• 国人开始相信科学确定性不仅解决科学问题而且改革政治政府商业

    Many Americans came to believe that scientific certainty could not only solve scientific problems, but also reform politics, government, and business.


  • 但是大多数美国还是享受一些休闲时间因为他们忙了国人需要仔细地计划他们的休闲时间。

    But most Americans are able to enjoy some leisure time. Because they are so busy, many Americans need to plan their leisure time carefully.


  • 考虑到略微大点螃蟹批发市场9块金,就是不错生意了。

    That's a good deal, considering larger crabs can sell for more than $9 in wholesale markets.


  • 可是即使1960年代乘飞机旅客大多承担昂贵花费的富人商务人士国人仍旧无力承担飞行的费用。

    Even by the 1960s, though, air travelers were mostly wealthy people or businessmen on expense accounts; most Americans still could not afford to fly.


  • 拉拉同样可以拥有快乐安宁、富有意义的关系——共度时光,为什么不呢?

    Lesbians can have joyous, peaceful, meaningful relationships-what's better than spending your life with her having more good times than bad?


  • 就像国人愿意放弃他们耗油SUV那样,法尔利重点集中于推广小型车高的车型,并且在全球范围内相似的广告语宣传。

    As much as Americans seem reluctant to give up their petrol-guzzling SUVs, he concentrated on promoting small, fuel-efficient cars, with a similar message around the world to advertise them.


  • 发现,尚未生育女人轻易地医生结扎手术,有时候甚至育有子女女人可以手术。

    Many women in the U.S. have found that it's difficult if not impossible to find a doctor who will perform a tubal ligation if the woman has not already had children (and sometimes even if she has).


  • 知道现在怀疑我们是否改变我是否领导改变。

    And right now, I know there are many Americans who aren't sure if they still believe we can changeor that I can deliver it.


  • 不过友好国人推崇美德同时希望邻居陌生人如此

    Yet, being friendly is a virtue that many Americans value highly and expect from both neighbors and strangers. (NETEM 1997, Passage 2, Paragraph 5)


  • TripAdvisor爱丁堡“除了羊杂(哈吉斯)油炸火星之外,显然提供提供来自世界各地的烹饪菜肴和好餐厅满足各种预算

    TripAdvisor said Edinburgh "clearly had more to offer than haggis and deep-fired Mars bars" and offered cuisine from all over the world and good restaurants to suit any budget.


  • 确实很喜欢从事工程,从中获得真正进步——例如,在?JIT工程我们物资耗费每月节省1万多美

    A: I really enjoy working on any re? Engineering project where a true improvement results, for example, the JIT project in hich we saved more than ten thousand dollars per month in inventory costs.


  • 影响着一百万多美国人炎症,是引起炎症两种慢性病克罗恩氏病溃疡性结肠炎。

    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which affects as many as 1 million Americans, refers to two chronic diseases that cause inflammation of the intestines: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.


  • 同样使国人困惑他们捐助中国发挥什么样的作用,因为中国似乎表明他们自己可以完成所有救助工作。

    This has left many Americans wondering how their charitable dollars can be useful in a nation trying to show that it can handle the relief efforts on its own, experts said.


  • 在家工作那么多美好的利益我们可以选择工作时间我们,如果天天我们知道我们日子还是可以得到很多

    Working at home has so much and wonderful benefits, we can choose our hours, time and days we want to work, we can work everyday, or just the days we know we can get much of it.


  • 计划年底节日假期探望家人古巴裔美国人则希望利用放松了前往古巴规定

    As many people make plans to visit family for the holidays, Cuban-Americans are hoping to take advantage of new rules that ease travel to the island.


  • 对付对付吧,亲爱的克拉利,”多萝西平静地。 “想想看换换空气该多美。”

    You'll manage, Clarrie love, " Dorothy said calmly, "Think what a lovely change I'll have .


  • 美国忍受许多中国人忍受的事物中国人也忍受许多美国人所不忍受的事物:一点并不怀疑

    I have no doubt that American nerves can stand a good many things that Chinese nerves cannot stand, and vice versa.


  • 值得称赞即便是收费不很普通的小餐厅里,也品尝味佳肴。

    And the good thing is that much of the food served at inexpensive, plain local restaurants tastes just great.


  • 西战争胜利之后,美国开始成为太平洋地区只不可忽视的殖民力量,这时帝国主义者都非常渴望美国经济中国扩张

    With the United States becoming a colonial power in the Pacific after its victory in the Spanish-American War, many American imperialists desired to extend U. S. economic expansion to China.


  • 未来几个月里我们期待国家庭得到减免我们经济注入活力

    And in the coming months, we expect more Americans to take advantage of these rebates, and inject new energy into our economy.


  • 至今去过许多地方看过多美丽的面孔宝贝没有任何一个如此美丽的。

    I've been to many different places, and I see so many beautiful faces, but baby, no one ever comes close to you.


  • 传说故事养生辟邪平安

    Have many fine legends and story, the jade ability health, counteract evil force, protect peaceful etc...


  • 传说故事养生辟邪平安

    Have many fine legends and story, the jade ability health, counteract evil force, protect peaceful etc...


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