• 夏秋期间只雁变得越来越大越来越壮

    During the summer and into fall, the gander grows larger and stronger.


  • 夏秋两季之间公共部门裁减了33,000

    These showed the number of people employed in the public sector dropping by 33, 000 between the summer and the autumn.


  • 夏秋两季之间公共部门裁减了33,000

    These showed the number of people employed in the public sector dropping by 33,000 between the summer and the autumn.


  • 夏秋两季病人饮食最差冬季最好,春季次之。

    Invalids bear food worst during summer and autumn, most easily in winter, and next in spring.


  • 同时也填补了贵州夏秋反季节花椰菜营养研究空白

    It is also anti-filled summer season cauliflower Guizhou nutrition research gaps.


  • 夏秋到来之前,大把时间锻炼身体提高身体素质。

    You'll have plenty of time to train and improve your fitness for summer and fall RACES.


  • 药用部分五倍子均供药用,夏秋采收

    Parts being used in medicine: roots, leaves, flowers, fruit and wu bei zi. They are collected in summer and fall.


  • 鼓风湿度增加锰铁高炉夏秋两季生产指标变差根本原因

    The increase of blast humidity is the key factor that affects production indexes of FeMn blast furnace during summer and autumn.


  • 夏秋时节环城公园溜达特别感受到生活城墙根底人们生活

    Summer season, to walk around the park in particular can feel the life under the walls of people's lives.


  • 研究表明淮阴区空气质量状态存在鲜明的冬春夏秋季节差异

    The research shows that there are distinctive seasonal differences of air quality in Huanyin district with highness in winter and spring and lowness in autumn and summer.


  • 夏秋之际,春季结束之前完成这些个小时但是可以超出转入学年

    Hours may be earned during the summer prior to the fall semester through the end of the spring semester, but may not be carried over from one school year to the next.


  • 南方夏秋期间流云降水潜力研究科学实施人工增雨作业提供一定依据。

    Some scientific bases are provided for studying the potentials of convective cloud precipitation and for cloud seeding operation during the summer autumn period.


  • 主要解决以下五个方面的问题:(1优选夏秋牧场面积冬春牧场面积;

    This paper attempts to solve the following five problems:(1) optimizing the pastureland area in summer and autumn and the pastureland area in winter and spring.


  • 夏秋黄瓜时,反复发生冻疮部位只要坚持经常保证不再复发

    Summer and eat the cucumber, wipe with melon Wendy repeated often produces chilblain areas, as long as we persist in often, ensures that no recurrence.


  • 大多数野生动物一样,鹿营养丰富、食物充足夏秋两季,繁殖生长储存脂肪

    Like most wildlife, deer reproduce, grow, and store fat in the summer and fall when there is plenty of nutritious food available.


  • 每当夏秋之季,这里绿草如茵黄花似锦湖水,白羊牧歌悠扬鸟语花香

    Every summer, where green grass, yellow "bright, the lake is like a mirror, white as snow, pastoral music, birds 'twitter and fragrance of flowers."


  • 夏秋交替之际经常会遇到突发性雷阵雨天气上海车网提醒雷雨开车注意事项

    In summer, the alternate often times when the thunder storm weather, Shanghai sudden rent we remind the thunderstorm day attention of driving?


  • 在这个盛行夏季公路赛跑为秋季马拉松训练夏秋之交,很多体育爱好者都会双休日子室外跑步

    It's summer road racing season, and Fall marathon training season is also underway, so lots of runners will be running outside this weekend.


  • 在这个盛行夏季公路赛跑为秋季马拉松训练夏秋之交,很多体育爱好者都会双休日子室外跑步

    It's summer road racing season and Fall marathon training season is also underway so lots of runners will be running outside this weekend.


  • 旅游企业尝试保持业务另一方式,推出之前提前时间许多的提前预订折扣包括夏秋旅游旺季折扣价格。

    Another way companies are trying to lock in business is to offer discounts on advance bookings far earlier than they used to, including peak summer and fall travel periods.


  • 口径毛细管相色谱法跟踪监测西安地区夏秋两季14蔬菜167个样品有机磷农药残留量

    The residues of organic phosphorus pesticide were determined by large bore capillary gas chromatograph in 167 samples of 14 kinds of vegetables in Xi an region.


  • “优戏剧工作室成立于2008年夏秋之际,青年戏剧导演邵泽辉青年演出制作人崔文嵚联合发起。

    Studio U was established in mid-2008 by director Shao Zehui and producer Cui Wenqin.


  • 生产施肥技术的需求迫切需要解决专家知识通过有效手段进行传播指导大面积夏秋反季节蔬菜的生产。

    It is urgent need to develop fertilization technology for address the expertise and guidance through effective means to disseminate large summer anti-season vegetable production.


  • 起脚架,孤身一人,走向禾木河谷寻觅夏秋时节游走河谷森林晨雾,邻家的黑身边穿梭跳跃。

    With my tripod, I walked toward Hom valley by myself. I wanted to find the morning mist hovering between the valley and the forest beyond. A dog ran around my feet.


  • 在一八三一这年夏秋之间,那个服侍马吕斯老妇告诉说,邻居,一个叫容德雷特的穷苦人家,将要走。

    Towards the middle of this year 1831, the old woman who waited on Marius told him that his neighbors, the wretched Jondrette family, had been turned out of doors.


  • 本文1989~1997年冬季高压气压场夏秋热带气旋发生个数进行时滞相关分析,发现,两者间隔以后滞7个月显著正相关。

    A time-delayed correlation analysis between cold high pressure in winter and the number of tropical cyclones in summer for the period of 1989~1997 has been made.


  • 按照犹太教传统说法,天地万物创造就是秋天里完成的。因此,犹太人新年——拉什·哈夏节定夏末秋初。

    The Creation itself was achieved in the autumn, according to a tradition of judaism-whence the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, at summer's end or the start of fall.


  • 夏末秋初,它们进入疯狂觅食的阶段每天20个小时

    In late summer and fall, they enter a feeding-frenzy phase, foraging up to 20 hours a day.


  • 旅游时间游客可以一年中的任何时候泸州但是夏末秋初最好时候。

    When to Go: Visitors can come to Luzhou at any time during the year, though the end of summer and early autumn are especially favorable for visiting.


  • 旅游时间游客可以一年中的任何时候泸州但是夏末秋初最好时候。

    When to Go: Visitors can come to Luzhou at any time during the year, though the end of summer and early autumn are especially favorable for visiting.


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