• 正直的品性并不限于基督世界

    Virtue is not confined to the Christian world.


  • 他们基督商业交易征收宗教

    They levied religious taxes on Christian commercial transactions.


  • 曾是一个虔诚的基督教徒

    He was a devout Christian.


  • 基督教改信伊斯兰

    He converted from Christianity to Islam.


  • 耶路撒冷基督教徒最为敬仰地方

    Jerusalem is Christianity's most venerated place.


  • 这个国家基督异教之间摇摆不定

    The country swayed precariously between Christianity and paganism.


  • 基督所有教派的人都出席了这次会议。

    Christians of all denominations attended the conference.


  • 从小接受基督教育

    She had a Christian upbringing.


  • 基督教徒大约这个国家人口2.5%。

    Christians compose around 2.5% of the country's population.


  • 这座科普特教堂古老基督教堂之一。

    The Coptic Church is among the oldest churches of Christianity.


  • 那天信了基督

    He converted to Christianity that day.


  • 现在仅有10%人口虔诚的基督教徒。

    Only 10% of the population are now practising Christians.


  • 这时决定成为基督教徒受了洗礼

    At this time she decided to become a Christian and was baptized.


  • 几个世纪以来,基督已经采用并改编许多异教思想

    The Christian church has adapted many pagan ideas over the centuries.


  • 我们如何基督置于现代物理学心理学背景中呢?

    How do we situate Christianity in the context of modern physics and psychology?


  • 欧洲早期基督教徒承袭更古老一些异教许多习俗

    Early Christians in Europe adopted many of the practices of the older, pagan religions.


  • 有些学校圣诞颂歌正在修改去掉任何涉及基督的内容。

    In some schools, Christmas carols are being modified to exclude any reference to Christ.


  • 他们设立了穆斯林-基督关系研究所

    They have instituted Institute for Muslim-Christian Relations.


  • 所有细节来自基督教徒所使用希腊语

    All details are from the Greek language used by Christians.


  • 所有细节来自基督教徒所使用希腊语

    All details are from the Greek language used by Christians.


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