• 我们大步流星穿过雪封旷野

    We strode across the snowy fields.


  • 推开了扇大门大步流星前方

    I opened the door, striding walked to the front.


  • 大步流星跨进房间

    The Badger strode heavily into the room.


  • 兰登大步流星迈向正门- - -个巨大的旋转门

    Langdon strode to the main entrance-an enormous revolving door.


  • 每天,大步流星地走过,从不留意花开

    I always walked on the road unaware of the blossoms on the trees in spring and the fallen leaves in autumn.


  • 大步流星穿过自助餐厅桌子旁边最后一个座位

    Jane was walking quickly through the cafeteria, trying to snag3 the last seat at a table, when she tripped and landed right in her tray of food.


  • 看到广场轮滑的小朋友们大步流星般的飞速着,心里真是羡慕不已

    See also in the square to inline skates, children marched the rapid slide, like the in the mind is really envy.


  • 大步流星往南走去,人们著他,峡谷中弯弯曲曲小路上跌跌撞撞地走著。

    He strode off swiftly southward, the files following, swaying and bending in and out with the deep curves of the gorge.


  • 兰登大步流星迈向正门- - -个巨大的旋转门远处的门厅灯光昏暗,空无一人

    Langdon strode to the main entrance-an enormous revolving door. The foyer beyond was dimly lit and deserted.


  • 于是他们大步流星披星戴月第二则在太阳下头赶路,终于当天傍晚抵达了座城

    So they made haste, and all that night they journeyed beneath the moon, and all the next day they journeyed beneath the sun, and on the evening of the day they came to a city.


  • 于是汤姆大步流星走出教室,翻过小山,走很远的地方,一天他是打算学校了。

    Then Tom marched out of the house and over the hills and far away, to return to school no more that day. Presently Becky began to suspect.


  • 正如漫画敏锐地描绘两个身患残疾年轻人正在大步流星朝着他们目的地前进,拐杖抛在了身后

    As is subtly portrayed in the drawing, two handicapped young men are heading towards their destination with vigorous strides, leaving all their crutches behind.


  • 丁梅斯代尔先生海丝特会面之后归途中,激动感情赋予了所不习惯曲体催促着他大步流星地向前走去。

    The excitement of Mr. Dimmesdale's feelings, as he returned from his interview with Hester, lent him unaccustomed physical energy, and hurried him townward at a rapid pace.


  • 大步流星的走小花小草几乎快要掩盖的空地上,以往不同是,我这次拿出毽子了起来姥姥毽子,我用毽子。

    I marched to be covered in the floret grass nearly empty land, unlike in the past, this time I took out the shuttlecock, playing up, grandma with large shuttlecock, I use a small shuttlecock.


  • 突然房间里了下来,基普罗斯·尼克莱·德斯教授大步流星进门来。他世界产前外科传奇式人物希腊塞浦路斯族中的英雄

    "Is the baby OK?" Suddenly the room goes quiet as Professor Kypros Nicolaides, a legendary figure in the world of prenatal surgery, whirls through the door in a fireball of Greek Cypriot charisma.


  • 看到改善平壤的关系,满怀热情、大步流星地踏过熠熠生辉的粉红地毯朝着那位大腹便便、身穿笔挺制服暴君奔去,美国人很不安

    The Americans were gravely disturbed to see him improving links with Pyongyang, striding keen as mustard down the fluorescent pink carpet towards the potbellied little tyrant in his zipped-up uniform.


  • 就在那个男人快草地边上时候,见到那个女郎出来了,这次是大步流星地走到邮箱跟前,猛地打开“砰”地一声狠命地关上力度前两次还要大。

    As the man was getting ready to edge the lawn, here she came out again, marched to the mail box, opened it and then slammed it shut harder than ever.


  • 每去一个地方——大步流星截止日期——赶赶忙;工作量——大幅增加,甚至连孩子时间表填满了,工作安排列表也是长长的一串家务事永远也做不…………简直一团糟

    Everywhere you turn, the pace is quick. Deadlines are moved up, workload is increased, kid's schedules are packed, to-do lists are long, housework never ends - it's chaos.


  • 每去一个地方——大步流星截止日期——赶赶忙;工作量——大幅增加,甚至连孩子时间表填满了,工作安排列表也是长长的一串家务事永远也做不…………简直一团糟

    Everywhere you turn, the pace is quick. Deadlines are moved up, workload is increased, kid's schedules are packed, to-do lists are long, housework never ends -it's chaos.


  • 每去一个地方——大步流星截止日期——赶赶忙;工作量——大幅增加,甚至连孩子时间表填满了,工作安排列表也是长长的一串家务事永远也做不…………简直一团糟

    Everywhere you turn, the pace is quick. Deadlines are moved up, workload is increased, kid's schedules are packed, to-do lists are long, housework never ends -it's chaos.


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