• 腰椎术后硬膜外血肿大小重要吗?

    Postoperative Lumbar Epidural Hematoma: Does Size Really Matter?


  • 为了实现最佳性能启用语句缓存为其设置一个合理大小重要

    For optimal performance, it is important to have statement caching turned on and set to a reasonable size.


  • 第三根脚趾头大小重要因为鸟类当中长长的第三根脚趾能够帮助它们抓紧树枝,在树上栖息

    The size of the prey's third toe is important because, among birds, long third toes are helpful for grasping branches and perching in trees.


  • 除了XPP以外EXML其它任何模型占用资源都要少得,并且考虑到EXML易于使用优点肯定会认为适用jar文件大小重要的应用程序。

    EXML has a much smaller footprint than any of the other models except XPP, and given EXML's ease of use advantage you should definitely consider it for applications where jar file size is important.


  • 理解一点重要简单地维护邮件数据库大小不能确保最佳用户服务器性能

    It is important to understand that simply maintaining the size of the mail database does not ensure the best user or server performance.


  • 重要保持Cookie大小尽量减低用户响应时间影响尽可能

    It's important to keep the size of cookies as low as possible to minimize the impact on the user's response time.


  • 这些信息重要因为作为一名管理员,您控制缓冲大小规格决定指定的缓冲池大小

    This is important information for you, as an administrator, because you control the buffer pool size specification and you can decide what size to specify.


  • 捕食第三脚趾大小很重要因为对于来说,长长的第三趾可以帮助其抓紧树枝树上栖息

    The size of the prey's third toe is important because, among birds, long third toes are helpful for grasping branches and perching in trees.


  • 但是利用灯光勾勒汽车外型也很重要,要表现出汽车的造型、线条色彩大小

    Of equal importance, however, was using lighting to sculpt the car physically: its shaping, line, color, and size.


  • 当然大小格式总是重要的,我们品牌美国拉美中国具有重要地位,在欧洲的影响也与日俱增

    Of course, size and form factor are always important, and our brand name has always played an important role in the U.S., Latin America, China, and increasingly in Europe.


  • 通过减少资源大小减小HTTP响应重要但是减小http请求很重要

    Not only is it important to minimize the size of HTTP responses in terms of resource size, but it is also important to minimize the size of HTTP requests.


  • 注意Contains方法总是采取大小写敏感搜索重要的。如果我们查找字符串ript, Contains将会告诉我们这个文本不能找到

    It's important to note that the Contains method always does a case-sensitive search; if we looked for the string RIPT, Contains would tell us that this text could not be found.


  • 微球大小药物释放重要影响,人们认为可以改变大小建立一个药物释放符合需要能够控制药物释放的体系。

    Microsphere size, which has a significant effect on drug release rate, can potentially be varied to design a controlled drug delivery system with desired release profile.


  • 大小字体类型文字重要元素你的明信片印刷项目

    The size and font type of your text are very important elements in your postcard printing project.


  • 日志文件大小对于性能恢复重要

    Sizing of the online redo logs is critical for performance and recovery.


  • 并不是讨论楼层大小这个房子多么宽敞虽然这些因素重要

    I'm not talking about staging, the size, or how spacious the home is, although those factors are important too.


  • 也是重要考虑大小多东西

    It is also very important to consider the size of your home when you purchase the lot.


  • 不是很重要但是尽量接近这个数值,这样后面教程中比较容易匹配粒子大小程序贴图

    This isn't crucial, but the closer your scale is to this, the easier it will be to match the sizes of particles and procedural maps later in the tutorial.


  • 当然大小格式总是重要的,我们品牌美国拉美中国具有重要地位,在欧洲的影响也与日俱增

    Of course, size and form factor are always important, and our brand name has always played an important role in the U. S. , Latin America, China, and increasingly in Europe.


  • 系统准确地监测水位大小水泵开关状态安全生产调度很重要作用

    The system may precisely monitor water level and pump on off status, playing an important role in safety production dispatching.


  • 大脑而言大小真的很重要

    When It Comes to Brains, Size Matters.


  • 大小重要没有什么关系一个部门重要因为我们相互依靠才能做好事情。

    There is no correlation between size and significance. Every ministry matters because we are all dependent on each other to function.


  • 手提电脑方面重要但是对于有些人来说大小重量重要

    There are many important factors in laptop computers, but for some people the size and weight is most important.


  • 部件提供位置具有很重要的意义提高操作包房大小,可操作性安全服务等。

    The locations of the components provide significant improvements in operation, compartment size, maneuverability, safety, and service.


  • 布鲁斯认为大小规模绝对重要起码玩具火车如此

    It's all part of Bruce's belief that size does matter, at least when it comes to toy trains.


  • 虽然边界层水汽合对降水的形成重要,但降水量的大小取决于水汽通量辐合的大小

    Although the water vapor convergence in the surface boundary layer is very important, the rainfall amount depends on the vertically integrated moisture flux convergence.


  • 浮选含率大小决定浮选效果一个重要因素

    The gas holdup of flotation column is a very decisive factor for the flotation result.


  • 现代音乐完全颠覆传统体系如何控制音响结构统一性成了一个重要问题

    After modern music completely subverting the traditional major and minor system, the question as to how to control the unity of the sound structure has become a very important issue.


  • 现代音乐完全颠覆传统体系如何控制音响结构统一性成了一个重要问题

    After modern music completely subverting the traditional major and minor system, the question as to how to control the unity of the sound structure has become a very important issue.


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