• 任何能够的东西都寄给多米尼加贫困的

    I send everything that is possible to send to my poor family in the Dominican Republic.


  • Etienne博士多米尼加卫生服务进行大量研究

    Dr Etienne has also conducted a significant amount of research on health services in Dominica.


  • 因此我们需要开始依靠多米尼加共和国圣多明哥迈阿密紧急供应链进行工作

    So we need to start work on an emergency supply chain, either from Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic, or from Miami.


  • 一个令人震惊数目加拿大多米尼加这两个美国关系密切国家更糟糕

    That is a shocking number, far worse than the performance of countries like Canada or the Dominican Republic whose economies have similarly close links to the United States.


  • 2003年银行业危机使得该国一家大型银行倒闭,也使得多米尼加比索贬值100%。

    A banking crisis in 2003 saw the collapse of one of the country's largest Banks and 100 percent depreciation in the Dominican peso.


  • 许多国家一样多米尼加教育系统没有顺应雇员劳务市场的需求,Vermehren

    In the Dominican Republic, as in many countries, the educational system is not responding to the needs of employers and the labor market, Vermehren says.


  • 吉列尔莫。利纳雷斯第一入市议会多米尼加,也是第一批表态支持拉丁裔知名人物之一

    Guillermo Linares, who was one of the first Dominicans elected to the city council, became one of the first prominent Latinos to endorse me.


  • 最近迪丝利用无息贷款儿子有了次前所未有经历--到多米尼加共和国度假圣地度假。

    Recently, one of these interest-free loans allowed Edith to treat her son Sammy to something he'd never experienced before: a vacation at a resort in the Dominican Republic.


  • 多米尼加荒凉间歇泉出发驶至卡帕多西亚童话般的烟囱世界我们展示了自然10奇异风景

    From the geysers of Dominica's Valley of Desolation to the fairy chimneys of Cappadocia, we showcase 10 of the world's most bizarre landscapes.


  • 上议院议长凯里·巴斯蒂安虽然存活了下来,议会大楼废墟中就在疏散多米尼加共和国前一天。

    Kely Bastien, the President of the Senate, survived the quake but was trapped in the destroyed parliament building for a day before being evacuated to the Dominican Republic.


  • 泥土又把鱼儿趋至渔人追赶范围之外更远海域,然后他们邻国多米尼加富裕大船渔民非法逮捕。

    This pushes fish farther out, beyond the range of the fishermen’s modest boats. There they may be scooped up illegally by richer fishermen, with bigger boats, from the neighbouring Dominican Republic.


  • 泥土又把鱼儿趋至渔人追赶范围之外更远海域,然后他们邻国多米尼加富裕大船渔民非法逮捕。

    This pushes fish farther out, beyond the range of the fishermen's modest boats. There they may be scooped up illegally by richer fishermen, with bigger boats, from the neighbouring Dominican Republic.


  • 泥土又把鱼儿趋至渔人追赶范围之外更远海域,然后他们邻国多米尼加富裕大船渔民非法逮捕。

    This pushes fish farther out, beyond the range of the fishermen's modest boats.There they may be scooped up illegally by richer fishermen, with bigger boats, from the neighbouring Dominican Republic.


  • 主要港口无法船上卸载物资数百辆卡车试图出海地,通往邻近多米尼加共和国道路也被封堵。

    The main port is unable to offload supplies from ships, and the key road to neighbouring Dominican Republic is clogged, as hundreds of lorries try to get in and out of Haiti.


  • 尽管过去50年中,有很多波多黎各多米尼加人来到我们城市,但是我们很少有人西班牙语

    Very few of us speak Spanish despite the huge influx of Puerto Rican and Dominicans to our city over the past 50 years.


  • 上面多米尼加共和国蓬塔卡纳格兰巴伊亚普林西照片挤满大量椅子大量的,和清静根本就沾不上边。

    Take, for example, the above photo of Gran Bahia Principe Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. Crowded with lots of chairs and lots of people, it's anything but deserted.


  • 例如有这样证据与工作有关的培训实习可以帮助多米尼加贫困家庭青少年获得收入更高和质量更好的工作

    For instance, there's evidence that work-related training and internships help teenagers from poor families in the Dominican Republic get higher-paying and better-quality jobs.


  • 定罪对多米尼加·弗朗是打击先前更绝望,认为个人成就正直没有机会在一个这样的世界生存。

    The verdict comes as a blow to Dominique Francon, who more than ever despairs that individual achievement and integrity have little chance of surviving in the world as it is.


  • 年前多米尼加共和国的时候,正在《世界时尚之》完成摄影任务他正一个海地附近的课题中告了一天

    That had been a year ago in the Dominican Republic when she'd been on a photo assignment for Elle and he'd been taking a day off from a project he'd been working on in nearby Haiti.


  • 格林·纳达、喀麦隆伯利兹多米尼加共和国这些在债务违约之后表现差劲的国家乌拉圭违约后的繁荣当中得不到多少安慰

    Grenada, Cameroon, Belize or the Dominican Republic, which fared poorly after defaulting, can take little comfort from Uruguay's post-default boom.


  • 此时,坐在自己席位上,陪同的是芝加哥小熊棒球队本垒打明星萨米·索萨最近他们一起出生地多米尼加共和国

    She was sitting in her box with the home-run-hitting Chicago Cubs star Sammy Sosa, who had joined her on a recent trip to his native Dominican Republic.


  • 多米尼加共和国已经禁止砍伐森林柴烧,通过补贴让天然气取代木炭,现在两国之间的差异卫星国界图片上看得一清二楚。

    The Dominican Republic has banned cutting down trees for charcoal and subsidized propane as a substitute, and the contrast can be seen in satellite photographs of the border.


  • 本周另一矿业巨头斯特拉塔公司宣布多米尼加共和国的生产由更昂贵的石油动力转变为动力期间暂停生产运营

    This week, Xstrata, another big mining firm, suspended operations at a nickel mine in the Dominican Republic while converting its power supply to run on coal, rather than-more expensive-oil.


  • 本周另一矿业巨头斯特拉塔公司宣布多米尼加共和国的生产由更昂贵的石油动力转变为动力期间暂停生产运营

    This week, Xstrata, another big mining firm, suspended operations at a nickel mine in the Dominican Republic while converting its power supply to run on coal, rather than-more expensive-oil.


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