• 中国人奢侈之一,喜欢显而易见的数量上的增加,喜欢可视化的、外在价值感,喜欢实实在在材料

    One of Chinese sense of luxury is preference of more in quantity, more visible and exposed value, more concrete materials.


  • 在中世纪 与近代文化交界地带,但丁面对内在外在的价值纷乱,长诗《神曲》中完成了一次终极追寻

    Faced with the internal and external disorder, Dantes finished one eternal pursuit in his Divina Commedia in the turning point of Middle Ages and Modern Ages.


  • 喜欢锻炼看重外在价值并不是因为锻炼本身而是作为达到一些目的手段

    I desire to engage in exercise and I value exercise extrinsically, not for its own sake, but as a means to something beyond it.


  • 所以运动,是因为我看重外在价值而不是本身,是把它作为达成目的一种方式

    So I desire to engage an exercise and I value exercise extrinsically, not for its own, sake but as a means to something beyond it.


  • 这个文化环境同时包括内在外在项目关系价值

    This cultural environment encompasses both internal and external project relations and values.


  • 具有内部价值活动一个持续进行,但是获得外在目标的活动。

    An intrinsically valuable activity is an ongoing activity that does not seek to achieve an external goal: it is a never-ending process.


  • 音乐就是一个内部价值取向活动我们音乐是因为我们珍视这种行动由于获取某种外在目标

    Listening to music is an example of an intrinsically valuable activity: we listen to music because we value doing so and not because of a certain external goal.


  • 我们要知道,生活本质事物不会我们意志为转移但是自我价值外在目标达成联系在一起却是一个错误

    It is the nature of life, that things will not turn out as we hoped, but, it is a mistake to link our sense of self worth to the achievement of external targets.


  • 如何通过外在行为特征推断核心价值消费倾向呢?

    Also, how to infer its key value and the propensity to consume through the external behaviour characteristic?


  • 破产程序其他法律程序一样,追求基本价值也是程序公正程序效益,并且其追求更加外在

    Like other law procedures, the bankruptcy proceedings pursues the procedure justice and interests as its basic values, which turns to be more externalization.


  • 工程主体价值实现个体和工程共同体两个层面加以考虑,分析来自外在环境和自身因素的多种限制。

    The realization of the value should be considered from two aspects, one is from the perspective of the project itself, the other is from the perspective of the unity level.


  • 实质性要求代表了机会平等内在价值形式性要求代表了机会平等外在程序两者缺一不可

    The substantive requirement embodies the inner value of equality of opportunity whereas the formal requirement expresses its external procedure. Both of them are indispensable.


  • 这个指出内在价值依靠外在的力量才能体现出来

    This hexagram points to a time when inner worth mounts with great force and comes to power.


  • 价值体系及其物质承担者本来作为精神传统外在彰显古代社会高度统合的。

    Value system and its material stakeholders have been demonstrated as an external exhibition of spiritual tradition, which has been integrated in a high degree in ancient societies.


  • 影响私人健身教练人力资本价值因素包括内在因素外在因素。

    Both internal and external factors can affect human resources capital value of private fitness instructors.


  • 那些缺乏真正的基本价值观念的人,为了使自己感觉良好依靠外在因素——相貌社会地位。

    People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors-their looks or status-in order to feel good about themselves.


  • 简要分析了内在价值中的程序公正价值效益价值外在价值中的秩序价值实体公正价值的涵义。

    The procedure justice value, benefit value within inside value and order value and entity justice value within outside value are simply analyzed.


  • 证券市场外在效率有效性证券市场的价格反映资产价值效率。

    The efficiency of a security market is referred to the pricing efficiency that reflects the asset value in the security market.


  • 教育外在价值教育外部事物所具有作用或意义包括经济价值与人文价值

    The external value is the significance of it to the other, including the economic and humanistic values.


  • 由于森林生态效益外在使得价值补偿无法实现,从而成为我国森林生态建设的根本性制约因素

    However, the externality of forest ecological effect makes its value cannot be compensated, which becomes principally limit factor for forest ecological construction.


  • 文章借鉴学习曲线研究应用成果,将学习曲线应用于工程施工资金运用预测得到非常价值结果

    This paper applies the learning curve to forecast the fund application in construction project based on the foreign research achievement on learning curves, and gets very useful result.


  • 理论上而言,补正程序内在价值外在价值行政效率冲突协调结果

    Theoretically, it is the results of conflict and coordination of internal value and external value of the procedure and administration's efficiency.


  • 实证为代表主流观点主张价值中立客观态度理解外在世界活动

    The mainstream viewpoint of the real diagnosis theory insists on using the value neutrality of the objective attitude to understand the external world activity.


  • 企业文化作为企业管理思想模式内涵被简要地概括企业每个员工观念价值取向行为外在表现。

    Enterprise culture is viewed as a kind of idea and model of management, which is defined as staff's idea, values and external behavior.


  • 形成外在条件在于产品服务具有较长的价值拥有知识导向的区域全球化市场完善的辅助性机构

    The external factors of forming are as follows: its products or services have longer value chain, the garden have knowledge-orientated region, global market and perfect assistant organization.


  • 道德价值外在功利价值内在精神价值构成,是的内在道德属性社会实践基础上的外化或对象化。

    As an externalization and specification of man's moral identity in social practice, the value of morals comprises both external utilitarian value and internal mental value.


  • 行政程序价值理论上有工具说、本位说和二元说争,其属性可分为程序的内在价值外在价值

    The value of the administrative formality includes utility-theory, standard-theory and duality-theory in terms of theory, but, by nature, it has both inner and outer values.


  • 行政程序价值理论上有工具说、本位说和二元说争,其属性可分为程序的内在价值外在价值

    The value of the administrative formality includes utility-theory, standard-theory and duality-theory in terms of theory, but, by nature, it has both inner and outer values.


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