listening to ain't no Mountain High Enough on the radio.


  • 一个村庄里,天没就起床,要走几英里路取水

    She lives in a rural village, rises before dawn, and walks miles to collect water.


  • 最近柬埔寨山区骑行四结果一路上灾祸连连——过不去,无法骑行的路,一直最终连人也受了伤。

    Her recent four-day trip to the Cardamom Mountains turned into a litany of mishapsfrom impassable rivers and unrideable tracks to broken bikes and – ultimately – bodies.


  • 这个寒冷早晨,天尚未破晓,92路汽车沿山间高速公路向下行驶,车厢里的高中生们却安安静静地敲打笔记本电脑

    But on this chilly morning, as bus No. 92 rolls down a mountain highway just before dawn, high school students are quiet, typing on laptops.


  • 托默村长丛林里艰难跋涉天才找到克伦族联盟军指挥部他们在指挥部里找了个认识的战士给他们带路。

    Htoo Moo and the chief trudged through the jungle for three days to a KNU headquarters, where they shook hands and parted, and Htoo Moo asked a KNU insurgent to guide him the rest of the way.


  • 托默村长丛林里艰难跋涉天才找到克伦族联盟军指挥部他们在指挥部里找了个认识的战士给他们带路。

    Htoo Moo and the chief trudged through the jungle for three days to a KNU headquarters, where they shook hands and parted, and Htoo Moo asked a KNU insurgent to guide him the rest of the way.


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