• 松鼠生活高高的树上松鼠则大部分时间生活在地面上。

    Red squirrels live high up in trees, while grey squirrels spend more of their time on the ground.


  • 腹树袋熊,作为已知生物一种生活森林里袋类动物大部分时间生活在地面上,的颜色非常鲜艳。

    The Dingiso, as the creature is also known, is a forest-dwelling marsupial with bold coloration that spends most of its time on the ground.


  • 根据电脑模拟长足跟通过延长短跑选手地面接触时间同样可以使得选手们获得更快的速度。

    According to the computer simulation, having long toes also makes sprinters speedier, by extending the time that a runner's foot makes contact with the ground.


  • 确保地面上人安全最好方法是以一个强大推进器燃烧来使宇宙飞船脱轨,正确时间使其慢下来

    To keep people on the ground safe, it's best to deorbit a spacecraft with a strong burn of propellant, to slow it down at the right time.


  • 刚开始地上的尘土石子儿,凸出地面树根都会弄痛脊背时间习惯了。

    The dirt and pebbles and outstretched roots of trees hurt her back at first, but she became used to it over time.


  • 地面观测点特定时间空气火山灰范围卫星图片可以用来建立一系列更好跟踪火山灰的模型

    Observations from ground, air and satellite of the ash's extent at specific times might be used to create a series of model runs that would track it better.


  • 按照爱因斯坦理论相对地面时钟飞机上的时钟因为80个小时运动而减少时间

    According to Einstein's theory, the clock on the plane would be expected to have lost time, due to being in motion over 80 hours compared to the clock on the ground.


  • 地面接收器利用卫星上时间信号准确地计算出它们方位

    Receivers on the ground will use time signals from the satellites to precisely calculate their 14 location.


  • 相反,他们类人猿(apes)进化而来,起先他们树上度过大部分时间,后来直立到了地面

    Instead they evolved from other apes who spent most of their time in trees and descended to the ground upright.


  • 颗MUOS卫星及其相关地面系统在轨移交时间2010年。

    The first MUOS satellite along with the associated ground system are scheduled for on-orbit hand-over to the Navy in 2010.


  • 地面处于本影位置观测者可以看到月球太阳整个覆盖住,时间长达分钟,其时只有太阳微弱的上层大气称为日冕依然处于可见状态

    On the ground, viewers in the full shadow's path-aka the path of totality-see the moon cover the sun's disk for several minutes. Only the sun's faint upper atmosphere, or corona, remains visible.


  • 最为戏剧性的变化发生2005年9月数以百计深部裂缝时间之内出现部分地面几乎一夜之间抬升了8

    The most dramatic event came in September 2005, when hundreds of deep crevices appeared within a few weeks, and parts of the ground shifted eight metres, almost overnight.


  • 上面方法本质上是种间歇训练,其最快和最慢的跑都要田径场或者一块平整的地面上进行,而跨步跑没有这么多要求,几乎可以任何时候任何地方进行,占用你训练最后分钟时间

    You can do them almost anytime, anywhere. They take only a few minutes at the end of a workout.


  • 尽管阿迪一生中大部分时间也许树上渡过的,但森林地面时,骨盆适合直立行走的。

    Though Ardi would have spent much of her time in the trees, her pelvis was adapted to walking upright when she came down to the forest floor.


  • 但是由于新的挖掘地面几乎零距离,因此如果的话,应该会发现接近时间点的物种损失世界上其他地方多。

    But since the new digs were so close to ground zero, the immediate species loss ought to be have been - if anything - greater there than anywhere else in the world.


  • 也许就是为什么我们已经树干下到地面上这么时间了,还是树木产生敬畏之情

    Perhaps that is why long after we have climbed down their trunks we still gaze at trees in awe.


  • 通信时间这次训练一部分,也是小行星实际展开任务时宇航员地面控制人员共同面临的问题。

    A communications time lag, which simulates what astronauts and ground controllers would experience during an actual mission at an asteroid, is part of the exercise.


  • 不过有一时间,莫斯科市周围土地起到自然空调作用,通过地面蒸发湿气保持空气凉爽

    However, for a while the land around the city acted as a natural air conditioner, keeping the air cool through evaporation of moisture from the ground.


  • 而当它们飞舞接近地面时候因为空气阻力原因它们会在空中水平漂浮时间

    Air resistance then causes these crystals to lie nearly flat much of the time as they flutter to the ground.


  • 拒绝撤军设定一个时间表。他说撤军数量取决于伊拉克地面局势,但伊拉克的地面局势无法提前作出估计的。

    He has refused to agree to a timetable for withdrawals, saying reductions in troop levels will be determined by conditions on the ground in Iraq that are impossible to predict in advance.


  • 当时恐怖过去很长时间之后幸存者完全相信地面是牢固需要时间

    Long after their immediate terrors have passed, it takes survivors time to trust, fully, in the solidity of the ground.


  • 地面剧烈摇晃时间以前经历的任何一次地震都要长。

    The fierce rolling of the earth lasted longer than I had ever experienced.


  • 下午时间地面安装了一个又又重的地面固定装置,一条非常、非常重的摩托车链条把它们锁在一起。

    I spent a recent afternoon installing a hefty ground anchor, to which my bikes are now attached with a very long, alarmingly heavy, motorbike chain.


  • 拉格方法有效提升产量降低了可耕地面而且看起来证明有机农业的做法是错误的还需要时间

    Borlaug's methods often raised yields while reducing acreage, and it seemed for years he'd proven the organic movement wrong.


  • 波音波尔在本周早些时候完成了SBSS卫星地面系统最后测试发射定于美国东部时间早上12时41分(美国太平洋时区时间925日晚9时41分)。

    Boeing and Ball completed final testing of the SBSS satellite and ground system earlier this week, and the launch is scheduled for 12:41am EDT on September 26 (9:41pm PDT on September 25).


  • 波音波尔在本周早些时候完成了SBSS卫星地面系统最后测试发射定于美国东部时间早上12时41分(美国太平洋时区时间925日晚9时41分)。

    Boeing and Ball completed final testing of the SBSS satellite and ground system earlier this week, and the launch is scheduled for 12:41am EDT on September 26 (9:41pm PDT on September 25).


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