• 恐怖阴谋目标是两个美国城市联邦特工个阴谋的两名嫌疑人均准备按下触发开关

    Two alleged terror plots targeting 2 us cities, Federal Agents say the suspects in both plots were ready to pull the trigger.


  • 几款看起来比较恐怖如果那么的胆子,建议你还是不要这些帘子

    The psycho had mother curtain looks so terrible, if you are not too brave, I suggest you not use such a curtain in your home.


  • 可是现在格雷格经常都跟家分享称之为恐怖赛跑的事情,好像是计划一个某些称之为伯克希尔逃亡的事情。

    But now she was, and Greg, who often Shared about what he called his terror runs, appeared to be planning one, the way some people contemplate a Berkshires getaway.


  • 我没有冒犯的意思,如果这个公司做那么重要或者说恐怖工作,但你会不想这么的公司工作,因为你不能再这样的错误了。

    No offense, but if a company will hire you to do a job that important, you know, that's scary, but you don't want to be in company so big, you can't make interesting mistakes.


  • 蝰蛇毒素会破坏血液神经系统,虽然蝰蛇毒性不如蝮蛇这么恐怖如果将毒素注射进皮肤,那毒性就了去了。

    Adder venom attacks the blood and nervous system.The venom of an adder bite is less toxic than that of a puff-adder, but it is far more toxic when injected intravenously.


  • 光线效果达到恐怖要素——闪烁微光随时可能熄灭,昏暗走廊任何一个拐角都有可能潜伏敌人

    Lighting is animportant part of the game for achieving the scare factor - flickering lightswhich could go off any second, and dark corridors with enemies lurking behindany corner.


  • 一个穿着雨鞋严肃的工作人员带着我们穿过了几行正在狂的,看来有些,有些恐怖

    A no-nonsense attendant in rainboots took us past rows of barking dogs, many big and scary, at least to me.


  • 可能必须那些很难或者恐怖的事:比如返回直面某些人,或者列出人生清单。

    You might have to do things which are hard or scary - like going back to college, facing up to someone, or tackling a big issue in your life.


  • 作家知道自己关于恐怖份子的惊人小说读者相当冲击

    The writer knew that his amazing story about the terrorist would have quite an impact on the readers.


  • 为了银幕上将地震恐怖细节银幕真实再现,冯小刚启用了来自韩国和法国特效团队,甚至还请来了曾经为指环王系列影片制作特写而鼎鼎有名新西兰威塔工作室

    Feng called on special-effects teams from South Korea and France, as well as New Zealand’s Weta Workshopof Lord of the Rings fame—to bring the horror to the big screen in brutal detail.


  • 《探索发现频道称,“红腹帕库食人比拉食人鱼近亲,比拉食人鱼非常有名电视电影中和银幕电影游泳者感到恐怖。”

    "The red-bellied pacu is the cousin of a very well-known fish that terrorizes swimmers in made-for-TV movies and on the big screen: the piranha," notes the Discovery channel.


  • 工作压力时,人们需要刺激一下,享受一次次感官震撼所以恐怖宣泄压力成为了一种常见方法

    Pressure at work, people need to stimulate you to enjoy that sense of shock time, so terrible in the film to vent the pressure has become a common way!


  • 随着短笛魔王恐怖统治的颠覆,小悟空也有时间治愈自己创伤了

    With Piccolo's reign of terror at an end, Goku has time to mend his wounds.


  • 瘟疫恐怖之处并不在于感染很快死掉而是眼睁睁地看着同类慢慢步入死亡自保他们遗忘隔离区自生自灭。

    The most scary thing of a great plague is not being infected and die suddenly but watching your own kind dying and just leave them in quarantine for self-preservation.


  • 告诉美国有线新闻网路,用他的话说,美国「涉嫌恐怖行动的嫌疑。

    He told cnn there are, what he described as, a " significant number of people " within the united states who have suspected links to terrorism.


  • 但是糟糕的一场真正飓风席卷整个小镇狂风四起房子都被刮了,如此等等的恐怖事情

    But the worst I think, would be a really big hurricane, just coming through the town and just big winds just tearing down houses and horrible stuff.


  • 恐怖冰崩日渐干涸姐妹,从“跳舞公路”到陷入赤贫牧民作者目睹黄河源区重重危机

    From the horrific icefall to the drying up Twins Lake, from th "e dancing road" to the poverty - stricken natives, the author witnessed the crisis of Yellow River Source.


  • 海怪 本报刊发新闻巨型水母倾覆日本渔船》后,海上作业机构禁不住要打个冷,海底还有其他那 些恐怖动物兴风作浪呢?

    With the news of a giant jellyfish that sunk a trawler in Japan sending shivers round the seafaring community, what other terrors of the deep have made waves?


  • 中国面子文化对学生社交恐怖形成有着非常作用

    The face-culture in China plays an important role in the formation of social life phobia in university students.


  • 食人狮一般狮子身上沾满动物鲜血增添了几分恐怖

    Eating five times a lion lion has a general big, body covered with the blood of animals, but also adds a bit of terror.


  • 伙伴一起从小青年时期的胡闹中,招惹了我们不该接近东西属于另外一个陌生世界恐怖祸根

    I and partners grew up playing in youth, commit tomfoolery, provoked we shouldn"t close to something that belongs to another strange world terrorist curse."


  • 伙伴一起从小青年时期的胡闹中,招惹了我们不该接近东西属于另外一个陌生世界恐怖祸根

    I and partners grew up playing in youth, commit tomfoolery, provoked we shouldn"t close to something that belongs to another strange world terrorist curse."


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