• 天地之间许多事情,睿智所无法想象的。

    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.


  • 虽然天地之间我们到处能看见青春魅力, 可是永不再返回

    We behold it everywhere, On the earth, and in the air, But it never comes again!


  • 驰骋天地之间一刻才会发现自己的渺小脆弱

    When you gallop about between the world of that a moment, would discover own infinitesimal and weak.


  • 来自天国光芒生活的天地之间分出一条界限。

    The rays that come from those heavenly worlds, will separate between him and what he touches.


  • 人身有皮肤层层迭迭地包裹着,可是人心经常遨游天地之间

    Though skin wrapped body layer upon layer, people's heart often roams between heaven and earth.


  • 火山黑色橡皮泥一样使结构城堡稳稳耸立天地之间

    The volcanic plug might be black Plasticine, the castle balanced solidly atop it a skewed rendition of crenellated building bricks.


  • 衷诚地渴盼着诗文神髓,高尚圣洁,云蒸霞蔚,永存天地之间

    I sincerely long for the core of verses be noble, holy, pure and magnificent, always stands on the earth.


  • 母爱伟大的也是无私的,沉浸万物之中,充盈天地之间

    Mother love is great, is also disinterested, it immerses in all things on earth among, between full Yu scope of operation.


  • 从头再来》歌词富有哲理就在,天地之间还有

    "Starts over from the beginning" the lyrics also extremely rich philosophy, you looked at the heart, if in the dream, between the world also has loves really.


  • 人生短暂的,正如庄子所说:“人生天地之间白驹之过隙,忽然而已。”

    Life is short, as Chuang Tzu says: "Life is between heaven and earth if it's too Baiju gap, suddenly nothing."


  • 接着大门地一声打开了,刹那间喇叭齐鸣,“天地之间只有上帝公牛斗牛士”。

    Then the gates swung open, the trumpets blared out, “and it’s just God, the bull and the bullfighter.”


  • 黑暗天地之间,船熊熊燃烧,周围海面在血红的火光的照耀下呈紫色闪闪发亮,杀气腾腾。

    Between the darkness of earth and heaven she was burning fiercely upon a disc of purple sea shot by the blood-red play of gleams; upon a disc of water glittering and sinister.


  • 中的景色壮丽无比,天地之间浑然一色只能看见银色好像整个世界银子装饰而成的。

    So that the snow scenery magnificent, between heaven and earth's a uniform color, can only see a piece of silver, as if the whole world is decorated with silver.


  • 汉译 陵墓上得青翠柏树,溪流堆聚成堆的石头。 人生长存活天地之间就好比远行匆匆过客

    Green green the cypress* on the ridge, stones heaped about in mountain streams: between heaven and earth our lives rush past like travelers with a long road to go.


  • 也许较量没有停息或者说天地之间达成了某种默契,火力量蕴含水里,这里温泉故乡

    Probably, the fire-water struggle has never ended, or some tacit agreement has been reached between heaven and earth, the power of fire is hidden in water, where is the birthplace of hot spring.


  • 一个美好开始世界来临点亮天地之间所有微风心目中繁花似锦大地

    This is a good start, the world for her coming lit up all the lights in between heaven and earth, she picked up the breeze of the pen, draw the mind carpet of flowers of the earth.


  • 只见天地之间白茫茫雪花纷纷扬扬天上飘落下来四周起了白色帐篷大地立刻变得银装素裹

    I saw a piece of white between heaven and earth, the snow swirl of float down from the sky, like pull up white tent, around the earth immediately become white.


  • 相当长的时间,一方面自己男人们深情厚谊,一方面,自己天地间看到的事实真相要很努力调和两者之间的矛盾。

    For a long while I struggled to reconcile my affection and love for men with the reality of what I found out there in the ether.


  • 实际上,两者之间竞争地想开创一番天地,好消费者生活他们的技术构建的生活

    But in reality, the competition is really about creating universes or ecosystems that it hopes consumers will want to live their technology lives inside.


  • 当各界充满信心进入一新天地之后,麻烦逐渐显现。场‘战争’呼之欲出,这就是出版商电子书代理商之间的数字版权权益之争,因为,出版商必须妥善处理作者数字版权的基本问题

    Yet trouble is looming in this brave new world; a battle is brewing, pitting publishers against agents as they settle the fundamental question of how authors should be compensated.


  • 说明中国人早就宇宙看成是互相关联整体天地之间深刻互动关系

    This proves the Chinese regarded universe as a each other related whole long ago, think world and there is a kind of deep interdynamic relation between people.


  • 婚姻特殊魅力在于对话,在于个人之间那种纵谈天地一切事的永恒对话,这种对话只有死亡才能中止

    The particular charm of marriage is the dialogue, the permanent conversation between two people who talk over everything and everyone till death breaks the record.


  • 法律认识置于法律文化之间不仅法学研究开辟片新天地使法学研究增添了一种方法

    To put the recognition of law between the law and culture has not merely opened up a new field for jurisprudential study, but also added a new method to jurisprudential study.


  • 法律认识置于法律文化之间不仅法学研究开辟片新天地使法学研究增添了一种方法

    To put the recognition of law between the law and culture has not merely opened up a new field for jurisprudential study, but also added a new method to jurisprudential study.


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