• 第三章1996-2009年《大众电影明星照时期。

    The third chapter: the pictures of "stars" in 1996-2009.


  • 幸存有赖于磨平生活艰辛大众电影画面都是呈现一种出柔和的色彩。

    In the movies, which exist partly to smooth over the rough patches in our collective life, the same basic picture takes on a more benign coloration.


  • 具备大众电影语言批评机制的姬尔读者那里博得了极少影评人所能享受友情

    Having developed a lexicon and critical apparatus for popular movies, Kael achieved a camaraderie with her readers that few reviewers enjoy.


  • 本文研究标本是1950年2009年间出版的《大众电影杂志封面

    This paper concentrates on the covers of Popular Cinema magazine, which published form 1950 to 2009.


  • 1979年6月18日早上,《大众电影主编林杉收到了一封措辞强硬的读者来信

    On the morning of June 18, 1979, Lin Shan, then editor-in-chief of Popular Cinema received a strongly worded letter from a reader.


  • 围子花花绿绿匆匆浏览了一下,整整一本《大众电影》,还有脖子上安娜》的彩色剧照

    The curtain of Kang was zooty , I looked at in a hurry, found that was a magazine of People File, and there were color stills of Anna of Neck.


  • 技术突然变得大众了——一个观众能够十二个、二十个、甚至是上百个人共同观看一部电影

    It suddenly became publican experience that the viewer shared with dozens, scores, and even hundreds of others.


  • 随着1895到1896年间投影技术出现电影成为大众消费最终形式

    With the advent of projection in 1895-1896, motion pictures became the ultimate form of mass consumption.


  • 电影播放技术最初西洋镜”的形式演变而来直到发展个时期;这个时期中,影像投影到幽暗的影院屏幕之上,电影作为一种大众消费的形式而出现

    The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumption until its technology evolved from the initial "peepshow" format to the point where images were projected on a screen in a darkened theater.


  • 政策制定者所面临问题他们尽力互联网接入带给大众同时试图抑制数字音乐电影视频游戏非法复制行为

    That is the question confronting policy makers as they try to bring Internet access to the masses while seeking to curb illegal copying of digital music, movies and video games.


  • 随着所有形式大众传媒不断扩张很多电影电视节目商业广告它们配乐中常常包含古典音乐

    As all forms of mass media continue to expand, many movies, television programs, and commercials are continually including classical music in their soundtracks.


  • 通过调侃自己电影一夜之间讨得大众的欢心这位资深导演难以容忍。

    To have a spoof of his movie gain overnight mass appeal was very unsatisfying to the senior director.


  • 早期无声黑白电影现在迎合大众口味电视剧吸血鬼一直流行文化中的常客,好像他们本来就存在于这个世界。

    From the black-and-white creepiness of early silent films to the campy kitsch of television series today, these bloodsuckers are so diffuse in popular culture that they might as well be real.


  • 再也不用在那儿那些感情脆弱的傻娘们胡扯什么地球怎么抖动的,我可以全身心的投入电影剧本的创作,为大众创造一个又一个的观念突破

    Not having to lie there and listen to all that maudlin drivel about how the earth shook freed me up to work on film scripts and develop new breakthrough concepts.


  • 个人博客中拿电影外星人命运中国劳苦大众遭遇无良房地产开发商迁的悲惨相比较

    His satirical blog compared the aliens' fate in the film with the suffering of Chinese people when unscrupulous real estate developers demolish their houses in the drive for profit.


  • 电影电视大众文学宣扬老套的管理模式,通过它们,好的企业领导总是被刻画成一个颐指气使的形象,并且言行举止方面,总要摆出一副“说了算”的架势。

    Films, popular literature, and television foster the stereotype that a good leader is one who wields power visibly and says, "I'm in charge" in word, deed, and demeanor.


  • 电影观众大众梦想孟买南亚人民的一个大众梦想。

    Just as cinema is a mass dream of the audience, Mumbai is a mass dream of the peoples of South Asia.


  • 最大创新性产业之一获得各种各样经济利益真正文化价值还是没有显现出来,还不能电影音乐那样被大众谈论。

    It's one of the biggest creative industries and all the kind of economic benefits but there is a real culture value that doesn't tend to get talked about in the same breath as film and music.


  • 一郑重蹩脚史诗电影不仅错失智慧的方舟没有愉悦岸上的大众

    And this solemn, ersatz epic not only misses the boat intellectually but also fails as entertainment.


  • 假如电影成功秘诀就是大众所好,那么泰国电影业一定感到高兴。

    IF the secret of success in the cinema is to anticipate the popular mood, Thailand's film industry should be feeling pretty chuffed.


  • 危险好莱坞电影感受正在大众观点演变成美国非主流官方观点

    The danger is that Hollywood's taste in its own products is becoming as removed from public opinion as its political views are outside the American mainstream.


  • 1951版电影爱丽丝梦游仙境就是根据路易斯·卡罗尔小说改编的。《爱丽丝梦游仙境》一书比电影问世了86很久之后另一种形式出现在了大众面前。

    The studio's 1951 hit Alice in Wonderland was based on Lewis Carroll's novel, published 86 years earlier and long since reverted to the public domain.


  • 就是那些运用手段发行电影的人也不知道什么才能抓住大众兴趣

    Even those working on distributing movies in new ways cannot predict what will capture the public's interest.


  • 大众传播媒体包括报纸杂志广播电视电影等等

    The mass media includes newspapers, magazines, radio, television, films, etc.


  • 这本大众在读,权威接着全世界人民在读,直到电影公司在读畅销书成为电影之前并非现在一般出众

    The public at the time, then the authority of the time, people all over the world at the time, until the film also read the best-seller before becoming a movie is not, as is now generally excellent.


  • 电影生产方式媒介传播方式这种媒介所产生效果使成为大众传播媒介

    The production method of the movie, its medium propagation way and effect produced by it make it become a kind of mass media.


  • 电影生产方式媒介传播方式这种媒介所产生效果使成为大众传播媒介

    The production method of the movie, its medium propagation way and effect produced by it make it become a kind of mass media.


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