• 谢谢苏珊但是这些大多数女孩化妆竞争

    Rebecca: Well, thanks, Susan, but most girls wear makeup these days and I want to compete.


  • 大多数女孩卫生部门工作但是男孩却愈加偏好IT工程

    The majority of the girls would like to work in the health sector, while the boys preferred it and engineering.


  • 大多数女孩1416之间出嫁从来没有上过但是她们希望上学

    Most of the girls, who were married between the ages of 14 and 16, had never attended school, but all say they still hope for an education.


  • 认识大多数女孩在跟妈妈再见时候,都不会告诉妈妈自己

    Most girls I know don't tell their mothers they love them when they say goodbye.


  • 大多数女孩朋友学习化妆,但是这些朋友可能一样害羞、糟糕

    Most girls learn to apply makeup from their friends, who are as awkward with it as they are.


  • 大多数女孩事实上都在找寻长久在一起的人,同时喜欢保留她们选择权

    Most girls are actually looking for someone long-term, but they do like to keep their options open as well.


  • 尽管大多数女孩不是与生俱来就长得好看,但是她们热爱生活自己看起来迷人。

    Though most girls are not born with nature beauty, they love life and make themselves attractive all the time.


  • 大多数女孩青少年时期开始注意时尚她们还是孩子的时候,不会区别时尚。

    Most girls start to notice the fashion as they become the teenagers, when they are children, they don't see the difference.


  • 古代大多数男孩某些类型玩具大多数女孩另一些玩具,正如今天一样。

    In the ancient world, as is today, most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls with another.


  • 有幸的是,对于大多数女孩少数男孩而言妈妈们可以使用失望羞愧迫使子女服从

    With many girls, and only some boys, moms havegood luck wielding disappointment and shame in order to coerce compliance.


  • 然而显然大多数女孩更年轻时候失去童贞这个年纪一般在1720岁之间,这50年代时要整整

    Yet most girls were apparently losing their virginity younger - between the ages of 17 and 20, a full two years earlier than the generation of the Fifties.


  • 她们妆容很完美,还搭以配饰,大多数女孩一副样子产生审美疲劳她们会不惜一切代价抢热卖的新装。

    But most girls get tired of the same old look, and they'll do just about anything to get the hot new piece on their arm.


  • 遇到别人提供战利品或者建议时候,大多数女孩接受如果是个淑女,还会道谢),但是脑子里其实想的:“什么

    When approached by a guy offering up loot or advice, most girls will take it (and say thank you if she's a lady), but in the back of her mind, this thought is playing: "What?"


  • 有毒童年作者·尔默非常担心大多数以上女孩这种颜色感到疯狂。

    Sue Palmer, writer of Toxic Childhood, is very worried that most girls over the age of three are crazy about the color.


  • 大多数双胞胎一样,两个女孩看起来大多数双胞胎不同是,贝蒂艾比共享同一个身体某些部位

    Like most twins, the two girls look very much alike, but unlike most twins, Betty and Abby share parts of the same body.


  • 着的时候,他不得不抬头看大多数的男孩,甚至要抬头看很多女孩

    Standing, he had to look up at most of the boys and even many of the girls.


  • 不错店里显得顺从,很甜美可是这些女孩大多数在私下里外面是完全相反

    Yes, she was submissive and sweet at the store, but most of these girls are the opposite, privately, of what they are in public.


  • 大多数时候女孩阿米巴团体都非常专注,她们跟着音乐笑啊跳啊慢慢地朝内成一个圈。

    Most of the time the girl amoeba is absorbed with itself, laughing and moving to the music, faced inward in a circle.


  • 这些告诉孟加拉妇女们吧,全国世界穷的国家之一那里女孩也是全世界受教育最少的群体之一而且她们中的大多数十几岁便结婚了

    Tell that to the women of Bangladesh, one of the world's poorest nations, where girls are among the least educated in the world, and mostly marry while in their mid-teens.


  • 他们他们大多数人都没有上孩子们,不管男孩女孩学校

    They tell me that most of them did not get an education, but that their children - girls and boys - are enrolled in school.


  • 鉴于大多数童装都是妈妈表明,妈妈们女儿很小的时候就本能地向她们灌输观点,就是女孩需要衣服男孩多得多

    As mothers buy most of the clothes for their children, this suggests that they instinctively instilla much greater need for clothes in their daughters from a very young age.


  • 看看价格——不一定非得不可。但是大多数情况下昂贵的电子产品越能得到女孩赞赏

    Show me the Money - not always, but yes, in most of the cases it is noticed that an expensive gadget gets more appreciation from the girls.


  • 大多数男孩子担心如果说错话的话女孩嘲笑其实一个多余担心

    Most guys are scared that a girl will laugh at them if they say the wrong thing... but that is simply a myth promoted by fear.


  • 回想1李万源(音译)还大多数男性一样提起女孩们的化妆品就觉得晕头转向

    A YEAR and a half ago, like most men in the world, li Wanyuan went dizzy whenever anyone talked about girls' cosmetics.


  • 这里孩子年龄大多数36岁,除了12岁的吉妮尔15岁的阿伊达两女孩

    Most of the children were between three and six; there was also a twelve-year-old girl, Jeanel, and a fifteen-year-old, Ayida.


  • 大多数工程师寻找地下蒸汽作为地热发电厂动力时,对于地热资源的挑剔程度不亚于这个小女孩

    Most engineers looking for underground sources of steam to generate geothermal power have similar tastes.


  • 其中大多数还是十四五岁的中学生。” 他说最小只有13岁还有一些女孩已经多次堕胎

    Most of them are junior middle school students aged 14 to 15," said Deng, adding the youngest patient to come for an abortion was a 13-year-old and some girls had abortions many times.


  • 其中大多数还是十四五岁的中学生。” 他说最小只有13岁还有一些女孩已经多次堕胎

    Most of them are junior middle school students aged 14 to 15," said Deng, adding the youngest patient to come for an abortion was a 13-year-old and some girls had abortions many times.


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