• 这些成果应该成为完善提高城市综合体营养

    These "achievement" should be perfect and improve the urban complex of nutrition.


  • 因此改造“中村使融入城市综合显得十分迫切。

    Therefore, it is necessary to reconstruct village in the city and make it integrate into the city system.


  • 模式多种天气形势下相当成功地预报城市综合体上空及其周围气流运动。

    The model can pre dict the air flow over and around the urban complex with reasonable success in a variety of synoptic situations.


  • 摘要城市综合体主题既是展示自身特色魅力关键更是自身竞争力表现

    Abstract: urban complex subject to showcase its characteristics and charm is the key, but also their own competitive performance.


  • 作为城市商业地产开发建设模式,“城市综合体”正在国内经济发达地区建设使用

    As the new mode of city commercial real development and construction, "urban complex" (uc) is widely used in the commercial developed areas in China.


  • 通过衔接空间构成研究明确衔接空间的本质以及城市综合体城市公共交通衔接中作用

    Via this research, we could make convergence space essence and its link function between urban complex and public transport clear.


  • 华润中心大型购物中心甲级写字楼五星级酒店高档公寓住宅功能一体的大型城市综合体

    Resources center is a large shopping centers, Grade a office space, five-star hotels, luxury apartments, and residential and other functions as one large urban complexes.


  • 城市综合体四大典型特征超大空间尺度通道树型交通体系现代城市景观形象高科技集成设施

    The four typical characteristics of urban complex is the large spatial scale, the channel tree transportation system, the modern urban landscape image and the high-tech integrated facilities.


  • 本文公共性特征出发,解释思索如何追求城市公共性,使城市综合体更好地融入城市社会生活当中。

    This article starts with the characteristics of the city public explains and ponders over how to pursue the city public character, so as to let the HOPSCA integrate into the urban social life better.


  • 苏北城市综合体项目说明模型应用步骤,验证评价方法在区域能源供应系统选择方面的有效性

    Taking one city complex project in Northern Jiangsu as an example, verifies the application procedure of this model, proves the effectiveness of the evaluation method.


  • MAD项目丰富多样设计种类遍及城市规划城市综合体建筑、博物馆歌剧院社会住宅老城改造艺术作品

    MAD has been commissioned by clients of various backgrounds for design in urban planning, urban complex, museum, theatre, social residence, old neighborhood renovation, and artworks.


  • 新城建设旧城提升改造,地产城市综合体扩张,工业园产业园如雨后春笋不断涌现,度假设施的建设,都出现了从一线城市向二三线城市的快速蔓延。

    We can witness the construction of new cities, the reconstruction of old cities, the expansion of real estate and HOPSCA, the mushrooming industrial parks and the development of resorts.


  • 模压混凝土绿色屋顶使得这个新的设施综合体城镇周围城市文脉轻易融合起来。

    The stamped concrete and green roof ensure that this new amenity blends effortlessly with the surrounding urban context of the town.


  • 烈士陵园作为一种纪念性景观,是城市绿地重要组成部分,是集纪念、教育游憩功能一体的综合体

    As a memorial landscape, a martyr memorial park serves as an important part of urban green Spaces with comprehensive functions in commemoration, education and tourism.


  • 通过一个宽阔楼梯连接这个多功能综合体城市两个分离部分联系起来。

    Linked by a wide flight of stairs, the multifunctional complex forms a connection between two separate parts of the city.


  • 该文拟从“外部空间城市空间相结合”、将“外部空间引入室内”两方面来探讨现代高层综合体外部空间组织。

    The article studies exterior space of modem high-rise complex horn the combining exterior space with urban space and leading exterior space into interior space.


  • 立体化衔接空间建筑综合体城市空间城市交通系统衔接部分立体式公共空间形态

    Multidimensional connecting space refers to the multidimensional public space formation of the connecting Spaces of comprehensive buildings, urban Spaces, and urban traffic system.


  • 项目基地六个地块组成,其中两个街区一座立体城市广场连接。不同尺度的连廊、走道穿插几个连绵起伏的商业综合体中,引领人们从繁忙。

    The site is composed of six lots, two of which are linked by a vertical city plaza. Curving, ascending corridors and paths weave through the undulating.


  • 认为通过外部空间整体化人性化设计使高层综合体可以被有机组合城市空间中,实现城市建筑共生

    And by the integrative and humanize designing, highrise complex maybe combined into urban Spaces organically, realizing the symbiosis of urban and architecture.


  • 摘要烈士陵园作为一种纪念性景观,是城市绿地重要组成部分,是集纪念教育游憩功能为一体的综合体

    As a memorial landscape a martyr memorial park serves as an important part of urban green Spaces with comprehensive functions in commemoration education and tourism.


  • 城市商业综合体建筑室内步行街不是简单的交通联系空间更是各商业业态空间纽带,发挥越来越重要作用

    City commercial complex interior pedestrian street of the building is no longer room for easy transport links, it is its commercial space Format ties played an increasingly important role.


  • 城市中心绝无仅有商业高地国际级商业综合体。名盛广场北京顶级商业从未企及的高度

    As a business highland in the heart of the city and a world-level business complex, Mingsing Plaza reaches a new height for top business that has never been reached on Beijing Road.


  • 城市作为人类地表作用显著区域一系列连续文化景观综合体

    As the surface area where human beings plays the prominent role, city is a series of continuous synthesis of cultural landscape.


  • 世纪转折的今天城市居住综合体作为城市住宅的一种,改变城市面貌同时,也在改变着城市空间结构

    Today, urban housings including urban housing complexes are changing our cities not only on their appearance, but also on their spatial structure.


  • 城市形象城市外在形态内在素质综合

    Urban image is a comprehensive embodiment in its outer shape and inner quality.


  • 正在进行的城市项目包括位于北京CBD、紧邻北京朝阳公园办公商业综合体

    Current ongoing urban projects include Chaoyang Park Plaza, a mixed-use urban complex project located in the new CBD of Beijing;


  • 首先叙述城市商业综合体概念其它相关概念进行区分,确定研究范围

    First described the concept of urban commercial complex, and the distinguishment to its related concepts, identify scope of the research;


  • 建筑师认为城市一个城市WVOWS不仅仅是一个综合场馆。

    The architects see the WVOWS as a town within a town rather than just a sports complex.


  • 位于中国海洋大学崂山新校区内,临城市主干道松岭路一侧综合育馆道相对。

    Located at the Laoshan campus of The Ocean University of China, the laboratory is on one side of the main Songling Road, with the multi-purpose sports stadium on the other side.


  • 位于中国海洋大学崂山新校区内,临城市主干道松岭路一侧综合育馆道相对。

    Located at the Laoshan campus of The Ocean University of China, the laboratory is on one side of the main Songling Road, with the multi-purpose sports stadium on the other side.


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