• 假定月球居民他们就会看到地球高悬天空中的巨型的镜子一样,反射太阳光到月球上。

    If there were any inhabitants of the moon, they would see our earth reflecting the light of the sun, again like a huge mirror hung in the sky.


  • 树木搭起框架,在他们延伸着大海天空平静的静静地休憩着。

    The hills were framed with trees, and beyond them stretched a band of sea on which the sky, like a sail becalmed, rested in all its tenderness.


  • 不好一方好比爆炸的烟花终将照亮天空对于很多没有能力支付账单孩子,账单终将到期

    The bad news is that as certainly as exploding fireworks illuminate the sky, the bills will eventually come due for many kids who can't afford to pay them.


  • 伦敦樱草山路人驻足观看赞颂平克·弗洛伊德月之》为影集天空艺术

    Passers-by watch as Sky Arts pays tribute to Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon album cover, on Primrose Hill, London


  • 一道电光过,着狂烈死亡之舞,接着雷声广阔天空的四八方传来

    The lightning flashed in a wild dance of death, and thunder came from every part of the huge sky.


  • 在一屏幕触碰问题答案(比如),另一屏幕上,图案就会扑通天空掉下来。

    Touch the answer to a question (a Fried egg, for example) on one screen, and it plops out of the sky on the other.


  • 一方可能会让你们兴趣对于空中化学污染的担心因为我们一直清理它们,而我们在过去的时间里已经完成了阻止你们天空受到核子武器导致的污染。

    One area that would interest you is where Chemtrails are concerned as we have been clearing them away, as we have done in the past to keep your skies free from nuclear fall out.


  • 打开。杆打开使击球倾角大些,球打高飞天空果岭柔和着陆

    Open the clubface. The open clubface will allow the ball to loft higher into the air, and land softer on the green.


  • 然而我们群山峻岭甩在身后时天空几乎万里云。

    But after we left the mountains behind us, there was hardly a cloud in the sky.


  • 日晷主要部件刻有刻线组成,随着太阳天空运行,晷针的投影钟表指针一样在晷上移动,就可以指示时辰

    The main parts of a sundial are an erect stylus and a calibrated disk. As the sun moves in the sky, the shadow of the stylus moves like a clock hand around the disk indicating the hours.


  • 甚至海中的天空田野,并地上一切昆虫,的众人,因见震动

    The fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the beasts of the field, every creature that moves along the ground, and all the people on the face of the earth will tremble at my presence.


  • 一方大卫头顶上的天空太阳月亮众星为证;

    On the one hand, David looked at the heavens above him, the sun, moon and the stars.


  • 指代客观自然界和现实物质世界,一方是指对应天空,一方是指与人为相对应的事物的自然性。

    On the one hand, it indicated the sky which corresponded with the land, on another hand, it indicated the naturality of things which corresponded with artificiality.


  • 幅画画宁静好似一完美的镜子四周环绕着群山上空是蓝蓝的天空伴着几朵松软的白云

    One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful towering mountains all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds.


  • 特斯拉事故发生在博客文章中说,”既不是自动驾驶仪也不是司机注意拖拉机拖车灯火通明的天空白色所以刹车应用”。

    Tesla said in a blogpost after the accident that "neither Autopilot nor the driver noticed the white side of the tractor trailer against a brightly lit sky, so the brake was not applied".


  • 然而,利德盖特乔叟像是镜子,镜子中的人影拥在一起晃动着,轻快,静默看见的是自己所熟悉天空田野人们但是更加生动完整

    But Lydgate's poems or Chaucer's, like a mirror in which figures move brightly, silently, and compactly, showed him the very skies, fields, and people whom he knew, but rounded and complete.


  • 甲板上装绿小电灯灯彩清凉夜色中和天空繁星争艳。

    Its deck was ablaze with a galaxy of red and green lights which vied in the cool stillness of the night with the stars shimmering overhead.


  • 甲板上装绿小电灯灯彩清凉夜色中和天空繁星争艳。

    Its deck was ablaze with a galaxy of red and green lights which vied in the cool stillness of the night with the stars shimmering overhead.


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