• 年前,他们都搬进了布里斯托尔的一栋三层维多利亚式住宅——他们是英国越来越多的多代同堂的家庭的其中之一。

    Four years ago they all moved into a three-storey Victorian house in Bristol—one of a growing number of multi-generational families in the UK living together under the same roof.


  • 发明革新包括蓄电池水泥搅拌机录音电话式和多工式电报系统铁路制动器等

    His inventions and innovations included batteries, cement mixer, the sound recording telephone, double- and multi-type cable system, railways used brakes.


  • 然而正如下面汇总表所显示使用分布式黑名单时发生“否认”的频率要比其它测试技术很多。

    As the summary table below shows, however, false negatives are far more common using distributed blacklists than with any of the other techniques I tested.


  • 但是主要原因当今可利用支持分布式开发技术远远以前多。

    But the greater reason is that the technology available today supports distributed development better than ever before.


  • 从事过多软件项目单独用户系统大型分布式服务用户平台

    I have worked on several software projects ranging from single user systems to large, distributed, multi-user platforms with several services.


  • 这么信息放在那里影响创造可能性决定甚至会影响新的协作分布式决策领域的领导者。

    Having so much information out-there will also affect decision making possibilities and even usher in a new era of collaborative and distributed decision making.


  • 对于索引下推,多索引扫描用于组合来自不同索引扫描RID然后就可以执行事实的跳跃式扫描了。

    For multiple index push-downs, multi-index scan is used to combine RIDs from different index scans, then skip-scan on the fact table is performed.


  • 应该锻炼结束之后注意选择高蛋白肌肉,鲑鱼火鸡酸奶因为此时你肌肉蛋白吸收能力更

    Focus your attention on protein-rich chicken, salmon, turkey and Greek yogurt for after your workout when your muscles are more receptive to the powerful muscle-building affects of protein.


  • 此外我们多式联运、物流组织、智能运输交通工程电子商务等方面进行有益探索。

    Furthermore, we have also conducted profitable trials in the fields of multi-modal transportation, logistics, intelligent transportation, transportation engineering and electronic commerce.


  • 涉及到复杂的、嵌入式软件时,会导致一个上千——或许上百万可能分配多对多决策

    When complex, embedded software is involved, this leads to a many-to-many decision tree with thousandsperhaps millions — of possible allocations.


  • 并行性分布式存储需求安全性增强作为一些实现灵活性多租户辅助特征

    Parallelism, distributed storage needs, and security enhancements act as supporting characteristics that need to be addressed to achieve elasticity and multi-tenancy.


  • 形态计划目标创建一种静态转移反应式闭环任务算法应用软件硬件范例

    The goal of the polymorphous initiative was to "institute a paradigm shift from static open loop to reactive closed-loop mission algorithms, application software, and hardware implementation."


  • 世上美味食物不是我们曾猜想的泰式咖喱而是来自西苏门答腊岛一种多肉的、辛辣的姜汁儿鱼

    The world's most delicious food is not Massaman curry, as we suggested, but a meaty, spicy, gingery dish from west Sumatra.


  • 2005年起,多西提因为超级名模凯特·恋情乐迷中的地位以及声名狼藉摇滚生活方式大众所熟悉。

    Since 2005, Doherty has become well known to the public at large as a result of his relationship with supermodel Kate Moss, his status amongst fans and his infamous rock and roll lifestyle.


  • 希望加入这个多播对等计算机必须显式地预订这个组。

    Peer computers interested in being a part of this multicast group must explicitly subscribe to the group.


  • 标签印刷通常窄幅、八色的多工序印刷机上进行,这种机器兼容版、版、柯式凸版等多种印刷方法。

    Label printing is frequently performed on a narrow-web, eight-colour multi-process printing machine that allows for the combination of flexo, screen, offset and letterpress printing.


  • 多式联运集装箱大量产品运往世界每个角落

    The intermodal container has delivered a cornucopia of products to every corner of the globe.


  • 国内劳动市场面临着长期、像日本那样梦想破灭机会匮乏式可悲的停滞状态,但还有那么决策者这个问题上与他们串通一气。

    That so many policymakers are complicit in the sorry state of the nation's job market is risking a long-term, Japanese-like stagnation of dashed dreams and pinched opportunities.


  • 屏幕向导式界面中可以使用后缀每个屏幕提供惟一ID

    The suffix can be used in multi-screen Wizard-like interfaces, to provide a unique id for each screen.


  • 所有顶尖选手都清楚面对穆雷之时,进攻就是最好防守,穆雷打球时“诡计多端”,而且牛皮糖式的多拉锯打法使得他很容易获得破发机会。

    All the leading players know that attack is the best form of defence against Murray, who has the guile and steadiness of shot to prolong rallies to breaking point.


  • 年轻时,称之为,亚里斯多芬尼斯式苏格拉底,调查上天下地事物,稍后转变成所谓柏拉图式的苏格拉底。

    The move from the younger we could call him Aristophanic Socrates the Socrates who again investigates the things aloft and under the earth to the later what we could call platonic Socrates.


  • 作为汉普顿各种电影首映式的常客,邓文迪默多克大部分时间居住美国纽约加利福尼亚

    A common sight in the Hamptons and at movie premieres, Deng and Murdoch live mostly in the United States, where they divide their time between New York and California.


  • 广为人知部署管理器拓扑提供紧密耦合分布式环境支持多个系统服务器

    The familiar deployment manager topology provides a tightly coupled distributed environment supporting multiple servers on multiple systems.


  • 要问开放式问题获得尽可能细节例如“告诉关于……吗?”

    Ask open-ended questions to get them to provide as many details and as much complete information as possible " Can you tell me more about."..?


  • 要问开放式问题获得尽可能细节例如“告诉关于……吗?”

    Ask open-ended questions to get them to provide as many details and as much complete information as possible " Can you tell me more about."..?


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