• 李奥有啊有一水管漏水已经告诉经理葛瑞先生不过没有请人来

    Leo: Yes, one of the pipes was leaking. Tammy said she told Mr. Grain, the manager, but he didn't have it fixed.


  • 里诺帐篷塔米:“我们扔掉东西不论怎么......这种事情让人难以启齿但是在这里生活有时就是这样。”

    A resident of Reno's tent city, Tammy, said: "We eat things that other people throw out, or whatever ... It's really embarrassing to say, but that's the way it sometimes is out here."


  • 伊丽莎白·泰勒杰克·丹尼威士忌吞服,费伊,巴克一起使用。

    Elizabeth Taylor said she swallowed hers with Jack Daniels; Tammy Faye Bakker took hers in conjunction with nasal spray.


  • 阿里。阿布德·萨拉姆,当时他们居住地区攻击强度非常之大,以致得把家人带到苏拉北部他们在那里亲戚同

    Ali Abdsalaam says the intensity of the attacks on their residential neighborhood was such that he moved his family to the north of the city, where they stayed with relatives.


  • 昨晚9这里时候已经大约100在排队了,为了排到前面很多挤去,”来自阿根廷纳·拉蒙蒂

    "There were about 100 people when we got here at 9pm last night and there has been a lot of pushing to get to the front, " Romina Talamonti from Argentina said.


  • 主持研究波士顿大学心理学助理教授堂娜穆这项研究也许会父母们对小宝宝观看电视内容施以限制

    Parents may want to limit what their infants see on television, based on the study, said Donna Mumme, assistant professor of psychology at Tufts University in Boston, who led the research.


  • 英国卫报以前曾报道他们因为无法找到·费尔,才逮捕了妻子

    The Guardian newspaper previously reported that Mostafaei's wife was arrested when they were unable to find him.


  • 他们卡扎菲几分钟还在,然后被押解森严敞篷军车上去苏拉,在之前,在这个镇拥护者张狂的地方。

    They said Gadhafi had been there until minutes before and loaded onto a caravan of vehicles bound for Misrata, a town his loyalists had brutalized earlier this year.


  • 要跟卡拉遗址再见了。

    Saying good bye to the Kalamita ruins.


  • 靠近首都的黎波里处,被包围苏拉目击者告诉半岛电视台卡扎菲狙击手持续使用大炮狙击火力袭击他们

    Closer to the capital Tripoli, witnesses in the besieged port city of Misrata told al-Jazeera TV that pro-Gadhafi snipers continued to attack them using artillery and sniper fire.


  • 我们特里斯坦·尔·托尼宾利并不孤单

    Let's just say that Tristan Taormino and Toni Bentley aren't alone.


  • 娅公司维卡斯•考霍莱集团计划根据印度支离破碎零售市场做出调整。

    The Tata scheme will have to be tailored to India's fragmented retail market, says Vikas Choudhury of Aimia.


  • 周五苏拉名医生25死亡包括16名平民

    Two doctors in the city of Misurata said that 25 people were killed on Friday, including 16 civilians.


  • 有人3金字所有石块足以围绕整个法国建造一面3(10英尺),厚0.3(1英尺)的石墙。

    It has been suggested that there are enough blocks in the three pyramids to build a 3 m (10 ft) high, 0.3 m (1 ft) thick wall around France.


  • 但是利比亚反对派领导人利比亚反叛分子电视台认为苏拉周边部落会同他们城里的同胞作战

    A Libyan opposition leader told Libyan rebel TV, however, that he did not think that tribes around Misrata would fight their countrymen inside the city.


  • 苏拉医院中心观看到由发电机供电的电视中播放巴马演讲后,,“听到奥巴马的讲话我们觉得感动。”

    Obama's speech on a generator-powered television at the Misurata medical center, he said, "we are very heartened by Mr." Obama's words.


  • 位于德国达姆施特的控制中心爆发热烈掌声探测器地面指挥所负责人奥克奥卡:“成功了!我们撞上了卓越湖区

    "That's it -- we are in the Lake of Excellence," said spacecraft operations chief Octavio Camino as applause broke out in mission control in Darmstadt, Germany.


  • 黎巴嫩警察24的卡萨耶·艾珍耐特,30岁的萨尼特·玛里恩,26岁的马腾特·热狄和26岁的特则·雅可能都是自杀

    Lebanese police say the deaths of Kassaye Atsegenet, 24, Saneet Mariam, 30, Matente Kebede Zeditu, 26, Tezeta Yalmiya, 26 were probably suicides.


  • ISEAD负责公共关系院长(Soumitra Dutta)不同排名依据不同的方法,所以并一定总是有效的。

    Soumitra Dutta, dean of external relations at INSEAD, says that rankings “are not always most helpful” because of all the different methodologies used.


  • 反叛军发言人穆哈麦德苏拉

    Said Mohamed, a spokesman for the rebels in Misurata.


  • 反对这些高耸输电的人,能解决这个问题输电线埋地下现今英国有13,00的高压电缆,但只有950千的高压电缆埋在地下,它们多数埋在市区

    Opponents of towering pylons say the answer is to bury power lines: at present only 950km of Britain’s 13, 000km of high-voltage cable runs underground, most of it in urban areas.


  • ,他其他1500名孟加拉苏拉玛斯娜钢铁厂长达15

    He said he and about 1,500 other Bangladeshi workers were hiding in the Masna steel factory in Misrata for about 15 days.


  • 波特兰市俄勒冈国家灵长类研究中心李波夫(ShoukhratMitalipov星期三记者试验使用的方法效能非常低下

    The process used in the new experiment is "quite inefficient, " Shoukhrat Mitalipov of the Oregon National Primate Research Center in Portland told reporters Wednesday.


  • 帕切科:“摄影帮助冲破一切障碍不断产生各种疯狂点子。”最近刚刚才登上了伊斯·西·瓦特尔——墨西哥城附近座5230(17159英尺)高的火山

    "It has helped me to break barriers and to keep having crazy ideas," said Pacheco, who recently climbed to the top of Iztaccihuatl, a 17, 159-foot (5, 230-meter) volcano near Mexico City.


  • 北约英国加拿大战舰击退试图袭击苏拉港口多艘快艇

    NATO says British and Canadian warships beat back speedboats that were trying to attack the port in Misrata.


  • 中央佛罗里达大学·博士是研究小组的带头人。:“镜子告诉人们不止是体态外貌。”

    Lead scientist, Dr Ata Jami of the University of Central Florida, said: 'A glance in the mirror tells people more than just about their physical appearance.


  • 中央佛罗里达大学·博士是研究小组的带头人。:“镜子告诉人们不止是体态外貌。”

    Lead scientist, Dr Ata Jami of the University of Central Florida, said: 'A glance in the mirror tells people more than just about their physical appearance.


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