• 最近行星科学家提出地球生物圈发展外部先决条件可能包括四个最重要偶发事件。

    Recently planetary scientists have suggested that the external preconditions for the development of Earth's biosphere probably included four paramount contingencies.


  • 正像过去专家模型预测那样,地球生物圈正经历这样的升温

    Past history suggests that the Earth's biosphere resists the kind of run-away warming some experts' models have predicted, at least to a point.


  • 最为熟知应当真核尽管对于地球生物圈而言,它可能并不是重要的部分。

    The most familiar domain, though arguably not the most important to the Earth's overall biosphere, is the eukaryotes.


  • 此外部署使用外空武器严重威胁外空资产安全地球生物圈也会造成危害。

    In addition, the deployment and use of weapons in outer space would seriously threaten the security of outer space assets and bring harm to the Earth's biosphere.


  • 最近地质历史气候变化速率史无前例的,它地球生物圈产生了巨大影响

    The rate of climate change could be unprecedented in the recent geologic history and have large effects on the terrestrial biosphere.


  • 随着城市化进程加速,城市有机系统地球生物圈资源体系之间相互作用也日益加深和扩大。

    With the raped urbanization, a more extensive relationship and interaction has been established between the city organic system and earth's biosphere and resource system.


  • 首先,外星人不得不我们清除地球收拾我们污染后留下的烂摊子并且改造整个生物圈使它们可以适应

    First they'd have to clear us out and then clean up our pollution mess and rework the entire biosphere to accommodate them.


  • 随着城市化进程加速,城市有机系统地球生物圈资源体系之间相互作用也日益加深和扩大。

    With the raped urbanization, a more extensive relationship and interaction has been established between the city organic system and earth’s biosphere and resource system.


  • 沃尔纳德斯基的看法非常接近洛夫洛克的感悟,地球生物圈显现了一 个超越化学平衡规则

    Vernadsky came very close to Lovelock's epiphany that the Earth's biosphere exhibits a regulation beyond chemical equilibrium.


  • 另外一些前所未有的事情也发生了地球发射出去的小型抛射体逃离了我们的生物圈

    And something else unprecedented happened: small projectiles launched from the planet escaped the biosphere.


  • 自从联邦执法官命令生物圈2首批管理团队撤离之后,过去了将近十五。如今,科学家们渴望找到办法实现玻璃罩进行地球实验的合理愿望。

    Nearly 15 years after the first managerial team of Biosphere 2 was ordered out by federal marshals, scientists yearn for a way to fulfill the true promise of Earth-in-a-bubble experiments.


  • 随着城市化进程加速,城市的有机系统地球生物圈资源体系之间相互作用日益深入,日益扩展。

    With the rapid process of urbanization, the interaction between cities and the biological circle as well as the resources on the earth have become more and more strong.


  • 科学家揭露围绕地球磁场整个生物圈主要影响之一

    The scientist revealed that the geomagnetic field surrounding the planet was one of the primary influences of the entire biosphere.


  • 循环循环,碳是交换之间大气生物圈地球

    The carbon cycle is the cycle in which carbon is exchanged between the hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and geosphere of the Earth.


  • 这个能量流通人类科技干预使地球支持锚定在这里生物圈

    This energy flow was brought to Earth to support the electrical biosphere anchored here through human scientific intervention.


  • 接下来我们不得不考虑为什么地球必须智能生物这种智能生物生物链生物圈处于什么位置

    Next, we'll have to ponder why there must be wise mammals on the earth existing, and what site of wise mammals lie in the biological chain or biological circle.


  • 地球多重世界我们赖以为生生物圈还是一个。

    The earth is one, but the world is not, we all depend on one biosphere for sustaining our lives.


  • 地球表面系统反馈控制系统,生物圈尤其是人类表现出越来越重要作用

    Biosphere, especially human being, plays a more and more important role in the feedback and control mechanism of the system.


  • 宇宙生命能够存在地区尤指地球上;生物圈

    The regions of the universe, especially on the earth, that are capable of supporting life; the biosphere.


  • 人类环境之间能量传递、物质交换,是以地球表层为依托、以大气圈水圈岩石圈生物圈智能圈相互耦合

    The coupling between people and environment form a huge system of dissipative structure consistz of atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere and intellisphere.


  • 随着城市化进程加速城市有机系统地球生物圈资源体系之间相互作用日益加深和扩大。

    With the acceleration of urbanization, the city's organic system and earth resources, the interaction between the biosphere and also deepened and expanded.


  • 循环地球重要循环之一它使整个生物圈及其所有有机体中得到循环重复利用 。

    The carbon cycle is one of the most important cycles of the Earth and allows for carbon to be recycled and reused throughout the biosphere and all of its organisms.


  • 随着城市化进程的加速,城市有机系统地球生物圈资源体系之间相互作用也日益加深和扩大。

    With the rapid urbanization, a more extensive relationship and interaction has been established between the city organic system and earth's biosphere and resource system.


  • 森林地球最大陆地生态系统全球生物圈重要环。

    Forest, the largest terrestrial ecosystem on the Earth, is an important part of the global's biosphere.


  • 地球表面系统包括大气圈的对流层水圈生物圈岩石圈地壳部分,地球系统”人类当前生存关系最密切直接部分

    Earth surface system includes troposphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and the earth's crust of lithosphere, which is the closest and the most direct partition to the human survival in earth system.


  • 随着城市化进程加速城市有机系统地球生物圈资源体系之间相互作用日益加深扩大

    With the accelerated urbanization process, the city's organic system and the Earth system, a large interaction between the biosphere and resources are increasingly deepened and expanded.


  • 随着城市化进程加速城市有机系统地球生物圈资源体系之间相互作用日益加深扩大

    With the accelerated urbanization process, the city's organic system and the Earth system, a large interaction between the biosphere and resources are increasingly deepened and expanded.


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