• 他利支派地业中将加利利的基低斯,就是误杀人的逃属城的郊野,给了他们。又给他们哈末多和属城的郊野,加珥坦和属城的郊野,共三

    From the tribe of Naphtali, Kedesh in Galilee (a city of refuge for one accused of murder), Hammoth Dor and Kartan, together with their pasturelandsthree towns.


  • 说:“多年来,我们号称金融业为财富创造者直到有一,我们领悟到,金融业积累了如此风险以至于我们陷入混乱之中。”

    "For years, we proclaimed the financial world a creator of wealth, until we learned one day that it had accumulated so much risk that it plunged us into chaos," he said.


  • 但是正如鲁伯特·默多克所说,成为新闻业真正威胁并非技术,而是过去垄断地位所导致自满心态。

    But as Rupert Murdoch has said, it is complacency caused by past monopolies, not technology, that has been the real threat to the news industry.


  • 时装业,要这么多不同商品送往多伦多其他北美商店需要一个不寻常唯一的物流战略实现。

    Putting the variety of goods on the shelves in Toronto and other North American stores requires an unusual, though not unique, logistics strategy for the fashion industry.


  • 8%30年期抵押贷款利率摧毁建筑业就业岗位所有房屋节能改造桥梁建设项目在一起创造的岗位还要

    An 8% rate on the 30-year mortgage will destroy more construction jobs than can be created by all his weatherization and bridge-building projects put together.


  • 不管是哪种情况,一个实实在在教训说明出版业现实的理解多差。

    Either way, it's a concrete lesson in just how far removed the publishing industry can be from reality.


  • 多数阿拉伯大学是“大众化受害者埃及适龄人口的30%推进大学其中一半都毕不了业。

    Most Arab universities are victims ofmassification”: Egypt shoves 30% of the relevant age group into university, of whom fewer than half graduate.


  • 这个国家沉浸产业萧条痛苦中,房产业的不景气引发建筑业崩溃,使失业率的时间里了一番达到18.1%。

    The country is enduring a painful housing bust that has led to a collapse in the construction industry, doubling the unemployment rate to 18.1% in little more than a year.


  • 默多克失信于人,贬低新闻界标准的确使新闻业发生了彻底的改变。

    Mr Murdoch, he says, has broken his word and debased journalistic standards. But he has also revolutionised an industry.


  • 其他官方数据表明墨西哥人吃肉量大约1990年的倍。电影院的频度是那时的同时零售业商场的面积1993年以来规模扩大了3

    Other official data suggest Mexicans eat about twice as much meat as they did in 1990, and visit the cinema four times as often, while retail square-footage has more than tripled since 1993.


  • 感到默多克枷锁中解放英国政客们或许会加强监管使从传媒业攫取利润变得更难。

    British politicians, who feel liberated from the Murdoch yoke, may tighten regulation and make it harder to make money from media businesses.


  • 美国由于“回声潮代”——即数量突增年轻人口——起到的促进作用,“多公寓”租赁业的前景向好。

    In America prospects for the "multi-family apartment" rented sector are helped by the "echo-boomers", a youthful bulge in the population.


  • 娱乐软件业从业人员数目从多至少依次为加利福尼亚,德克·斯,华盛顿纽约马萨诸萨州伊利诺

    The six states with the greatest number of entertainment software industry employees were, in order, California, Texas, Washington, New York, Massachusetts and Illinois.


  • 总共,在1995到2004年间工业和服务业部分生产力增长达到了美国一半

    Together, the two sectors yielded more than half of America's productivity growth in 1995-2004.


  • 加州葡萄酒业的威胁也是喜爱赤霞珠霞多丽喜爱加州葡萄酒的世界品味的威胁。

    Threats to California's wine industry are a threat to the world's taste for cabernet sauvignon, chardonnay and other favorite California wines.


  • 2007八月,鲁珀特·默多克新闻集团买下了华尔街日报》。班克罗夫特家族长达105年的控制宣告终结,美国新闻业撼动了。

    In AUGUST 2007 Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation bought the Wall Street journal, ending 105 years of control by the Bancroft family and shaking American journalism.


  • 加州葡萄酒业的威胁也是喜爱赤霞珠霞多丽喜爱加州葡萄酒的世界品味的威胁。

    Threats to California’s wine industry are a threat to the world’s taste for cabernet sauvignon, chardonnay and other favorite California wines.


  • 默多克影响力大为削弱,从整体上来说,新闻业会当下更高标准警察局必须一样。

    Mr Murdoch's clout will lessen. The press in general will be held to higher standards than it is now, and so too must the police.


  • 觉悟就是向光明靠得更近提升频率加强你的源头连接去掉成为多世负担层层业力

    To be enlightened is to move closer to the light, to raise your vibration, to strengthen your Source connection and to remove the layers of karma that have been burdens for many lifetimes.


  • 1990开始,这个地区的工业生产力增长要比东亚地区服务业生产力几乎没有增长(详见2)。

    Since 1990 productivity in industry has grown more slowly than in East Asia, and in services hardly at all (see chart 2).


  • 多尔蒂先生这部传记的出版,可以说谱写了图书出版业的颂歌。这个人人都想出书立作的年代里,编辑们只好挽袖子埋头苦干

    Mr Daugherty's biography is a eulogy for a time in book publishing when editors rolled up their sleeves and everyone aimed to create literature.


  • 这样对比准确的,没有什么能像现在这么资金投入清洁能源的开发中,就像当初把钱投入电信业互联网公司一样

    The comparison is inexact. Nothing like as much money is going into clean energy as went into telecoms and Internet firms.


  • 第二世界大战末期1980年,金融业从业人员其他行业相同资历人员,平均所获薪酬一样多。

    From the end of the Second World War until 1980 or thereabouts, people working in finance earned about the same, on average and taking account of their qualifications, as people in other industries.


  • 二十年前,默多克现金报纸业进入影视业。

    Two decades ago, Mr Murdoch used the cashflow from newspapers to get into television and film.


  • 越接近退休公司就显得越强大由于传媒业的日新月异,默多克似乎已经过时了。

    The closer he seems to retirement, the stronger the company appears; for the media business has changed in a way that makes Mr. Murdoch seem like a man out of time.


  • 我们认为CSS3动画广告移动领域的广告业重大影响,因为如此手机无法用Flash

    We think that CSS3 animated ads could be big in mobile advertising because Flash is not available on so many phones.


  • 保险业巨头阿维瓦公司其100万名客户的资料进行分析后发现,史密斯竟是英国普遍姓氏其次琼斯威廉姆斯

    The analysis of just over one million customers by insurance giant Aviva came up, not unsurprisingly, with Smith as the most popular surname, followed by Jones and Williams.


  • 泰德·麦克罗伊是多伦多市名52岁电子出版业分析师。一个多月以来利用OvGuide搜索新的视频网站

    Thad Mcllroy, a 52-year-old electronic publishing analyst from Toronto, has been using OvGuide to find new video sites for about a month.


  • 泰德·麦克罗伊是多伦多市名52岁电子出版业分析师。一个多月以来利用OvGuide搜索新的视频网站

    Thad Mcllroy, a 52-year-old electronic publishing analyst from Toronto, has been using OvGuide to find new video sites for about a month.


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