• 剪切北大别穹隆皆为白垩世造山后重力形成的,具有科迪勒变质核杂岩特征。

    The shear zone and North Dabie dome both resulted from gravity collapse during Early Cretaceous. The current North Dabie unit was similar to the Cordillerantype metamorphic core complex.


  • 庞贝监管局一份电子邮件声明,“道士殿后面的露台跨,拖垮花园围墙”,其责任归咎于毁灭性降雨

    "The terraces behind the House of the Moralist have collapsed, bringing down the garden wall," Pompeii superintendency said in an emailed statement, blaming the heavy rainfall for the smashup.


  • 本月早些时候共和党欧洲议会选举表现得十分糟糕,在本国的选举更是一糊涂,创造了共和党成立83以来最低得票率

    Earlier this month Fianna Fail did badly in the European election and worse in local elections, when it recorded the lowest share of the national vote in its 83-year history.


  • BBC说道,当前第一要务建筑物生命救出来。

    First priority for the agency, he told the BBC, was to save the lives of people still under the collapsed buildings.


  • 2008年514日四川省绵竹市汉旺所被震学校旁边,一名学生从废墟挖出来,孩子的亲戚在旁边痛哭

    Relatives cry next to the recovered body of a student near a school at the earthquake-hit Hanwang Town of Mianzhu County, Sichuan province, May 14, 2008.


  • 半个小时,世贸片灰尘消失。

    The North Tower of the World TradeCenter dissolves in a cloud of dust and debris about a half hour after thefirst twin tower collapsed, on September 11, 2001.


  • 衰老过程自身质量过大而向内(超新星爆发)。

    In their aging process, they collapse inward due to their excessively large mass (supernova explosion).


  • 虽然乒乓球打的一糊涂绝对可能这个TTX打出名次,但我绝对设计一个对手更漂亮球拍时尚上面击败他们

    Even though I suck at table tennis and would never make it to the top in TTX, I'll just design a paddle prettier than my opponents and beat their sense of style.


  • 阿拉斯加东南部太平洋一个狭小海港,朱诺西北部,该海港高耸的山顶所包围,并壮观冰川跌入港湾

    A narrow inlet of the Pacific Ocean in southeast Alaska northwest of Juneau. It is surrounded by towering mountain peaks with spectacular glaciers tumbling into the bay.


  • 破坏钢筋混凝土结构三种局部破坏一种,也是影响结构抗局部破坏能力的主要因素。

    Recent terrorist activities have rekindled an interest in studying the local damage of reinforced concrete (RC) structures subjected to explosion or impact loads.


  • 工程防渗墙在富含砾石地层施工由于各种因素引起严重孔,施工采用深井井上降水措施

    The impervious wall of this project is located in water bearing sand and gravel, the collapse hole takes place due to some factor affect, the deep well lower water level measures are adopted.


  • 共聚物配制泥浆抑制页岩水化膨胀水化分散能力共聚物丙烯腈含量增加而增强

    The ability of the copolymer to prevent shale hydration swelling and dispersion(cave-in) enhances as the acrylonitrile content in it increases.


  • 意愿已掌握每一个提升阶段缩两极空间增加在场运作的

    I intend to collapse the space between and increase the light and chi moving through the field with each phase of ascension mastered.


  • 明尼苏达救护人员表示他们周三事故死亡严重受伤的人数没有增加感到意外。

    Emergency crews in Minnesota say they themselves are surprised more people weren't killed or seriously injured in Wednesday's bridge collapse.


  • 针对冷冻食品包装用瓦楞纸箱冷库贮存过程现象,指出了主要由于纸箱力学性能降低引起

    Corrugated boxes for frozen foods can be very easy to collapse in refrigeration process. It was put forward that the cause of collapse is decrease of mechanical property of corrugated box.


  • 该气田地层裂缝发育钻井过程问题非常严重,钻井作业十分困难

    Very severe problems during drilling were circulation loss and borehole collapse because of formation fracture growing, and drilling operation was very difficult.


  • 根据冷冻食品瓦楞纸箱冷库易出现的现象,介绍了原因

    Corrugated boxes for frozen foods were very easy to collapse in cold rooms. According to this phenomenon, the reason of collapse was analyzed.


  • 目前力学方法预测水库应用可靠度计算,因为一般预测工作没有足够的岩土测试结果;

    Soil mechanic with probability analysis has not been applied in reservoir bank erosion because of inadequate testing data for soil.


  • 所以这种地层施工利用泥浆回灌钻孔技术有效平衡松散层压力不使其尤为重要

    So in such a formation construction, it is important to use the technology of drilling mud back to tank to balance the pressure of the loose layer and prevent the borehole collapse.


  • 桥梁施工过程裂缝出现不仅影响到工程质量,严重时甚至会导致桥梁一问题经常困扰着工程技术人员

    In the construction process of a bridge, the appearance of cracks will affect the quality of the project, or even cause bridge to collapse. This problem often puzzles technicians.


  • 桥梁施工过程容易出现裂缝。裂缝的出现不仅仅影响工程质量甚至导致桥梁垮

    In the bridge construction process, cracks are prone to occur which not only affect project quality, but also will lead to bridge collapse.


  • 潜水员正在密西西比河搜寻明尼阿波利斯失踪

    Divers are searching the Mississippi River for people missing from the bridge collapse in Minneapolis.


  • 有人现实生活鼻子一点知道是否有,画过照片上原本样子

    Some people said of him in real life he had a little button nose. I don't know from some pictures of the look, if they were without make-up.


  • 混凝土衬砌配筋提高抗震能力有一定提高。

    The increase of reinforcement ratio can enhance the ability of tunnel resisting failure.


  • 钻井过程眼跨水力压裂裂缝形成应力场分布十分密切的关系

    The borehole falling and hydraulic fracture during drilling have a close relation with the distribution of stress field.


  • 激光将加热实现溶溶液蓝色染料产生一个气泡,这个气泡会迅速地膨胀缩,当这类气泡单独产生时,就会造成在液体传播的冲击波。

    The lasers heated molecules of a blue dye dissolved in the fluid, which in turn created tiny bubbles to rapidly grow and collapse.


  • 由于爱人,死心地的投身到了战役来。

    Zou two dogs also because of the death of the love two ya, be happy to dedicate to battle.


  • 钻进过程随时清理孔口积土遇到缩孔异常情况应及时研究解决

    In the drilling process, should be kept clean hole soil, encountered hole collapse, shrinkage and other abnormal situations, timely solution.


  • 钻进过程随时清理孔口积土遇到缩孔异常情况应及时研究解决

    In the drilling process, should be kept clean hole soil, encountered hole collapse, shrinkage and other abnormal situations, timely solution.


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