• 写作策略培训大学英语写作教学有效;

    Writing strategy training can promote students' awareness in using English learning strategies.


  • 本文多方面探讨搞好大学英语写作教学方法

    This essay discusses the ways to improve the teaching of English writing class at college level from different perspectives.


  • 建构主义理论出发,构建了大学英语写作教学模式

    This paper constructs a model for the teaching of English writing on the basis of constructivism.


  • 本文讨论大学英语写作教学文体意识培养与运用

    This article discusses the cultivation of the awareness of style on the part of college English students in their English writing courses.


  • 大学英语写作教学改革重要的一环就是阶段教师角色转换

    Teachers' role conversion in pre-writing phase is regarded as important in college English writing reform.


  • 研究英语教学研究,特别是大学英语写作教学研究有一定理论实践意义。

    This study is theoretically and practically significant to the study on English teaching, in particular, teaching of college English writing.


  • 大学英语写作教学外语教学研究中的难点重点,大学英语写作水平亟待提高

    The study of college English writing has long been the focus and difficulty in EFL research and students'writing ability need improving.


  • 面向大学英语写作教学自动作文评分要求评分方法具有针对非特定作文题目的通用性

    The automated essay scoring for the teaching of college English writing requires that the scoring method should have the feature of generality, namely, without pertinency of specific subjects.


  • 本文希望通过探讨合作学习提高写作成就的作用大学英语写作教学提供有益启示

    It is expected that research on promoting English writing achievement through cooperative learning would provide helpful implications for ELT.


  • 连贯大学英语写作教学中的重点,主理论又是促成语篇衔接连贯的一个功能系统

    Coherence is always an emphasis of college English writing. Theme-rheme theory is another functional system which favors discourse cohesion and coherence.


  • 文章在通过大学英语四级考试写作形式内容进行分析,探讨如何更好的进行大学英语写作教学

    Through an analysis of CET-4 in terms of its format and requirement of English writing, this paper aims at designing and organizing a better approaches of writing teaching.


  • 以上结论表明写作策略培训大学英语写作教学中的重要性,也证明学习策略在非英语专业领域

    The results suggest that the writing strategies are helpful in the learning of college English writing and that writing strategies can be taught and learned in the non-major English field.


  • 传统大学英语写作教学基础上,揉合写作过程互动修改等现代写作理论从而不断提高大学英语写作水平。

    On the basis of traditional English writing teaching, together with modern writing theory of writing process and mutually correcting, to improve the college students English writing.


  • 结合笔者教学经验,本文认为大学英语写作教学可以准备写作阶段修改提高三个阶段进入大学英语写作教学

    According to the writer, the teaching of English writing can be carried out by three steps: preparation before writing, writing process, correcting and improvement.


  • 大学英语写作教学英语整体教学严重滞后一种普通现象许多院校来说,专写作课程在短期内也很难列入议事日程。

    The serious lag of college English writing instruction in the whole English teaching is a common phenomenon, yet it is very difficult for many colleges to establish writing courses in the near future.


  • 大学英语写作教学教师往往只注重语法词汇篇章结构处理,忽略文学修辞手段,因此学生写作时语言单调直白,缺少生气。

    In teaching college English writing teachers emphasize grammar, the use of words and expressions and the structure of the passage, but ignore the application of literature rhetoric methods in writing.


  • 阐述任务教学定义特征设计一堂任务型教学大学英语写作教学中的应用的课。并分析任务型教学法在大学英语写作教学中的应用时的优点和不足。

    After stating the definition of task-based approach and its characteristic, the author designed a teaching case to show that it is feasible to apply task-based approach to college English writing.


  • 毕业论文写作大学英语专业教学一个不可缺少部分

    Thesis writing is an indispensable part and an important section of college curriculum of English major.


  • 写作大学英语教学最薄弱环节之一,也是困扰师生难题

    Writing has been a weak point in college English teaching and learning and a difficult task both for teachers and students.


  • 文章最后指出大学英语阅读写作一体化教学中,自始至终都关注英语惯用语串的教与学。

    The paper suggests that in the integrated teaching of reading and writing, importance should always be attached to English formulaic sequences.


  • 主讲大学英语》、《英语写作》等课程,主要研究方向语言教学

    My field of study is English Linguistics and my current research direction is foreign language teaching and learning.


  • 写作属于产出性语言技能大学英语教学必不可少一部分

    Writing is an important part in college English teaching, which belongs to the range of productive language skill.


  • 另外这种研究有助于改进演讲爱好者运用演讲语言技能推动大学英语阅读写作教学工作。

    In addition, it also can facilitate the improvement of the speech lover's skills in using public speaking language and promote the teaching in English comprehension and writing in colleges.


  • 本文大学英语写作特点大学英语写作存在问题以及作者教学过程总结经验提出自己的观点及改进策略

    This essay puts forward some improving strategies to the characteristics of college English writing, the problems in the writing-teaching and the summarized experience during the English teaching.


  • 摘要写作一直大学英语教学中的一个难点也是学生学习英语头痛问题

    Abstract: the writing has been in a university English teaching difficulty, when is the student studies English the most headache question.


  • 本文研究假设:(1)语结构潜势理论大学英语实用写作教学能够产生何种作用,是积极的,还是消极的?。

    The author puts forward two hypotheses which are: 1. What kind of effects does the GSP theory have on the college English practical writing, positive or negative?


  • 研究哈尔滨师范大学阿城学院英语专业二年级38名学生进行了为期一年认知策略训练基础任务写作教学

    This paper is on the basis of a training of metacognitive strategy in task-based writing for the 38 sophomores in the English Department, Acheng School of Harbin Normal University.


  • 作为英语学习四项基本技能之一英语写作一直是大学英语教学中的难题

    As one of the four basic skills of English learning English writing has been perplexing for quite a long time.


  • 一年来教学实践证实,大学英语作文反馈很有必要,间接反馈方式能有效地帮助学生改变写作中一蹴而就、不负责任态度。

    Based on the researches on EFL writing from Western countries, this paper discusses both the necessity of teacher feedback and the most effective ways of providing this feedback.


  • 一年来教学实践证实,大学英语作文反馈很有必要,间接反馈方式能有效地帮助学生改变写作中一蹴而就、不负责任态度。

    Based on the researches on EFL writing from Western countries, this paper discusses both the necessity of teacher feedback and the most effective ways of providing this feedback.


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