• 苏格兰高地曾经是大片森林所在地这些森林大部分已经消失取而代之的是泥炭沼泽

    The Scottish Highlands were once the site of extensive forests, but these forests have mostly disappeared and been replaced by peat bogs.


  • 鞭炮消耗大量纸张木材造成大片森林毁。

    The crackers also consume a lot of paper and wood, leading to the destruction of forests.


  • 美林商业银行最近宣布支持一项印尼亚齐省大片森林保护计划

    Merrill Lynch, an investment bank, recently announced a plan to preserve a huge swathe of forest in the Indonesian province of Aceh.


  • 物质力量蕴藏大地内部,在煤矿中,由于古代烈火大片大片森林后形成的;

    Physical force is stored in the bowels of the earth, in the coal mines, which came from the fiery heat that burned up great forests in ancient ages;


  • 那时塔特尔耕地可能与2010年一样被团团包抄着,只不外大片森林高度公路房子所庖代

    The Tuttle acres, then, would have seemed almost as surrounded as they do in 2010, but by forest instead of highways and houses.


  • 森林着火之后,火向四周上下不断蔓延,使大片森林发生火灾,森林生态系统人类带来一定损失

    A forest fire, after it breaks out, will spread speedily and burn a large area of forest if it is not killed timely, thus, causing losses to both the forest ecosystem and the mankind.


  • 不幸是,由于乱砍滥伐这种已经濒临灭绝并且由于一项铝土矿开采计划,我们看到剩下大片森林也会被毁掉

    Unfortunately, the tree is on the verge of extinction as illegal logging of the timber continues and a planned bauxite mining project will see large tracts of remaining forest destroyed.


  • 他们,他们来到首都公众了解他们在农村地区面临困境那里大片森林已经租给国内外国企业

    They said they had come to the capital to let the public know of the troubles they face in rural areas where huge tracts of forest have been leased to domestic and foreign businesses.


  • 一般情况下感召力的,首先临近的猴群唱这支‘开场曲’,一直到大片森林叽里啦的猴音覆盖。

    Typically, this is contagious so that his calling spreads first to neighbouring groups, until a large part of the forest is covered by calling monkeys.


  • 环保人士指出,森林采伐导致婆罗洲岛的大片森林消失,面积甚至相当于一些欧洲国家国土面积,但采伐活动仍在继续

    Conservationists say deforestation on Borneo island has claimed an area the size of some European countries and continues virtually unabated.


  • 但是俄罗斯这个拥有世界上森林最多的国家,每年大片森林消失但是联合国粮农组织并没有得到确切数据因为并不包括土地使用方式的永久性转变

    But Russia, which has more forest than any other country, also lost a lot, which the FAO's figures do not capture because its clearance did not involve a permanent change in land use.


  • 低地国家大片森林砍伐、遭受火灾两者成为鹿群理想觅食地。

    Great tracts of lowland country deforested by logging, fire, or both have become ideal feeding grounds of deer.


  • 俄罗斯夏日惨剧在持续上演,森林大火已蔓延该国大片地区,至少48遇难

    Russia's summer misery continued, as forest wildfires spread across large swathes of the country. At least 48 people have been killed.


  • 俄罗斯夏季苦恼还在继续由于森林大火继续蔓延,包围了该国大片地区。

    Russia's summer misery continued, as forest wildfires spread across large swathes of the country.


  • 并且它们不断增长发生频率亚马逊森林退化一部分——这种变化可以作为大片地区环境变化的指示器

    And their increasing frequency is an important part of the degradation of the Amazon forest-and could be an indicator of large-scale environmental change.


  • 树木砍伐大片森林破坏、多种动物遭到猎杀。

    Trees are being cut down. Large areas of forests are being destroyed.


  • 驯鹿喜欢青苔因此如果周围没有饥饿的驯鹿,一大片青苔就会覆盖森林地下叶层

    Reindeer love lichen, so without hungry reindeer around, thick carpets of lichen cover the forest understory.


  • 到了3亿年前大片森林沼泽覆盖陆地最早爬虫化石也发现一时期的地层中。

    By 300 million years ago, large forests and swamps covered the land, and the earliest fossils of reptiles appear during this period as well.


  • 森林大火这个夏天肆虐俄罗斯全境,数十人死亡,几千人流离失所并且毁坏大片农田

    Wildfires raged across Russia this summer, killing dozens, leaving thousands homeless, and devastating vast tracts of farmland.


  • REDD计划虽然看起来极不确定,没有它,大片热带森林被毁将不可避免

    REDD looks extremely uncertain, but without it massive tropical deforestation is inevitable.


  • 一些科学家预言二三十年后不会再有大片森林真的是一件可怕的事情

    Some scientists say that there will be no vast forests in 20 or 30 years. It is really a terrible thing.


  • 该国大片灌木丛森林数量惊人的丛林鸟类家园包括大型猛禽

    The country’s vast stretches of bushland and woodlands are home to an astonishing array2 of bush birds, including giant birds of prey.


  • 一些人认为森林覆盖大片土地也包括村庄,因此总体计划十分重要的。

    Some argue that forests cover large tracts – many villages – and that an overall plan is essential.


  • 2003年以前,那里大片原始森林然而2003年至2009,超过15000(百慕大面积还大)森林砍伐,只是为了腾出地方开采黄金

    Before 2003, the sites were pristine swaths of forest, but from 2003 to 2009, over 15, 000 acres (larger than the size of Bermuda) were cut down to make way for gold mining.


  • 项目所在地的度假区位于玉龙国家级森林公园龙水湖国家级水利风景区内,临近大足石刻周边现状分布着大片湖泊绿地小岛

    The project is located in Jade Dragon Mountain National forest park and Longshui Lake National Water Recreation Areas, near Dazu Stone Carving, surrounded by big area of lake, green land, island, etc.


  • 片未受保护森林大片区域最近租借给厂商种植橡胶

    Large tracts of this unprotected forest recently have been leased to rubber plantations.


  • 要是从高处鸟瞰一下密西西比河东岸整个地区,当年一定大片广袤无垠的原始森林

    A bird 's-eye view of the whole region east of the Mississippi must then have offered one vast expanse of woods.


  • 要是从高处鸟瞰一下密西西比河东岸整个地区,当年一定大片广袤无垠的原始森林

    A bird 's-eye view of the whole region east of the Mississippi must then have offered one vast expanse of woods.


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