• 地表地震频率可能高达100次,每年平均值变化不大。

    Near the surface earthquakes may run as high as 100 in a month, but the yearly average does not vary much.


  • 远程控制机器粉碎硫化物沉积物然后通过将其吸附地表容器

    Remote-controlled machines smash the sulfide deposits, which are then hoovered up through a riser pipe to a vessel on the surface.


  • 地球移动构造板块一个主要地质元素整个地表动态变化至关重要,吗?

    Here on Earth, moving tectonic plates are a major geological element, just crucial for the whole surface dynamic, right?


  • 过研究海洋,可以了解很多我们所生活的地表的状况。

    By studying the oceans, a great deal can be learned about the surface we live on.


  • 带雨林只占地表的一小部分,大约是6%,但它的树木种类比世界上任何其他地区都多。

    Rainforests make up only a small part of the Earth's surface, about six percent, but there are more kinds of trees than any other area in the whole world.


  • 在这样低温限制了生存区域地表额外热量至关重要

    In an area where low temperatures are limiting to life, the importance of the additional heat near the surface is crucial.


  • 这种特点使它们能够避开严酷狂风并且使它们能够利用地表更高温度。

    This enables them to avoid the worst rigors of high winds and permits them to make use of the higher temperatures immediately adjacent to the ground surface.


  • 湿地想象块巨大海绵地球吸收大量不断涌向地表增加地表以下水量的这些

    Think of wetlands as a giant sponge: the earth soaks up a lot of this water that's continually flooding the surface, which increases the amount of water below.


  • "人们开始地表的特殊岩层进行编目和分类时起,大家开始期望能够以某种方式利用这些岩层计算地质年代。

    Ever since people had begun to catalog the strata in particular outcrops, there had been the hope that these could somehow be used to calculate geological time.


  • 基于地表的北极气温放大现象出现.

    The emergence of surface-based Arctic amplification.


  • 款软件可以模拟是如何流经地表

    The software models how water moves across the surface of the continent.


  • 随着水资源变得越来越稀少,太多被迫饮用地表污水

    As water becomes ever scarcer, far too many people are driven to drink from filthy surface water.


  • 因此靠近地表空气温度降低,使得云层下降减少降水几率

    This cooled the air near the surface, drawing clouds downward and reducing the chance of rain.


  • 信使号”科学团队这些交错地表沟槽进行研究。

    MESSENGER science team members will also be studying the shallow ridges that crisscross Machaut's floor.


  • 搜寻者细心地选择地貌年代适宜适合保存化石以及暴露在地表岩层认真查找

    The hunters choose their terrain carefully, looking for rocks of the right age, the right type to preserve fossils and rocks that are exposed at the surface.


  • 通常一年中低温月份中,日本本州东北部地表沿海岸或者基本是自西向东吹。

    Commonly, during cooler months of the year, surface winds blow off shore, or essentially west to east, in northeastern Honshu.


  • 问题就在于:大多数卫星仪器无法那些地表和悬于大气层中的细颗粒物区分清楚。

    The problem: Most satellite instruments can't distinguish particles close to the ground from those high in the atmosphere.


  • 灰尘限制到达地表太阳辐射数量举例来说,会减缓因二氧化碳浓度增高而缠身滚的大气温室效应

    Dust limits the amount of solar radiation that reaches the Earth, for example, a factor that could mask the warming effects of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide.


  • 地表厚度达到1左右最低温度零下35摄氏度但是因为风寒,温度至零下70至80摄氏度左右。

    There is about a metre of ice on the surface and the lowest temperature has been minus 35 degrees Centigrade but with the wind chill, it can go down to about minus 70-80c.


  • 降水会打湿地表的易燃物,也不过地下火上结了一层壳而已,地下火仍继续燃烧好几个月,可能又冒出地面

    Rain dampens surface fuels, but does little more than create a crust over a ground fire, which can burn beneath the surface for months and pop up later.


  • 然后他们按照重塑金星地表比率估计熔岩体积水平进行划分,划分的结果支持最近的金星地表重塑事件的估计时间

    They then divided the estimated volume levels by various rates of resurfacing that support the estimated date of the planet's most recent resurfacing event.


  • 不会明天天气产生影响我们所得的结果告诉来自地表元素总是能够进入到底层的地幔中,可能是碳元素的长期下沉过程

    This won't affect climate tomorrow, but what our results tell you is that carbon from the surface can go all the way into the lower mantle, which may be a long-term sink for carbon.


  • 微粒飞溅不仅在水星上空形成了一个超级稀薄大气层(更准确的说是外大气层),而且还改变水星地表颜色反射以及化学成分。

    The impacts also change the colour, reflectance and chemistry of the surface over time.


  • 假设地表降温空气升温,那么地表的空气要向上升腾就变得不那么容易;而对流减少导致趋向于减少云层生成降雨

    If the surface is cooled and the air above it warmed, there is less tendency for air from near the surface to rise; reduced convection will tend to lead to fewer clouds and reduced rainfall.


  • 联邦技术带到更高级别信息集成它允许DB 2联邦系统充当一个虚拟数据库使得对远程对象的查询和对本地表的查询一样简单。

    Federation takes you to the next level of information integration, allowing the DB2 federated system to act as a virtual database where remote objects can be queried like local tables.


  • 我们可以领略大自然极限风光:壮丽风景从我们脚下延伸开去,地表火山灰上覆盖着皑皑白雪,白雪慢慢融化太阳照射下呈现奇异恐怖的粉红色

    We would see nature at its extremes: grand vistas spread out below us, the volcanic ash that layered on the earth turning the melting snows an eerie pink as the sun struck it;


  • 我们可以领略大自然极限风光:壮丽风景从我们脚下延伸开去,地表火山灰上覆盖着皑皑白雪,白雪慢慢融化太阳照射下呈现奇异恐怖的粉红色

    We would see nature at its extremes: grand vistas spread out below us, the volcanic ash that layered on the earth turning the melting snows an eerie pink as the sun struck it;


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