• 数码技术应用于卷绕全过程提升染色效益

    SKCT-W2 applies digital technology to entire coiling process, the benefit value of the big tube dyes is promoted.


  • 国家剧院歌剧院舞台通道超高大筒体结构,采用JFYM50整体提升液压体系施工

    The construction of the JFYM50hydraulic climbing form system with integral lift-up is adopted.


  • 就是为什么当兵互相之间喜欢起些好玩的外号“孤城客”或是”或是“火箭小姐”。

    That’s why soldiers like to give one another stirring nicknames, like Maverick or Big Dog or Little Miss Bazooka.


  • 连接跨度客厅卧室包含立体循环系统和公共设备核心

    Joined to the great span of the living room and bedrooms there is a rigid nucleus of vertical circulation and utilities.


  • 连接跨度客厅卧室包含垂直循环和公共设施核心

    Joined to the great span of the living room and bedrooms there is a rigid nucleus of vertical circulation and utilities.


  • 下放拆卸系统之前,要保证留有足够绳圈数。

    Prior to lowering the top drive system or rigging down, ensure that sufficient wraps of drilling line remain on the drum.


  • 基础海洋平台进行理论分析,提出了平台倾角两种情况下的稳性分析方法

    The static stability of offshore platform with bucket foundation is analyzed theoretically, and stability analyzed methods of the platform with small and large Angle of inclination are discussed.


  • 倍率孔径束器要求长短口径轴外的都要很好校正,所以光学系统的设计非常困难的。

    It is hard to design for beam expander with high power and wide aperture required, because it is shorten length, larger aperture, as well as on axis and off axis aberration must be corrected properly.


  • 由于容量电站锅炉汽包厚,所以汽包制造时常采用压制成两个半圆瓦片再焊接而成的方法。

    Because of the much thick wall of large capacity boiler drum, the pressed and weld longitudinal seam is used to manufacture the drum shell ring.


  • 外径为无穷时,便得到无限介质中的问题

    When the outside diameter of cylinder is infinite, the solution of cylinder problem will be made in infinite medium.


  • 模拟计算结果表明:与其他领域应用旋风分离器相比五边形入口、壳式旋风预热入口附近次级流动相对较弱

    The results of the simulation indicate:compared with cyclone in other domain, the secondary flow of the preheating cyclone with pentagonal inlet and three core volute structure is relatively weaker.


  • 通过实验我们发现气流流速电极烧蚀绝缘污染因素制约高能、电荷量气体开关重复工作性能

    These experimental results indicated that several factors such as gas velocity, electrode erosion, insulator envelope pollution and so on limited the repetitive operating capability of the switches.


  • 增设装置,实现锥度的零件卷制

    Add up tapering reel and realize zero-piece coiling with great taper.


  • 可能一个无限密度无限的转简单点。时空弯曲,制造时间循环

    Maybe it would be easier to build an infinite long, super dense spinning cylinder which would also curse space-time enough to create a Time Loop.


  • 主要介绍上海剧院结构设计概况、基础设计、舞台薄壁观众梁设计等

    The design of the main structure, foundation, stage thin-walled tube of Shanghai Theatre as well as the cantilever platform beam of its audience hall are introduced.


  • 钻启动绞车转,把油门调到最低限度,挂上低速离合器慢慢的把缠到绞车辊

    The driller engages the drawworks in forward drive and sets the throttle at minimum speed. And engages the low clutch and slowly spools the drilling line on the drawworks drum.


  • 反应结晶器中心加料轴流泵循环组成。

    The crystallizer consists of a cylinder which is of big top and small bottom, a focus charging cylinder, an axial flow pump and a circulating tube.


  • 当新绞车之后,提游车,绞车刹车检查绳是否排

    With the new drilling line properly reeved on to the drawworks drum, pick up the weight of the traveling block, test the drawworks brake, and verify that the drilling line is tight on the drum.


  • 流通能力是因为开启后位于室内,阀体流道

    Flowing capability is big and the flow resistance is little. When the valve opening, the valve core is located inside ball cavity and the flow route is straight tube.


  • 一个钻工站在储备旁边,对讲机绳的松紧情况通知

    One floor man should stand close to the spool to inform the driller with a two-way radio when there is no loose drilling line coming off the spool.


  • 好之后,绳上把蛇皮接绳器卸下来。再把棕绳绞车上弄下来。

    With the fast line tied off, remove the snake from the drilling line, and remove the 1 inch rope from the drawworks drum.


  • 因此通过多道次滚珠实现薄量薄壁形件旋压成形。

    Therefore, the spinning of thin-walled tube with large thickness reduction can be realized through multi-pass ball spinning.


  • 水洗燃煤蒸汽锅炉直径其他锅炉厂家运行稳定出力足,蒸汽品质

    The coal washing plant steam boiler drum diameter is larger than other boiler manufacturers, stable output, high quality steam.


  • 深圳华融框架结构采用型钢混凝土混合结构框架,可以解决跨度受限的问题。

    The steel reinforced concrete composite frame structure is chosen in the structural design of Shenzhen Huarong Mansion, because some beams are too long and the height of beams are limited.


  • 深圳华融框架结构采用型钢混凝土混合结构框架,可以解决跨度受限的问题。

    The steel reinforced concrete composite frame structure is chosen in the structural design of Shenzhen Huarong Mansion, because some beams are too long and the height of beams are limited.


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