• 围绕在月球陨石坑周围的喷出物,正是人们预料到一次爆炸中能得到的物质,爆炸喷发出大量灰尘土壤岩石

    The ejecta surrounding the lunar crater is just what one would expect from an explosion ejecting a large volume of dust, soil, and boulders.


  • 印度警方孟买发现了大量塑料炸药,上个月造成300多人死亡系列爆炸袭击就是使用这种炸药。

    Indian police have found a large cache of plastic explosives in Bombay, the type used in last month's serial bombings that killed more than 300 people.


  • 石油巨头BP公司伦敦举行年度高层会议抗议者扰乱,去年钻井平台爆炸,引发大量石油向墨西哥湾泄漏以来的首次抗议活动。

    Protests have interrupted the annual general meeting in London of the oil giant BP, the first since last year's oil rig blast and huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 电流不平衡造成大量电流发电机严重损害设备,甚至产生爆炸

    The imbalance would send large flows of electricity back to generators, severely damaging them or even blowing them up.


  • 管道运输爆炸星期五火灾发生大量原油大海超过25的吃原油的细菌数十条清理原油的船只顺利的将原油移除

    More than 25 tons of oil-eating bacteria and dozens of oil-skimming vessels are being used to remove the slick, after a pipeline explosion and fire on Friday sent tons of crude spilling into the sea.


  • 意味着恒星快速地释放大量物质大规模爆炸燃烧自己,从而寿命短,消亡早。

    That also means that massive stars live fast and die young, quickly shedding huge amounts of material and burning themselves out in what are thought to be spectacular explosions.


  • 去年四月英国石油公司墨西哥湾深海石油钻井爆炸后,大量石油被泄漏到了海洋里;尽管人们已经清理大部分泄漏的石油,但生活在墨西哥湾的渔民仍然感到未来渺茫

    Even though much of the oil that spilled from last April's Deepwater Horizon rig explosion has been cleaned up, the future is still murky for people who make a living plying Gulf waters.


  • 2010年420日,墨西哥海湾钻塔爆炸十几个工人下落不明几个重伤并且引发了大火几天后,这场大火大量炮制烟雾

    On 20 April 2010, an oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico left a dozen workers missing, several more critically injured and started a large fire that was still churning out smoke days later.


  • 常规炸弹不同地方在于,集炸弹会向目标区域溅射出大量一些的弹头,其中的一部分并不会立刻爆炸,这就增加造成平民伤亡几率

    Unlike conventional bombs, cluster bombs disperse small munitions, some of which do not immediately explode, increasing the likelihood of civilian causalities.


  • 超新星爆炸时发射出大量无线电射线、X射线宇宙射线以及其他粒子

    Supernova explosions release tremendous amounts of radio radiation, x-radiation and cosmic rays, as well as other elements.


  • 南极天文台三大观测宇宙天文台之一,旨在检测由宇宙大爆炸而产生的大量存在于微光辐射中的扭曲现象,利用天文望远镜对宇宙射线背景进行筛选,再利用星系群的特点确定一个,即宇宙射线穿过气体时会产生轻微混乱,混乱的一刻就是所的那个点。

    The telescopes sift through the background cosmic radiation to find spots where it has been slightly perturbed as it passes through extremely hot gas, a hallmark characteristic of galaxy clusters.


  • 厚厚的岩浆气体大量地表聚集起来,就出现爆炸喷发,将熔岩岩石火山灰空中

    When thick magma and large amounts of gas build up under the surface, eruptions can be explosive, expelling lava, rocks and ash into the air.


  • 年前墨西哥湾深海地平线石油钻机发生爆炸事故,导致11名工人死亡,钻机沉没大量原油泄漏进入大海

    One year ago, an explosion rocked the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 workers, sinking the rig, and releasing a massive amount of crude oil into the ocean.


  • 信息大爆炸数字化时代大量数据收纳在企业系统内部越来越困难越来越多的企业意愿变得透明

    In the digital era of exploding quantities of data that are increasingly hard to contain within companies' systems, more companies are likely to become more transparent.


  • 爆炸集成团队立即带来大量问题并且这些问题通常都有几百可能原因

    Big-bang integrations dump a load of problems on the team all at once, and those problems often have hundreds of possible causes.


  • 传统方法工作方式如下:编写大量代码后执行次大爆炸集成然后花费相当长的时间来改正问题

    Traditional approaches tend to work like this: code a lot, do a big-bang integration, then spend a significant amount of time fixing the problems.


  • 这样,在大爆炸之后的整个宇宙大量聚集格斯色子产生一个无处不在的希格斯——理论上粒子得到质量地方

    It works like this. Across the post-big Bang universe, collections of Higgs bosons make up a pervasive Higgs field - which is theoretically where particles get mass.


  • 特工枪行动,缴获了大量武器爆炸

    The agents carried guns and confiscated plenty of weapons and explosives.


  • 当然这个信息爆炸世界里我们可以看到大量数据都是可以自由获取的——或者可以通过支付边际成本获得——又是一个商业上的挑战

    Of course, in the world of abundant data, where we see significant amounts being made freely availableor available at marginal costthere is a clear business challenge.


  • 沙特有关官员说道利雅得2003年意外发生爆炸事件后,安全力量发现此地隐藏大量武器

    When explosives were accidentally set off in Riyadh in May 2003, say Saudi officials, security forces found a vast cache of weapons.


  • 1986年乌克兰一座反应堆发生了爆炸并且持续10喷发大量放射性物质。

    The Ukrainian reactor blew up and spewed huge amounts of radiation for 10 days in 1986.


  • 发现增加了一种理论的佐证,宇宙爆炸之后大量物质迅即被推出已知宇宙之外因而暗示着我们的宇宙一个大系统——多元宇宙——一部分

    The find adds to the case that chunks of matter got pushed outside the known universe shortly after the big bang-which in turn hints that our universe is part of something larger: a multiverse.


  • 啃食大量蔬菜兔子生育能力强,兔子的数量爆炸式增长

    Sheep ate much of the vegetation, and the rabbits, being rabbits, exploded in population.


  • 这种植物种群数量爆炸是在古代植物染色体加倍发生的。染色体组加倍给植物提供了大量具有功能的基因,这些新基因形成了新特性。

    These "big bangs" in plant evolution occurred when the genomes of ancient plants duplicated, providing vast Numbers of new genes that could take on new functions and lead to new traits.


  • 因为这次爆炸产生大量放射性碎片导致岛周边的城镇计划建立一些临时安置点时非常的谨慎小心。

    Towns near Fukushima have responded cautiously to plans to build temporary storage sites for massive quantities of radioactive debris generated by the accident.


  • 氢之后,作为宇宙第二常见元素,在宇宙大爆炸时期大量产生

    After hydrogen, helium is the second most common element in the universe, with the bulk of it formed during the big bang.


  • 平台爆炸引起原油大量外泄,致使BP无法控制——为了阻止原油大量流入墨西哥湾海域公司了整整86天时间进行各种尝试其间数次努力未果

    The explosion on the rig caused a well leak that the company couldn't controlit took 86 days and several failed attempts to stop the crude from hemorrhaging into Gulf waters.


  • 科学家们研究了加拿大吉什胡陨石碎片,这块陨石2000年在加拿大北部上空爆炸形成大量陨石碎块。

    Researchers analyzed four fragments of the Tagish Lake meteorite, which broke apart over northwest Canada in 2000.


  • 爆炸时候,我们只是地面试图我们女儿因为天空飞大量碎片

    When it exploded, we all just hit the ground, and I was trying to cover up our daughter, because there was a lot of debris flying.


  • 爆炸时候,我们只是地面试图我们女儿因为天空飞大量碎片

    When it exploded, we all just hit the ground, and I was trying to cover up our daughter, because there was a lot of debris flying.


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