• 庆祝国际天文幅星图正在伦敦大英图书馆展出

    The atlas is on display at the British Library in London to celebrate the International Year of Astronomy.


  • 诗的写作年代1415年,现存于伦敦大英图书馆手稿区。

    The greeting, which was written in 1415, is part of the manuscript collection of the British Library inLondon, England.


  • 抵英时间长,今天第一次来到大英图书馆一种似曾相识感觉

    This is my first visit to the British Library. But I do not feel as if I was a stranger here.


  • 伦敦大英图书馆14万册图书货架上绵延超过600公里

    The British Library in London is home to 14 million books, on shelves that stretch over 600km.


  • 当然重点大英图书馆关于女性一切内容,都是男性的?

    Of course, the point of it is that everything in the British Library on what turns out to be the voluminous subject of women is written by men, right?


  • 大英图书馆发布网站会议上,修道院带来令人兴奋消息,称为“新新发现”。

    At a British Library conference to launch the website, the monastery brought the exciting news of a “new new find”.


  • 大英图书馆希望进一步扩展数字化图书范围到20世纪早期版权已经失效图书。

    The library hopes to extend the digitisation scheme by scanning books out of copyright dating from the early 20th century.


  • 封情书收藏梵蒂冈500的时间,于四月份伦敦大英图书馆展览

    The letter, which has been hidden in the Vatican for nearly 500 years, is to go on display at the British Library in London in April.


  • 大英图书馆网站列有作家生活口述历史项目目录录音资料伦敦图书馆试听

    A catalogue to the Authors' Lives oral history project is available online; the recordings are available for listening at the library in London.


  • 英语进化:同于形,异于伦敦大英图书馆项展览,展览截止日期为2011年4月3日。

    "Evolving English: One Language, Many Voices" is at the British Library, London, until April 3rd 2011.


  • 珍稀程度不必说。奥斯汀成书作品手迹无一传世,只有《劝导》中两个被删篇章手稿现存于大英图书馆

    It is unquestionably rare. Original manuscripts of her published novels do not exist, aside from two cancelled chapters of Persuasion in the British Library.


  • 为了阅读这些资料必须身体力行前往大英图书馆,写好预约单,等着别人拿来书信献祭一样的交给你。

    To see those, you have to physically go to the British Library and then place an order with a pencil on a piece of paper and wait for somebody to bring you a package of letters like a sacred offering.


  • 而这本伦敦闪击战中被毁于是布雷花费40的时间完成第三本书,把这本书捐献给了大英图书馆

    The book was then destroyed in the London Blitz. It took Bray another 40 years to finish the next copy, which was donated to the British Library after his death.


  • 马克思著作继续世界范围内启迪思考的著书立说之处就是这里,在伦敦大英图书馆的这间阅览室里。

    Marx work would go on to inspire thinking around the world, but he wrote his thoughts here, in the reading room of the British Library in London.


  • 大英图书馆周一称,该馆正着手库藏的多达1000古希腊手稿中的250卷搬上网络提供免费阅读

    It sets about putting 250 of 1000 volumes ancient Greece manuscripts in its cache on the network and providing for free viewing, the British Libirary said on Monday.


  • 这个将历时三年项目预计十月二十五日建立,英国伦敦国王学院牛津大学图书馆大英图书馆将参与其中

    The three-year project - in which King's College London, the Bodleian Library in Oxford and the British Library in London were involved - is due to be launched on 25 October.


  • 大英图书馆去年得到装有作者手稿42个箱子,于今年8月1号展出他们这个认真创作过程证据形成??。

    This evidence of the intense composition process forms one item in the 42 boxes of the writer’s papers that the British Library unveiled on August 1st, after acquiring them last year.


  • 根据法律要求,微软公司大英图书馆通过至少购买英国出版图书方式,把图书扫描成电子版工作已经进行年以上

    Microsoft and the British Library, which by law purchases at least one copy of every book published in the UK, have been scanning the books over the past three years.


  • 佛蒙特大学古典文学副教授约翰富兰克林,“手稿放在网上已变得相当普遍”,大英图书馆此举其中的“一部分”。

    John Franklin, an associate professor of classics at the University of Vermont, said that the British Library's efforts were "part of a quite general move to making manuscripts available online."


  • 卡尔·马克思没有太多兴趣——这个男人自己十分自信,天天埋头大英图书馆海里,以至于根本看不到周围世界

    She has little time for Karl Marx, a man who was so convinced of his rightness, and so buried in his books in the British Library, that he failed to observe the world around him.


  • 大英图书馆第一阶段专注于数字化19世纪作品,因为它们没有涉及到版权保护,可以免费提供给读者阅读,(版权保护原作者后70年后失效)。

    The library concentrated the first stage of digitisation on the 19th century because the books are out of copyright and so can be offered free. Copyright runs out 70 years after an author’s death.


  • 一个机构都拥有不同数量手稿但是大英图书馆保存的手稿数量是迄今以来最多的,它将本书的每一张脆弱书页都做了数字化备份。

    Each institution owns different amounts of the manuscript, but the British Library, which digitised the delicate pages of the entire book in London, holds by far the most.


  • 大英图书馆GOOGLE签订了一项里程碑式协议,有史以来第一使其所拥有全世界最丰富的图书以及手册等藏书可以互联网上被搜索下载。

    The British Library has signed a landmark deal with Google, making one of the largest collections of books and pamphlets in the world available and searchable online for the first time.


  • 2006年,微软大英图书馆宣布建立合作伙伴关系,这一合作旨在大英图书馆藏书选择10万本没有版权的图书,使其数字化成为2.5亿电子出版物。

    Microsoft and the British Library announced a partnership to digitise 25 million pages from 100, 000 out-of-copyright books in the British Library's collection in 2006.


  • 不仅仅那样最有大英博物馆图书馆阅览室里工作

    Not only that, but he had worked in the famous reading room of the Library of the British Museum.


  • 或许值得注意是,根据记录许多图书都是在1998前后丢失的,而一年正是图书馆大英博物馆迁移克拉斯的那年。

    Perhaps significantly, many of the losses are recorded just before or after 1998, the year the library moved from the British Museum to st Pancras.


  • 或许值得注意是,根据记录许多图书都是在1998前后丢失的,而一年正是图书馆大英博物馆迁移克拉斯的那年。

    Perhaps significantly, many of the losses are recorded just before or after 1998, the year the library moved from the British Museum to st Pancras.


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