• 介绍如何创建文件程序

    Describes how to create a multifile assembly.


  • 尽管正在改进支持方式,但是某些产品难以导入文件格式

    Some products have difficulty importing the multifile format, although support is improving.


  • 支持文件多文件断点续传、进度显示上传

    Support large files, multi-document, HTTP, shows upload progress.


  • 然后浏览索引并且喜欢比,同样文件

    Then, look through the indexes and order as many documents as you'd like.


  • 可以几个代码模块资源文件创建文件程序集。

    You can create a multifile assembly from several code modules and resource files.


  • 构成文件程序的那些文件实际上并非文件系统链接

    The files that make up a multifile assembly are not physically linked by the file system.


  • 发布处理文件WPFSilverlight集成的后续版本

    He released a subsequent version which can process many files and can be integrated with WPF and Silverlight.


  • 常常听到一些开发人员抱怨说,他们要忙于修改那么文件,哪有精力每天代码

    I can hear the ire of some developers now as they inevitably complain that it's difficult to check in code daily when they are busy modifying so many files.


  • 学到开发文件模式原因方法以及使用外部模式设计企业数据的相关知识。

    You'll also learn why and how to develop multiple file schemas, and about using external schemas to design your enterprise data.


  • Damien Guard就是这样开发人员,他构建了一个扩展解决多文件输出的问题。

    One such developer, Damien Guard, has built an extension to solve the multiple-output limitation.


  • 评价结果表明:该系统文件摘要生成方面表现良好,成为整合两个相关领域知识研究范例

    The evaluation results show that EI-ATS has better performance in multiple documents summarization, and is a better example of the integration of the knowledge from two different but related areas.


  • 文件项目中Eclilpse常常会错误地将数据文件标记文件遗漏了一个源文件夹。

    In multifolder projects, it's also common for Eclipse to mistakenly tag a data folder as a source folder or omit a source folder.


  • 不是我们不对产品进行改进恰恰相反,比如说,最近我们就通过FlashWidget改进了上传进度提示以及文件选取功能。

    That's not to say we haven't been working on the product, quite the contrary. For example, we recently got upload progress indication and multiple file selection via a Flash widget.


  • SUBDATASET包含一些列子资料组,一般这些用于提供指针指向存储单个文件的图像的列表比如HDF文件或者NITF文件)。

    The SUBDATASETS domain holds a list of child datasets. Normally this is used to provide pointers to a list of images stored within a single multi image file (such as HDF or NITF).


  • MerbAIR-实现文件上传-一个稍微有点(2007年6月)教程,介绍了如何Adobe AIR驱动客户端Merb实现文件上传

    Merb on AIR - Drag and Drop Multiple file upload - a slightly old (June 2007) tutorial demonstrating how to use Merb alongside an Adobe AIR powered client to handle file uploads.


  • 此外多文件接口(multi -document interface,MDI)——Swing中称为JInternal Frame——等功能不是框架一部分,它位于基本窗口管理器左侧

    In addition, capabilities like the multi-document interface (MDI) — called JInternalFrame in Swing — are not part of the framework but are left to the underlying window manager.


  • 服务不仅允许检索书店图书档案相关信息允许您下载包含图书的内容文件

    This service not only allows you to retrieve information about a book document in our bookstore, it also allows you to download the file containing the contents of one or more books.


  • 确定免费音乐下载应用程序上下免费下载音乐是否合法肯定搜索一下得到如此文件十分方便的。

    I'm not sure how legal the free downloads from the FreeMusicDownloader app are, but it sure is convenient to have so many files just a search away.


  • CAD产品广泛应用带来了一个尴尬问题——如何应付这么CAD文件其他CAD系统处理的信息

    Wide adoption of CAD system created a crappy problem - what to do with all CAD files and other information CAD systems produce?


  • 如果搜索引擎看起来对手他们只要拿出一个条形上面显示他们比对手的文件一倍可以了。

    If a search engine wants to seem twice as good as a competitor, they need only trot out a bar chart showing they have twice as many documents as their competitor.


  • 我们有意压缩了报告篇幅,报告全文只有10050背景文件提供的详细技术证据经济分析的基础上,提出直截了当的建议

    This is a deliberately slender report, of just 100 pages, but its straightforward advice is backed up by detailed technical evidence and economic analysis set out in more than 50 background papers.


  • 尽可能缓存文件,以便减少加载次数改善性能

    Cache as many files as you can to reduce loading times and improve performance.


  • 现在常规明智做法提示应该文件系统上储存这么文件

    Now, conventional wisdom would say that you aren't supposed to store that many ridiculously small files on a filesystem.


  • 同样维护带来问题而且庞大的构建文件通常相当剪切-粘贴的痕迹。

    This, again, creates a maintenance issue; what's more, enormous build files usually have quite a lot of cut-and-paste aspects to them.


  • 代理记录处理记录文件进展状态,因此存在停止位置重新开始代理概念

    The broker does not record how far through processing a multi-record file it is, so there is no concept of the broker flow restarting from the position where it stopped.


  • 终于2010年7月癌症快报揭发Potti博士文件项目资助申请撒谎

    Finally, in July 2010, matters unravelled when the Cancer Letter reported that Dr Potti had lied in numerous documents and grant applications.


  • Gzipping尽可能文件类型容易途径减轻重量加快用户体验

    Gzipping as many file types as possible is an easy way to reduce page weight and accelerate the user experience.


  • 奥坎波(LuisMoreno - Ocampo)表示,1,200文件50名熟悉内情者目击者进行的访问证明卡扎菲上校个人下令手无寸铁利比亚平民发动袭击

    Luis Moreno-Ocampo said more than 1, 200 documents and 50 interviews with key insiders and witnesses provided evidence that Colonel Gaddafi had personally ordered attacks on unarmed Libyan civilians.


  • 奥坎波(LuisMoreno - Ocampo)表示,1,200文件50名熟悉内情者目击者进行的访问证明卡扎菲上校个人下令手无寸铁利比亚平民发动袭击

    Luis Moreno-Ocampo said more than 1, 200 documents and 50 interviews with key insiders and witnesses provided evidence that Colonel Gaddafi had personally ordered attacks on unarmed Libyan civilians.


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