• 没有犯规证据根据大学警察并且家庭成员通报了

    There was no evidence of foul play, according to University Police and li's family members have been notified.


  • 星期五广乐,一个SDSU中国研究生大学警察校园公寓发现

    Guangle li, a Chinese graduate student at SDSU, was found dead in his campus apartment on Friday by University Police.


  • 在就一张超速罚单警察斗殴大学停学

    He was suspended for a year from the university after brawling with police over a speeding ticket.


  • 警察接着带走,他们设法找到了我一位大学老友地址,并把我送到他的公寓那里

    Then the police picked me up. They managed to get the address of an old university friend from me and took me to his flat.


  • 之后,去了伊顿,没继续大学反而参加了皇家警察并申请偏远缅甸职位。

    After prep school he attended Eton, but instead of going on to university, he joined the Imperial Police, requesting the remote post of Burma.


  • 一位警察透露两位失踪者分别卡尔顿大学亚港昆学院读书

    A police report said the missing men were studying at Algonquin and Carleton University.


  • 应聘刑事侦查员时,警察机关经验关于街头事件”的了解以及良好告密网络大学文凭重要的多。

    Experience in the police force, knowledge of "the streets" and a good network of informants are all things that matter far more than a university degree when criminal-investigator positions open up.


  • 防暴警察便衣包围了众大学

    Riot police and plainclothes security men have ringed universities.


  • 他没有接受奖学金上大学遵循家庭传统他1922年缅甸成了皇家警察一员。

    Instead of accepting a scholarship to a university, Orwell decided to follow family tradition and, in 1922, went to Burma as assistant district superintendent in the Indian Imperial Police.


  • 首都德黑兰最为白热化,游行次日,大学工学院学生再次遭到便衣警察袭击逮捕

    In Tehran, the capital and hottest spot, on the day after the demonstration students in the university's technical faculty were again attacked by plainclothes agents, and further arrests were made.


  • 从前担任警员,为伍尔弗汉普大学人群秩序控制方面专家彼得•沃丁顿(Peter Waddington)马丁塑料子弹警察为防暴子弹)持怀疑态度。

    Both he and Peter Waddington, a former policeman and now an authority on crowd control at Wolverhampton University, are sceptical about plastic bullets (or baton rounds as the police call them).


  • 但是警察找到之前,两个大学带着奶奶车停在我家的车道旁。

    But before the police could find her, two college kids pulled into our driveway with my grandma.


  • 这些高科技警察平均年龄不到30,他们当中许多去年大学毕业

    The high-tech policemen average less than 30 years of age, some of them just graduated from college last year.


  • 布坎南警察发生肢体冲突而被乔治敦大学停学

    Buchanan was suspended for a year from Georgetown University after brawling with police.


  • 还有哪个滑铁卢大学计算机专业高才生应该警察后院的大树上自缢身亡?

    Should any brilliant computer student of University of Waterloo hang oneself on the giant tree at the back yard of a police station?


  • 而这一“邻里警务”原则,伦敦·伯克贝克大学麦克·霍夫只能稍微增加公众警察优先考虑事物中的比重而已。

    That, says, Mike Hough of Birkbeck College in London, has only marginally increased the public's role in setting police priorities.


  • 苏珊戴维斯一个大学律师他说校园警察当地警察未成年人违反饮酒规定报告管理员

    Susan Davis, a university lawyer, says campus police and local police report underage drinking violations to administrators.


  • 这种方法传统警察招募标准业绩考核方式,招募更多的具有大学本科更高学历者加入警察队伍。

    The traditional recruit criterion and achievement assessment way has been changed and more university graduates and others with higher academic credentials have been recruited for the police.


  • 如果参军成为公务员,当警察,或者做大学教授这些工作薪酬都岗位挂钩,与无关。

    If you join the military, civil service, police force, become a professor at many schools, etc..., you will be going into a job where the salary is pegged to the job, not the person.


  • 导师3现任重点大学医学院主管,曾担任英国某大警察警务长。

    Trainer 3– Head of Forensic Science Faculty of a leading university, and former superintendent of one of the largest UK Police forces.


  • 问题出他们不易接近。根据伦敦大学国王学院调查,现在警察只有15%的时间用于人们平常可见巡逻

    The problem is their remoteness: according to King's College London, as little as 15% of police time is now spent on visible patrol.


  • 警察院校大学体育能力反映警察院校大学体育教学质量

    The level of police college students' gymnastic ability is a reflection of the quality of physical education in police college.


  • 巡逻这个聚会,增加安保警察伴随着剑桥大学其他学院的聚会取消。

    Extra security and police were also drafted in this time to patrol the party, whilst other college parties elsewhere in Cambridge were cancelled.


  • 银行家被扣上手铐带走时候,那个女儿大学警察突然就,“只有一个问题要问其余的学费你原本准备到哪?”

    As the policeman, who also had a daughter in college, was leading him away in handcuffs, he said to the banker, "I have just one question for you. Where were you going to get the rest of the money?"


  • 警察提供佛基尼亚理工大学惨案的最新报道,今天他们报道凶手分钟内狂扫了170,最后自己也在到处都是受害者教室里饮弹自杀了。

    Police are providing new details into the Virginia Tech massacre. Today they revealed that the gunman fired more than 170 rounds in nine minutes and shot himself in a classroom surrounded by victims.


  • 警察提供佛基尼亚理工大学惨案的最新报道,今天他们报道凶手分钟内狂扫了170,最后自己也在到处都是受害者教室里饮弹自杀了。

    Police are providing new details into the Virginia Tech massacre. Today they revealed that the gunman fired more than 170 rounds in nine minutes and shot himself in a classroom surrounded by victims.


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