• 最高的利润那些多重市场推出重新包装的节目的人创造。

    And the fattest profits will be made by those who can repackage content for multiple markets.


  • 上一贴中我们解释多重市场使用多重系统有助于获得持续一致盈利更为平滑资金曲线

    In our last Bulletin we presented our reasoning for using multiple systems in multiple markets in order to produce more consistent profits and to generate a smoother equity curve.


  • 引入高素质技术管理人才应用高效率的管理模式,利用高速传递的多重信息开发产品,巩固老客户,开拓新兴市场成为应对挑战最佳战略

    Introducing skill and management talents, adopting high efficiency management mode and information, developing new product and exploring the emerging market are the best strategies to face challenge.


  • 任何公司中,都需要做出决定关于价格产品销售会计市场以及雇用员工

    In any business, there are crucial decisions to be made about pricing, product, sales, accounting, marketing and hiring.


  • 尽管如此过去一年上海城市转型上取得了诸进展,远局限于金融市场方面

    Still, the past year has seen big steps toward the transformation of Shanghai, not to mention its financial markets.


  • 周围所有树木其他植被不同覆盖场所承担着多重功能市场音乐会群体活动场所、酒吧餐厅、信息中心、多媒体场所。

    All around the trees and other plant species, different covered spaces host multiple facilities: market, areas for concerts and manifestations, bar, restaurant, info-centre, multimedia point.


  • 随着越来越新闻稿出现多重剧院企业房屋规划新闻稿更加有组织有豪华规模市场已经发生了巨大变化。

    With more releases, emergence of multiplex theatres and corporate houses planning releases in a more organized and lavish scale, the market had changed dramatically.


  • 多重成本负面因素叠加情况下欧盟主要市场中小纺企业面临很大困境

    In the case of multiple cost superposition of negative factors, to the European Union as the main market of small and medium-sized textile clothing enterprises will face great difficulties.


  • 正是在乐观前景鼓舞下企业加快市场推进步伐

    In this optimistic outlook inspiring, many heavy card enterprises quicken the pace of advancing market.


  • 制度存在多重均衡没有趋势使得市场可以选择最好个。

    There could be multiple equilibria in institutions, with no tendency for market forces to select the one that was best.


  • 人工智能时代将会带来多重改变我们需要重新想象一件事情、每一个行业、每一个市场,”说道

    "The era of ai will bring great changes, which means we need to re-imagine everything, every industry and every market," he said.


  • 基于这些特征分析提出易与市场对接的多重定价策略

    Based on the analysis of these characteristics, the tactics of multiple prices which are fit for the market are provided.


  • 作者通过改进后的多重均衡模型讨论权力市场两个因素关系油价波动原因做出解释

    The author attempts to use an improved Multiple Equilibrium Model to explore the relations between power structures and the market and the reasons for international oil price fluctuations.


  • 布莱市场就是牲口当地居民的例证。

    The Dobley market is a testament to how important livestock is to the local population.


  • 现代企业采购市场多重因素组合体而且因素之间存在差异也就是说存在着细分可行性

    The purchase market of modern enterprises is a combination of many elements, and there are differences between these elements, which indicate that the feasibility of market subdivision exists.


  • 供电企业营销意识市场供应过剩、市场需求日趋多元化电力体制改革多重压力逐渐苏醒

    The marketing consciousness of the power supply enterprise revives gradually under the multiple pressures of pluralism, electric system reform and market demand pluralism.


  • 除了本身具有多重技能之外,英文提升市场价值,也进入世界级工作环境

    English has increased my market value. I have a bunch of different skills and interests but it was only my English skills that earned me the eligibility to work in a world-class environment.


  • 导致信贷市场功能失常,而不久之后方面完全停止运转

    This led to a dysfunctional credit market that in important respects soon turned non-functional.


  • 对此无缝管网专家分析表示,股市钢铁期货提振有限加上目前钢材市场缺乏明显的利好信息多重原因刺激走低

    In this regard, seamless network of experts that helped the stock market of steel is limited, and the current lack of a good steel market information, lower steel prices to stimulate multiple reasons.


  • 同时考虑到特质波动率和相关性两个因素一些影响市场收益率的因素相关,不加任何处理引入定价模型,可能导致自变量之间的多重共线性。

    At the same time, considering these two factors correlated with other factors that influence market return, there may be co-linearity in our regression equations if we ignore this phenomena.


  • BSCI有效防止出口欧洲货物的多重审计,节约成本时间使产品欧洲更具市场竞争力,特别注意BSCI报告的最长有效期3

    BSCI is an effective way to avoid multi-audits, save time and cost, and make your products more competitive in European markets; special note BSCI report is valid for 3 years.


  • 如果这些趋势得以继续那么至2050年,烟草市场面临无人吸烟的局面。

    If these trends continue, then by 2050, many important tobacco markets will have gone to zero smoking.


  • 我们中国市场深信不疑因此,我们打算将来打进多重的中国市场

    We are very confident in the Chinese market, and therefore we aim to bring the show to more and more locations.


  • 荣群电讯股份有限公司创始1991 年,公司目标设计制造销售世界顶级的宽频多重服务接取网路及光纤传输系统,产品市场遍及全球。

    Founded in 1991, OPNET Technologies Co. , Ltd. (OPNET) specializes in designing, manufacturing and marketing telecommunication transmission products for access networks and inter-office networks.


  • 利用多重分形消除趋势分析法(MF -DFA)纽约原油期货收益率时间序列进行分析,发现纽约原油期货市场具有明显多重分形特征

    The return series of New York oil futures market is analyzed based on multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MF-DFA) method, through which the obvious multifractal behavior has been found.


  • 无线,功能设备特别是随着多重标准扩散爆炸性需求表明大众市场水平的无线技术采用巨大的机会

    The explosive demand in wireless-capable devices, especially with the proliferation of multiple standards, indicates a great opportunity for adoption of wireless technology at a mass-market level.


  • 2008年,中国客车市场内外环境发生了很变化时间不多2008年里,中国客车是否维持几年高速增长势头,尚有很大变数

    In 2008, great changes have taken in China's bus market. In the next few months of 2008, whether or not to keep the high-speed growth like few years ago by China bus is still unknown.


  • 斯密价值概念多种定义相似,马克思的价值概念包含劳动价值、生产成本价值(生产价格)、供求拉动价值(市场价值)要素竞争价值多重形态

    Similar to Smith's, Marx's concept of value includes labor value, value of production cost (production price), value determined by supply and demand (market value) and element competition value, etc.


  • 住宅区更多商业开发项目融合起来,以及提供价格平易市场主导住宅这些做法

    How essential is it to mix residential neighborhoods with more commercial developments, and to provide for both affordable and market-driven housing?


  • 住宅区更多商业开发项目融合起来,以及提供价格平易市场主导住宅这些做法

    How essential is it to mix residential neighborhoods with more commercial developments, and to provide for both affordable and market-driven housing?


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