• 富贵注定必然误君

    Wealth from the doomed fate days, the heart of high-jun inevitable errors.


  • 俗话注定胡思乱想没有用

    As the saying goes people's lives are destined cranky days to no avail!


  • 中国一种说法叫做“姻缘天注定”。

    There is a saying in Chinese that marriages are made in heaven and prepared on the moon.


  • 他俩体育运动兴趣,真是姻缘天注定

    Both of them are interested in sports, so it's really a marriage made in heaven.


  • 三分注定拼,还有十分老师那里

    Three days doomed, seven points by the fight, there are ninety points in the teacher there.


  • 虽说缘分天注定彼此真心守护一份吗?

    Although the fate heaven, but it also depends on each other is truly a guardian of a love that?


  • 机遇每个人都公平的。三分注定奋斗拼才

    Opportunity for everyone is fair. Three day doomed, seven points by struggle, love spell will win.


  • ⊙、凡是值得的事一定要做好,记住注定七分靠打

    Whatever is worth doing it must be good, remember, three points to seven points by hard work!


  • 三分注定万事不可强求只要尽力了,就不必自责,不必苦恼

    Three days to be doomed, seven points by hard work, everything can not be forced, as long as you do your best, you do not have to blame yourself, do not have to worry about.


  • 注定人为只是安排你们相识而已结果如何,自己修行努力

    Yuan a day in the man-made doomed, copy, God just arrange you know each other just, the outcome, all by ourselves with hard practice.


  • 发现虽然有的认为凡事注定我们什么都改变不了,但他们马路的时候,还是会注意看车。

    I have noticed that even people who claim everything is predetermined and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.


  • 本人长年在外,正经不赖,虽然但是人生世态!俗话说人的命天注定胡思乱想没有用!

    I am many years away, mixing the decent not bad, although the Zhengdian outer block, but the life of the world understand the state!


  • 他们相信缘分天注定,强扭的瓜甜,强求是不会有什么幸福结果,是一定你的,月老早就牵好红线只要珍惜咫尺的快乐就好。

    They believe that fate is doomed, forced love does not last, demand is not the result of what happiness, you must be yourmatchmaker, had to hold the red line, as long as the value of the very happy.


  • 英国《每日邮报》报道,价格15730英镑(约合17万人民币)的世界最贵甜点日前正在美国纽约曼哈顿著名的“缘分天注定高级餐厅出售

    According to Daily Mail of August 9, the world's most costliest pudding is up for sale at 15, 730 pounds at New York's famous Serendipity 3 restaurant.


  • 做为他们研究一部分赫尔姆斯博士队伍中大概130个学生志愿者观看2001年的爱情喜剧《缘分天注定》,另一个小组同样多人数观看了大卫·林奇的一部影片。

    As part of their research, Dr Holmes' team had around 130 student volunteers watch the 2001 romantic comedy Serendipity, while another group of the same size watched a David Lynch drama.


  • 第二研究中,赫尔姆斯博士100名学生志愿者观看2001年由凯特·贝金塞尔约翰·库萨克主演的影片《缘份天注定》,同时让另外100人观看大卫·林奇导演的一部影片。

    In a second study, Dr Holmes asked around 100 student volunteers to watch Serendipity -the 2001 romantic comedy starring Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack, while 100 watched a David Lynch drama.


  • 第二研究中,赫尔姆斯博士100名学生志愿者观看2001年由凯特·贝金塞尔约翰·库萨克主演的影片《缘份天注定》,同时让另外100人观看大卫·林奇导演的一部影片。

    In a second study, Dr Holmes asked around 100 student volunteers to watch Serendipity - the 2001 romantic comedy starring Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack, while 100 watched a David Lynch drama.


  • 也许注定要做一件这样光荣的事情!”枞树高兴道。

    "I would fain know if I am destined for so glorious a career," cried the Tree, rejoicing.


  • 但是在岁月长河中要注定成为的人生终点知道它究竟在哪一个,在哪一个星期,在哪一个季节,在哪一年

    Of that day, doomed to be her terminus in time through all the ages, she did not know the place in month, week, season, or year.


  • 然而,无论去到涯海角,心中的包袱放不下便不得快乐,而注定只能不断等待,等待快乐,等待生活的起航,直到有一他可以静静地安坐在自我身边。

    But until he unpacked his own baggage, he couldn't be happy anywhere he went. Until he sat still with himself, he was doomed to keep waiting for his happiness and his life to begin.


  • 抑或也是因为商业帝国注定有败落的一继承人感觉到自己无力续写父辈创下的辉煌

    Or perhaps the business was always destined to fade, and the inheritor can sense that they will be unable to match their parent's glories.


  • 由于拍摄成本过于高昂,这部电影商业上注定失败至少导演敢起用后级女演员出演动作片,这种胆识值得肯定。

    Plagued by on-set accidents, Aeon Flux fizzled commercially, but at least the filmmakers took a stab at casting an A-list actress smack in the middle of the action.


  • 注定有一发现自己也急于打破那个框框

    It was fated that I would one day find myself eager to break out of that box too.


  • 对于谷歌中国员工来说同样注定难以忘怀

    For Google's employees in China, the day was also unforgettable. Not one of them had been alerted ahead of time.


  • 温馨快乐长久永恒的地,注定,难舍的情,短信新的心愿永远不变的真情!

    Warm wind, a cloud of happiness, long days, eternal, destined to the edge, regret, old messages, new wish! Forever and ever!


  • 温馨的-快乐的-长久的-永恒的-地,注定的-难舍-的-短信,新的-心愿永远不变的-真情!

    Warm wind, happy cloud, long day, eternal -, destined to the edge, regret and love, old - SMS, new wishes! Forever and ever!


  • 我让回家是因为注定死去但是已经过去了

    Let you home because you were doomed to die within seven days, but the seven days have already passed.


  • 我让回家是因为注定死去但是已经过去了

    Let you home because you were doomed to die within seven days, but the seven days have already passed.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定