• 推动同质化力量还有大众媒体广告体育

    The mass media, advertising and sports are other forces for homogenization.


  • 这家搜索巨头借助于大众力量帮助完善产品服务

    The search giant is turning to people power to help it hone its products and services.


  • 出版商游说团决意阻止大众利用电脑力量他们发现版权是样合手的工具。

    The publishers' lobby was determined to prevent the public from taking advantage of the power of their computers, and found copyright a handy weapon.


  • 搜寻这个金发女孩的新闻全世界广为散布并且动用到了专业心理学公共大众力量

    The case made international news as police searched for the blonde teen, and tips poured in from both psychics and the public.


  • 一直小看大众媒体力量奢侈品营销人员自身承担着风险

    Luxury marketers continuing to overlook the power of social media do so at their own risk.


  • 具影响力人物排行榜始于1999年,最初只是大众传媒众多排行榜中的一支新生力量迅速成长最受人们关注排行榜之一

    The list, first published in 1999 is a fledgling among the more long standing lists in popular media but has quickly grown to be one of the most anticipated.


  • 社会力量强大禁锢个人思想,社会的一切大众所有,任何个人只能顺应,其中包括各种思想观念

    The powerful force of community that envelopes the individual begets the idea that all parts of the community can be used by the members of that community any way that they see fit, including ideas.


  • 随着大众对住所安全需求普及化玩具厂商可以计算机工业技术力量弹性大批量生产,从而将市场价格降低至大众消费价格。

    Home security is blossoming for toy makers who can match the technical power and flexibility of the computer industry with the mass-market prices that come from large production runs.


  • 城市背景下个人有着强大的力量可以作出有益于大众健康变化

    Individuals are a powerful force within urban Settings making changes that have enormous health benefits for us all.


  • 然而这样业绩主要取决于大众旗下豪华型的新生力量-奥迪。

    Yet this performance is largely due to Audi, the burgeoning luxury wing of the VW group.


  • 大众告诉我们他们希望帮助地球但是他们黑暗力量说服政客他们二氧化碳采取行动

    VW tell us they want to help the planet, but use their Dark Side powers to persuade politicians not to act on CO2.


  • 解构主义学术界大众刊物中具争议性。仍旧当代哲学文学批评理论里一股主要力量

    Although deconstructionism is quite controversial in the academic circle and in public, but it's still a main power of contemporary philosophy and a theory of literary criticism .


  • 不妨试想我们集体努力大众认识档案馆神秘力量产生怎样的影响

    Just imagine the impact that our combined efforts can have on public awareness about the mystic power of archives!


  • 只要有机会就会灌输她从中汲取价值力量:忍耐、平等贫苦大众请命。

    Whenever the opportunity presented itself, she would drill into me the values that she saw there: tolerance, equality, standing up for the disadvantaged.


  • 由于偶像力量如此有效因此偶像应该大众面前保持积极形象

    As the power from idol is so effective, so the idol should keep the positive image to the public.


  • 当初保罗创立微软之时,我们目标是计算机软件力量普及普通大众便是我们当时的说法

    When Paul Allen and I started Microsoft, we wanted to bring the power of computers and software to the people, and that was the kind of rhetoric we used.


  • 二十多年来三种文化电视传播中的形态力量不断改变,但是大众文化始终处于蓬勃生长的态势。

    For twenty years, the form and power of the three cultures in television communication have been changing, but popular culture has always been growing vigorously.


  • 陶德曼说:“社会大众普遍都接受了解真实诚实合宜道德公平善良基本观念,便能给予扶轮社员支持力量,但这种力量今日不复。”

    "Rotarians do not have as their support the societal or universally accepted and understood beliefs in the basic tenets of truth, honesty, decency, morality, fairness, and goodness," Dochterman says.


  • 台湾电视综艺节目不仅成为娱乐产业一个组成部分成为大众文化推动力量影响着社会文化的各个方面。

    The variety shows in Taiwan become not only a part of the entertainment industry but also a force to push forward the popular culture, thus influencing all aspects of the social culture.


  • 19世纪20世纪大众观念发生了极大的改变维京美化高贵野蛮人有角的头盔,拥有自豪的文化和可怕的战争力量

    During the 19th and 20th centuries, perceptions changed to the point where Vikings were glamorized as noble savages with horned helmets, a proud culture and a feared prowess in battle.


  • 主要原因他们代表基层老百姓力量所以广泛大众基础

    Many reasons accounting for this are as follows: first, they represent the power of "grassroots" people, so that there is broad public basis for them.


  • 拥有武器别人缺少力量一般都会大众他们自己构成一种威胁

    People who bear arms and have power which others lack, always constitute a danger to the public at large and to themselves.


  • 同时依靠正在崛起市民社会的力量,借助传媒权力的扩张,积极投身大众文化达到自我实现

    At thesametime, he reaches self- realization through utilizingthestrength of the uprising citizen classandmass mediaanddevoting himself into mass culture.


  • 因此我们必须确定大众媒介权力合理限度依靠社会力量大众媒介权力主体行为进行控制,实现大众传媒的良性秩序。

    Therefore, we must determine a reasonable limit of the power endowed with mass media, and depend on social forces to supervise the body of mass media with the aim of keeping mass media in good order.


  • 大众力量尊重理性进阶辩论,能和谐共处吗?

    Can the strength of Numbers, as well as respect for reason and a better argument be,? In some sense, harmonized?


  • 作为大多数美国人主要消息来源,电视增强和夸张大众媒体力量

    As the chief source of news for most Americans, it has enhanced-and exaggerated-the power of the mass of media.


  • 众人力量才能取得成功,才能更好的成全服务大众我们一起共创科技带来生活

    The set of all forces in order to be successful, in order to better fulfill and serve the public, "We are willing to create a new technology can bring life with you!"


  • 相对于缺少力量来说拥有过多力量的人和这种力量不会屈服最高权威- - - - -对大众构成一种威胁

    People who have surplus power lacking to others-and this power is not made subordinate to a supreme authority - constitute a public danger.


  • 相对于缺少力量来说拥有过多力量的人和这种力量不会屈服最高权威- - - - -对大众构成一种威胁

    People who have surplus power lacking to others-and this power is not made subordinate to a supreme authority - constitute a public danger.


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