• 队员个个虎生生的气势

    All the players on the football field were energetic and powerful, looking very vigorous.


  • 球队每支球队11场上队员3替补队员

    TEAMS Each soccer team has eleven players and three substitute, or reserve players.


  • 篮球场上队员中场歇息拉拉队队员跳舞场景这句…

    This is the basketball court players break players in the dance of the cheerleader squad scene …This is the game of basketball players at half…


  • 随后比赛中申花试图通过进攻来反超比分坐在替补席上贾秀全急切地场上队员连连传递着进攻的指示申花的进攻往往都是无功而返

    The next game, trying to attack Shenhua lead to the score, sitting on the bench Jia Xiuquan market players eager to pass a series of instructions to attack, but Shenhua's offense often failed.


  • 不敢想像”弗朗西斯说:“球迷们经常的为欢呼,甚至不是火箭队场上队员的时候,折兑我来说意义很多很另人提心吊胆的假如我上场了,而且错失了的第一个两分进攻?”

    The fans always embraced me, even when I wasn't a member of the Houston Rockets. It meant a lot to me. The thing that is scary is what if I come in and miss my first two shots?


  • 必须权衡球员所佩戴用具是否具有危险性,无论名球员或者场上其他队员

    You must decide whether each player's equipment is dangerous to the individual or to other players.


  • 这倒不像布切先生代表英格兰队踢球场上头撞击突尼斯队员,从而给别人树立多么好的榜样

    Unlike Mr Butcher, who set them such a fine example by head-butting Tunisians on the field while playing for England.


  • 国内媒体都有一个共识,队员需要表现得更好,以回报主教练努力工作

    It was a sentiment that was echoed in the country's media which, while demanding even more from their players on the pitch, paid tribute to the work done by the coach.


  • 训练努力,场上训练时间其他队员们都,他状态好。

    He trains, he's training on the pitch for more time than the other players, he's perfect.


  • 如果教练准确知道投手场上如何移动。教练就确信他的队员没有损伤他们身体

    If the team coaches know exactly how their pitchers move during a pitch, coaches can make sure their players aren't damaging their bodies.


  • 她们自己突击队员丈夫倒垃圾尿布——不论他们场上取得了多么骄人的战绩。

    They still make their spouses take out the garbage, do the dishes and change diapersno matter how impressive their accomplishments in the field of battle is.


  • 这种情况下,现场球迷称为“第12队员”——他们存在就相当于给球队增加了比赛队员那么场上就是1112人了。

    When this happens the fans are called the twelfth man - they have the effect of an extra player: the game is now 11 vs 12.


  • 那场他们仅仅依靠一个可疑的点球得分,里皮已经接受了他队员场上缺乏想象力狡猾一事实。

    Lippi accepted they had lacked imagination and guile in that game and it was the same here, except that Slovakia proved much tougher opponents than the Kiwis.


  • 超过英尺长的"鳄鱼"顶着一块名为"沼泽""橄榄球场",新娘新郎穿着球队队服站在,旁边还有3名队员

    The alligator, the team's emblem, is more than 2 feet long and is holding "The Swamp" which is the name of the team's stadium.


  • 运动员每天都要将大时间花费体育馆里运动场上,并且是同性队员在一起,因此外界太多联系

    Athletes spend a lot of time in the gym and playing fields every day, with team members of the same gender, so they don't have much contact with the outside world.


  • 海豹突击队的队员们正在加州克莱门特练习M16突击步枪的实弹射击。

    9SEALs perform target practice with M16 assault rifles at a shooting range on San Clemente Island, California.


  • 自由防守队员场上替换下来技术暂停结束,没有经过比赛过程,上去

    The libero of Team A has just replaced by the player, after the technical time-out, he returned the court.


  • 首先队员进行彩排他们随着乐曲节奏的迈整齐的步伐来到

    Thee players first rehearsal in the first place, they along with rhythmic music with steps came to the playground.


  • 但是场上我们应该看到UNION自己队员因为任何事情发生冲突不但影响我队而且对手看笑话

    But in the field, we should not see is his players UNION anything because conflict affects not only our team, and let the opponent see the joke.


  • 乔治·巴塞罗斯足球场上一切有可能过去一直常说的话我们队员真的表现得非常好。

    JORGE BARCELLOS: Everything is possible in the football pitch, it's something I've said many times before, our players performed really well.


  • 比赛通常场上踢球队员决定明天很明显他们拥有球迷的支持但是认为这会什么影响

    Matches are generally decided by those who go on the pitch and play, tomorrow clearly they will have the public on their side, but I don't think this will have any influence.


  • 我们队员对只了他们两个有些失望不能指望得到足球场上能得到的一切。

    We are a bit disappointed that we only scored the two goals, but you dont always get what you deserve in football matches.


  • 阿姆斯特丹市官员队员乘船市内河道上游行,聚集在岸边球迷一睹球员风采的机会,之后球员会在博物馆广场上出席欢迎仪式。

    City officials say the players will tour Amsterdam's canals in a boat, allowing fans to gather along the Banks to see the players, before a reception in Museum Square.


  • 这场球赛双方队员积极场上逼抢十分激烈。

    Players from both teams were quite active that day, the play was marked by fierce competition.


  • 主力队员每次比赛,我都篮球场上发挥淋漓尽致。

    I am the main players, game every time, I can play on the basketball court to get incisively and vividly.


  • 不仅仅是获得奖牌的运动员才是赢家-能够站在奥运会的所有队员都是最大的胜利者。

    It's not just the medalists who are winners-all the athletes are winners for making it there.


  • 哥伦比亚队员正在场上分钟热身动作。

    The Columbia players are warming up for a few minutes on the field.


  • 但是上赛季,这队员表现的不稳定,导致湖人无法预测当两人在场上时候湖人队的比赛如何进行。

    However, both players performed inconsistently throughout this past season, resulting in a Lakers team that never quite knew what they'd get from each player each night they took the floor.


  • 运动员来说,能够自己国家,在本国球迷喝彩中为世界杯而战,他最大的梦想。由衷的希望在不远的将来我们队员能够有幸经历这种无与伦比的感受。

    As a player nothing could possibly beat playing in front of your own fans in your own country at the World Cup and I hope our players of the future will be fortunate enough to experience this.


  • 这倒不像布切先生代表英格兰踢球场上撞击突尼斯队队员,从而给别人树立了多么好的榜样

    Unlike Mr Butcher, who set them such a fine example by head- butting Tunisians on the field while playing for England.


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