• 这个网站被认为冰岛基础学校高等学府之间共同建构反映媒介素养知识体系与媒介素养教育的座链接性的桥梁。

    It is thought of as a joint working area for elementary schools in Iceland and the university to construct and reflect knowledge about literature and literature didactics .


  • 学校压力增加部分原因在于,社区内提供早期干预基础心理健康服务较少

    Part of the reason for the increased pressure on schools is that there are now fewer "early intervention" and low-level mental health services based in the community.


  • 学校基础的校园资源在哪,如学生咨询中心、心理服务和辅导中心,这会让你在校园的头几周变得更容易,因为你不需要一边适应课程一边寻找这些地点。

    Getting to know where essential campus resources are—such as the student advising center, psychological services, and the tutoring center—will make your first few weeks on campus a lot easier, because you won't have to look for them while still getting used to your classes.


  • 因此后来家长要求担负起为学校电脑系统进行基础升级筹集资金的任务。

    Parents were therefore being asked to hold fundraising drives to pay for basic upgrades of school computer systems.


  • 由此而来城里学校缺少富裕税收基础经费不足,恶性循环开始了

    Consequently city schools lack a wealthy tax base and are short of money. A cycle begins.


  • 强制性教育开始初等学校一般基础教育,年龄是6 - 14岁

    Compulsory education begins with primary school or general basic education for ages 6-14.


  • 不少学校允许生活经验基础测试或者档案评审获得学分

    A few schools will allow you to receive credit for life experience, based on testing or portfolio reviews.


  • 跟踪结果将为学校保健站采取行动改善儿童状况奠定基础

    The results provide a basis for action to improve outcomes for the child and within the schools or health posts.


  • 有些国家需要小学生阅读写字基础数学学校统一教学更有效。

    In countries where schools mainly seek to teach pupils to read, write and grasp some basic maths, centralisation seems to work.


  • 整个无线电广播商业模式建立迎合地方社区群体小型企业地方学校尤其是地方听众基础上的。

    The whole radio business model is built around pandering to local community groups, small businesses, area schools and, above all, local listeners.


  • 小学使用的营养标准基础上,需要学校午饭保证提供至少一部分蔬菜或者沙拉一部分水果

    The nutritional standards, already in force in primary schools, require a school lunch to contain at least one portion of vegetable or salad and a portion of fruit.


  • 这笔资金可能支持用于基础设施、教育卫生以及社会安全网方案公共支出学校孕产妇食品方案。

    The money is likely to support public spending on infrastructure, education, health, and social safety net programs, such as school and maternal feeding programs.


  • 首都北郊贫民区成千上万的人们等待学校开学基础服务恢复

    In poor neighborhoods on the northern outskirts of the capital, thousands of people are still waiting for schools to reopen and basic services to be restored.


  • 后来巴马村庄里学校读书的时候,因扎实的数学基础立刻便脱颖而出。

    And when Obama Sr. later went to the village school, he was immediately recognized for his strong math abilities.


  • 的这套理念建立自己不断尝试基础上的。相信学校方法奏效

    I've developed this method through personal trial and error, and trust me, it works much much better than the way your were taught in school.


  • 没有这项保证,筹募款项其实可能转移未来用于贫穷国家基础服务开支,也就是将用作建造学校医院预算,改为兴筑防洪堤坝

    Without that, funds risk being raised by diverting future spending away from essential services in poor countries -taking money to build flood defences out of budgets to build schools and hospitals.


  • 不过,看到了相当标记学校小学、“基础学校(提供一两初中教育),还有卢迈孜中学

    But then there are the signs, really quite a lot of them, to the schools: primary schools, "basic" schools (which give a couple of years of secondary education) and Lumezi's secondary school.


  • 19世纪70年代通过国家各个地区建立学校王国基础教育要求已经而得到满足

    By the 1970s, the basic educational requirements of the Kingdom had been met through the establishment of schools in all parts of the country.


  • 有些学校为一些基础方面,比如校规校纪方面的事情而疲于奔命。

    Some schools struggle with the basics, such as discipline.


  • 还说通过建立基金可以各个州当地社区提供资金重建道路桥梁学校其它基础设施,这样可以确保100万的工作

    He said 1m new jobs could be saved by creating a fund to provide money to states and local communities to rebuild and repair roads, Bridges, schools and other infrastructure projects.


  • 地震发生有限基础之上但是影响可能扩大很多,学校可能会经历一次更加严厉认证过程

    This was happening before the earthquake on a very limited basis, but its reach would expand greatly and the schools would undergo an increasingly rigorous certification process.


  • 你们很多也许学校学到过一些色彩基础知识不过我们来迅速回顾一些术语以便更好地掌握色彩使用它们

    Many of you may have learned some color basics in school, but let's quickly review some terminology in order to get a better grasp on colors and how to use them.


  • 自由党的压力下,他们开始试图大众重新理解这些,不再强调学校工作效率科技,而注重讲述基础东西

    At the pressure group Liberty, they are starting to try to realign public understanding of all this, away from efficiency and technology, towards much more fundamental stuff.


  • 这些融入学校系统使它们可以利用以科学基础方式教授阅读

    The money has gone to school systems to get them to use scientifically based ways to teach reading.


  • 我们应该集中力量帮助你们修建学校道路医疗中心并且改善整个巴基斯坦基础设施状况。

    We should be focused on helping you build schools and roads and health care centers and dealing with the infrastructure of the entire country.


  • 应该支出更多资金用于改善诸如学校医院道路基础设施——移民热潮使这些设施承受额外的压力

    More money should be spent to improve infrastructure, such as schools, hospitals and roads, that is being put under extra pressure by an upsurge of immigrants.


  • 特别是几乎没有愿意为公共基础设施筹集资金因此学校医院公路渔业码头三角洲地区水中桥梁尚未重建。

    In particular, almost no one wants to finance infrastructure; so schools, clinics, raised footpaths, fishing jetties and Bridges in the watery delta have not been rebuilt.


  • 无锡完善的基础教育教授科学院院士摇篮

    Wuxi’s well-formed basic education is the cradle for professors, academicians and university presidents.


  • 无锡完善的基础教育教授科学院院士摇篮

    Wuxi’s well-formed basic education is the cradle for professors, academicians and university presidents.


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