• 母亲什么也没给了布丁,玛还在哭个不停。

    The mother said nothing, but gave him a large dish of black pudding, and Marleen still wept without ceasing.


  • 作家约翰·菲茨·拉尔德最初纽约为“苹果”,因为纽约许多梦想争夺最高奖项地方

    Writer John Fitz Gerald first called New York the Big Apple, because New York is the place that many people dreamed of going to for the biggest prize of all.


  • 消费者报告杂志主编·布莱斯卡尔有关联盟宣传毫无意义的。

    Jeff Blyskal, associate editor of Consumer Reports magazine, says the promotional ballyhoo over alliances is much a do about nothing.


  • 约翰·P·鲁宾逊弗里·戈德他们生活时间一书中写道有时文明就像是一个被踩瘪蚁冢”。

    Sometimes culture resembles "one big stomped anthill," wrote John P. Robinson and Geoffrey Godbey in their book Time for Life.


  • 法国夏邦公司设计上海剧院弧形屋顶而引人注目

    The Shanghai Grand Theater designed by the French firm Charpentier et Associes is striking for its curved roof.


  • 因此富兰克林约翰约翰•亚当斯能够利用欧洲列强纷争在动一枪一卒也没有移居一人的情况下获得领土

    So Benjamin Franklin, John Jay and John Adams were able to exploit the rivalry of the European powers to acquire this huge territory without either conquest or migration.


  • 拉德早醒来,面对的异常寒冷屋子,此时,首先想到他的那条蛇。

    Gerard woke the first morning to a preternaturally cold house, and his first thought was for the snake.


  • 听到了其中的急切虽然他几乎弗里岁,他突然感到能力不足

    He heard the eagerness and, though he was almost ten years older than Geoffrey, he suddenly felt inadequate.


  • 那晚已经有太多关于世界卫生情况冠冕堂皇长篇论,里所做的,却是放弃之前辛苦准备的成果,选择最适合当时当地的话题来发表演说

    The evening didn't need another eloquent, grandiose speech about the state of global health. Jerry let go of all his hard preparation in favor of what he saw was best in the moment.


  • 有时文明就像是一个瘪的蚁冢”,约翰·p·鲁宾逊弗里·戈德生活时间一书中写道。

    Sometimes culture resembles "one big stomped anthill," say John P. Robinson and Geoffrey Godbey in their book time for Life.


  • 例如里•迪米棕色肤色的66接线员,穿着金色鞋跟的高跟鞋,带着耳环,一头白发喜欢打扮好然后上班。”

    Geri Demeo, for example, a tanned 66-year-old telephonist with golden heels, big ear-rings and spiked blonde hair, says she likes “to get dressed up to come to work”.


  • 丈夫瘦高体型所以可能就是婴儿体型的原因。

    My husband Jason and I are both quite slim, but also pretty tall, so maybe that's it.


  • 最终结果所说的“逃生基金可能现金才能补充不确定的收入

    Net result: Your 'escape fund, ' as Ms. St. Germain calls it, can be anywhere from zero to a large pile of cash to supplement your income indefinitely.


  • 莎拉佛瑞斯说,削价购买东西,她店里给她孩子购买衣服

    Sarah Jeffries says she buys things only when the price has been reduced. She gets all the children 's clothes from used clothing stores.


  • 基洗亚•菲茨拉德15个月女儿有漂亮的金发明亮的眼睛她们喜欢要有着令人羡慕的乳白色皮肤

    Kezia Fitzgerald and her 15-month-old daughter are both blondes with bright blue eyes. They both giggle easily and share a love of peaches.


  • 重要的是,菲茨拉德选择了敲锣打鼓地为的出场声势却在介绍时偃旗息鼓般地悄声低语

    Significantly, Fitzgerald opts to trumpet his presence with a lavish fanfare and then introduces him with barely a murmur.


  • 女儿接受了良好的教育,所以结婚家里需要送出彩礼

    Sanjay said that when his first daughter got married, he did not have to pay a dowry because she is well-educated.


  • 尼古拉·道森——现在孩子骄傲父母——来自布莱·克内尔,波克夏,就是这样一对夫妇他们11个月双胞胎女儿米娅娜是西班牙,并当地捐助者的帮助下怀上的。

    One such couple are Nicola and Nigel Dawson from Bracknell, Berkshire, who are now proud parents to 11-month-old twin girls, Mia and Hannah, conceived in Spain thanks to a Spanish egg donor.


  • 菲茨拉德先生华盛顿地区已经损失了家克莱斯勒,现在关心手中某些店面多样进口特许权比如马里兰州贝赛斯达的菲茨拉德汽车卖场

    After losing five Chrysler stores in the Washington area, he will focus on the multiple import franchises he handles at places like the Fitzgerald Auto Mall in North Bethesda, Maryland.


  • 接下来跳槽到了一个丹麦/葡萄牙公司。 这家公司因为拉斯岛(亚速尔群岛)的一些工程百慕空军基地而获奖。

    Next, I moved to a Danish/Portuguese company, which had been awarded projects on the Lajes (Azores) and Bermuda air bases.


  • 石油全球第四化学品生产商英力士成立一家合资企业,苏格兰格兰·莫斯法国的拉瓦炼油厂提炼交易石油。

    The Chinese company will set up a joint venture with Ineos, the world's fourth-largest chemicals producer, to refine and trade oil at Scotland's Grangemouth and France's Lavera refineries.


  • 跳入水中超过水下游泳者看见块像一样的岩石正在回避他摸了摸,随即迅速水面

    16-12 Jerry dived, shot past the school of underwater swimmers, saw a black wall of rock looming at him, touched it, and bobbed up at once to the surface.


  • 艾西娅(asia)是一个14岁妈妈,正在哈家里刚生的女儿洗澡,她2的女儿一边玩着

    Asia, a 14-year-old mother, washes her new baby girl at home in Hajjah while her 2-year-old daughter plays.


  • 双胞胎女儿出生现在了),F.T.叔叔传奇也随之诞生——26岁法兰克·托马斯·阿基力诺(Frank Thomas Aquilino)是托·菲茨拉德证券交易公司副总裁

    So along withthe birth of the girls, now 6, was born the Legend of Zio (Italian for “uncle”)F. T. — Frank Thomas Aquilino, 26, a vice president at Cantor Fitzgerald.


  • 英国唱片公司联盟《英国留声机工业协会》(BPI)首席执行官·泰勒(Geoff Taylor)表示来自瑞典韩国数字表明法律引导人们使用合法服务的过程中起了多么的作用。

    Geoff Taylor, the chief executive of BPI, the UK record labels group, says the figures from Sweden and South Korea show how legislation can steer people into legal services.


  • 眼泪拉的第,混和一切成鲜红

    Their tears spill over Jamuraa. Mixed with blood, they wash everything red.


  • 现在田纳西州查特努加市开设改进经销商网络新家用轿车发行上成功,以此宣告重回美国市场。

    Now, with a big new plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, a revamped dealer network and the successful launch of the new Jetta, a family saloon, VW is back on a roll in America.


  • 现在田纳西州查特努加市开设改进经销商网络新家用轿车发行上成功,以此宣告重回美国市场。

    Now, with a big new plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, a revamped dealer network and the successful launch of the new Jetta, a family saloon, VW is back on a roll in America.


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