• 我们现在堪萨斯探望父母整个夏天期盼一周

    We're in Kansas City now, visiting my parents. I look forward to this week all summer long.


  • 没有任何证据可以说明回到堪萨斯,然后假释,交由父母管教。

    There's no evidence here to show that he could have returned to Kansas city and been paroled in the custody of his parents.


  • 一月下旬一天烟雾迷蒙云层尤其是堪萨斯四郊

    The day, a late january one, was inclined to be smoky with lowering clouds, especially within the environs of kansas city .


  • 一月下旬一天烟雾迷蒙云层尤其是堪萨斯四郊

    The day, a late January one, was inclined to be smoky with lowering clouds, especially within the environs of Kansas City.


  • 威奇托美国堪萨斯中南部位于阿肯色河上堪萨斯西南部

    A city of south-central Kansas on the Arkansas River southwest of Kansas city.


  • 火烧50分钟堪萨斯消防局来人其扑灭因为维恩没有燃烧许可证

    The fire blazed for about 50 minutes before the Kansas City Fire Department put it out because Wayne didn't have a permit to burn them.


  • 我们一家前往堪萨斯父母一起过圣诞时,我的女儿丢了的“功能设备”。

    When we were flying to Kansas City to spend Christmas with my parents, my daughter lost her "functional appliance."


  • 这个周末回到老家堪萨斯,参加高中同学聚会时候,遇到了家人老朋友

    This weekend, when I was home in Kansas City to go to my high-school reunion, I ran into an old family friend. "Let me tell you one of my personal secrets for happiness," he said. "Control your exit."


  • 儿子患重症堪萨斯医院接受治疗迫切地想离开乔普林看看她儿子怎么样了。

    Her son was critically ill in a Kansas City hospital and she was desperate to leave Joplin to check on him.


  • 上次老家堪萨斯时,正和母亲跑腿的差事,顺便路过我的父亲的办公室时停下那里拿某样东西

    The last time I was home in Kansas City, my mother and I were doing errands, and she wanted to stop by my father's office and pick something up from him.


  • 这就孟菲斯厨师认为他们烤肋条肉要好堪萨斯的一样。宫保鸡丁已经不仅仅能让人产生自豪感的地方

    Just as Memphis cooks consider their ribs superior to ones barbecued in Kansas City, gong bao is a dish in which civic pride is never far from the plate.


  • 做锅炉工的经历在在密西西比州堪萨斯被报道后,一个失业的压牙医受此启发,决定凭借自己之前学到焊接技术找工作。

    After a news crew in Kansas City, Missouri, reported on his stint as a boilermaker, an unemployed dentist who saw the story decided to brush off his old welding skills and apply.


  • Kozoru(一家位于堪萨斯创业企业)周一发布一个新的搜索引擎工具--Byoms,其可以使用即时通讯工具来搜索网络

    Kozoru, a Kansas-based startup, on Monday launched Byoms, a new search engine that queries the web with instant messages.


  • 堪萨斯美联储银行JacksonHole研讨会上,我们《衰落之后》这份论文探讨了不同国家面对严重金融危机一些经验

    We explored the experience of economies surrounding severe financial crises in a paper, After the Fall, presented at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City’s Jackson Hole Symposium.


  • 堪萨斯美联储银行JacksonHole研讨会上,我们《衰落之后》这份论文探讨了不同国家面对严重金融危机一些经验

    We explored the experience of economies surrounding severe financial crises in a paper, After the Fall, presented at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City's Jackson Hole Symposium.


  • 密苏里州堪萨斯一家私人诊所眼科专家,约翰C.哈根三世(John C.Hagan, III)博士解释说病人检查查看的症状——也可以自己的眼睛中查看。

    Dr. John C. Hagan, III, a ophthalmologist in private practice in Kansas City, Mo. explains what he looks for when he examines his patients - and what you can look for on your own.


  • 堪萨斯威奇托一位汽车配件经销商儿子雄鹰童子军,梦想成为医生——准备好在父母地下室里解剖老鼠

    The son of a Wichita, Kansas, auto parts dealer, he was an Eagle Scout who dreamed of becoming a doctordissecting rats and cats in his parents' basement to get ready.


  • 他们要记录对方德州阿比林夜间开销,送到堪萨斯城的货物以及在盐湖城修车的费用,所有这些都工人识别送入数据库

    They record nights spent in Abilene, Tex., deliveries in Kansas City and breakdowns in Salt Lake City, all of which the workers decipher and enter into a database.


  • 针对堪萨斯圣路易斯的相似计划正在制订中。

    Plans are under way to implement similar designs around Kansas City and St. Louis.


  • 目前为止,这家位于堪萨斯城的公司员工数已经增加25名并且英国伯明翰(Birmingham)设立了分公司。

    Since then, the Kansas City -based company has expanded to 25 employees and a second office in Birmingham, U.K.


  • 2009年6月20号,风暴堪萨斯的莱博(Lebo)威廉斯(Williamsburg)积聚。

    Storm clouds gather on June 20, 2009 between Lebo and Williamsburg, Kansas. This storm had several funnel clouds and a brief tornado.


  • 堪萨斯威奇托一位汽车配件经销商儿子雄鹰童子军,梦想成为医生——准备好在父母地下室里解剖老鼠

    The son of a Wichita, Kansas, auto parts dealer , he was an Eagle Scout who dreamed of becoming a doctordissecting rats and cats in his parents' basement to get ready.


  • 去年九月一个傍晚堪萨斯州利伍德的唐·怀斯走进家中起居室

    Don Wise wandered into the living room of his home in Leawood, Kan. , one evening last September.


  • 曼哈顿美国堪萨斯东北部座城位于托皮卡西面一个加工教育中心人口37,712。

    A city of northeast Kansas west of Topeka. It is a processing and educational center. Population, 37,712.


  • 上周,美国堪萨斯帕克老城区运输中心电梯发生了两次故障,需要救援操作里面被困人员解救出来。

    The elevator at the Old Town transit center malfunctioned twice last week, requiring rescue operations to free people trapped inside both times.


  • 堪萨斯州威尔·斯威尔伊丽莎白·莱顿到68岁开始画画

    Elizabeth Layton of Wellsville, Kan was 68 before she began to draw.


  • 还有更离谱的,堪萨斯的托皮卡Topeka号召实行全国性奥巴马假日

    Not to be outdone, some activists in Topeka, Kansas, are promoting a national Obama holiday.


  • 还有更离谱的,堪萨斯的托皮卡Topeka号召实行全国性奥巴马假日

    Not to be outdone, some activists in Topeka, Kansas, are promoting a national Obama holiday.


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