• 多点网络中,所有路由器其它路由器交换路由

    All routers exchange routing tables with each other in a multipoint network.


  • 在这儿我们使用具有多点传输DNS服务查找功能的Zeroconf,使得用户需要任何配置的情况下在本地网络上进行搜索

    We'd like to use Zeroconf here with multicast DNS and service discovery to be able to search machines on your local network without needing any configuration.


  • 基于以太网无源网络(EPON)一个多点的系统,面临着很多安全隐患。

    An Ethernet passive optical network (EPON) is a point-to-multipoint network and there are threats to EPON security.


  • 因此设计经济高效支持点对多点ATM交换系统对下一代高速网络至关重要的。

    Therefore, designing economical and efficient ATM network switches which can support multicasting operations easily is very important in the next generation high speed networks.


  • 基于IP网络多点视频会议系统的研究经过十多年的探讨规范,目前已经较为成熟

    After years of research on multiple endpoints video conference based IP network, the theory and technology has been mature.


  • 加密算法实现过程进行可行性研究分析基础上,阐述应用adpcm编码调制技术和UDP协议进行网络环境下实时多点语音通信方法

    Based on the feasibility study and the analysis to the encryption algorithm, the paper presents a method of the real-time multi-point voice communication in network, which USES ADPCM and UDP.


  • 为此提出实现了一种基于分组网络多点实时语音混合调度算法

    For this purpose, a multipoint real time speech mixing and scheduling algorithm based on packet network is put forward and then realized.


  • 波长编码信号解调实现光纤光栅多参量、多点分布式传感网络核心技术之一

    Wavelengthencoded signal demodulation is one of the key techniques to achieve fiber grating distributed sensing network.


  • IP技术实现了IP网络中点多点高效数据传输, 它能弥补通信广播通信的不足

    IP multicast technique realizes efficient data transmission from one point to multiple points in IP network, and remedies the defects of unicast and broadcast communication.


  • 我们提出种在DQDB网络实现多点实时通信模型分析期望性质实现主要问题介绍了在模型下消息处理过程

    We propose a model of multicast real-time in DQDB network, examine the desired properties and the difficulties in achieving these properties, and introduce its main message process.


  • 论文研究分析H . 323标准相关协议设计实现了一种基于IP网络多点视频会议系统

    Based on research and analyze of H. 323 standard and related protocol, this thesis design and realize an IP-based network model of multi-point video conference system.


  • 多点广播网络支持多媒体业务关键技术之一。

    Multicast is becoming a key requirement of network supporting multimedia applications.


  • SATATM利用卫星互连atm网络提供多点通信的信道。

    SATATM interconnects the ATM network with satellite to provide multipoint communication.


  • 利用PC机作为主控计算机采用RS485网络系统生产中的配料系统进行多点数据采集,并对整个配料生产过程进行监控控制。

    This paper describes a multipoint data sampling system for the manufacturing material-mixing system, which uses RS485 network system and PC as a master control computer.


  • 本发明提出的无线通信系统可以依靠发明的协议建立多点多点、可扩展自组织无线网络

    A wireless communication system utilizes a protocol for creating a multi-to-multi point, extendable, ad-hoc wireless network.


  • 多点传送IP网络协议一项功能,它专用多点广播路由器协议堆栈的辅助下工作。

    Multicasting is a function of the IP network protocol, with the help of special multicast routers and protocol stacks.


  • 系统采用无线rf技术,构成了点对多点星形拓扑结构通信网络对多个温室进行有效管理

    RF technology is used in the systems communication with star topology structure, so it can manage greenhouses effectively.


  • 多点传送创建虚拟计算机网络一种能力虚拟网络中的台计算机都同时直接其他每个成员通信

    Multicasting is the ability to create a virtual network of computers that can communicate directly with every other member at the same time.


  • 论述采用PSTN电话网,建立“虚拟”多点数据监测依据实现方法,实现利用既有PSTN电话网络线路资源完成多种信息采集传送功能

    To make a good use of resource of the PSTN telephony lines, to complete various functions of data collection and transmission is also presented.


  • 如何构建一个有效解决这些问题实现跨网络系统集成的多点交互协同商务系统当前需要研究的前瞻性问题之一。

    Therefore, How to build an effective collaborative commerce system, which can resolve these three problems, needs to be researched currently.


  • 简单地视频会议系统包括视频会议终端多点会议控制器mcu网络管理软件传输网络部分

    Say simply, video conference system including video conferencing terminals, multipoint meeting controller MCU, network management software and transmission network four parts.


  • 节点组成无线传感器网络功耗低、节点体积实现了随机分布传感器网络组织数据多点传。

    The power cost of the node is low, and the size is small. The wireless sensor network realized data many to jump and the self-organization when the nodes were randomly distributed.


  • 网络通讯系统研发方面的专家包括互联网多点传送视频流技巧和HDTV开发

    He is a specialist in networking communications and systems including Internet multicast video-streaming technologies and HDTV development.


  • 视频会议多点多点的群组通信方式对于视频会议任何一个成员都要占用带宽,对带宽有很高要求网络资源有限的。

    Video conference is a communication mode with multipoint to multipoint, which requires high bandwidth for every member in the conference, but the bandwidth in the Internet is limited.


  • 多点通信网络支持多媒体业务关键技术之一。

    Multicast is becoming a key requirement of networks supporting multimedia applications.


  • P 2 P技术优势在于充分利用网络资源网络服务单向集中式转向多点分布式

    The advantage of P2P technology is to make full use of resources of existing networks and move from centralized communicating to distribute communicating.


  • 由于光纤光栅传感器潜在成本复用能力强,便于构成各种形式的光纤光栅传感网络因此特别适合多点测量

    Fiber grating sensor has potentially a low cost, strongly multiplexing capabilities and easily form all kinds of Fiber Sensing net, so it is specially suited for multipoint measurement.


  • 实验结果分析表明算法非完全组网络实现优的多约束多点多点组播路由

    Experimental results and analyses indicated that: this algorithm carry out better multi-constraint Many-to-many multicast routing on Partial-multicast Network;


  • 之后讨论了在这个模型下多点实时通信性能,着重分析了不同调度方式和不同网络负荷对实时数据的时延影响

    Based on the simulating result of FEM numerical experiment, this paper investigates the effect of local buckling on the hysteretic behavior of tubular columns under cyclic unaxial load.


  • 文章以总线型多点数据采集系统介绍了RS- 4 85构成主从机方式通信网络一般组网方法

    The data collecting system of bus mode as an example is introduced and general methods of constructing communicating networks of principal and subordinate mode by RS-485 are given.


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