• 然而,兰皮诺其他人传统主义者基本假设提出质疑在整个地球历史中,冰川期是周期性发生的。

    Yet Rampino and others question one of the traditionalists' basic assumption: the periodic occurrence of glaciation throughout Earth's history.


  • 因此化石识别地球历史特定时期标志

    Fossils are thus identifying markers for particular periods in Earth's history.


  • 如果地球轨道现在5%,那么地球历史早期温度足以使海洋蒸发

    If Earth's orbit were only 5 percent smaller than it is, temperatures during the early stages of Earth's history would have been high enough to vaporize the oceans.


  • 大约2.5亿年前地球历史严重一系列灭绝几乎所有生命物种消失了。

    Roughly 250 million years ago, in the worst series of mass extinction in Earth's history, almost all species of life simply vanished.


  • 地球历史的这次重大灾难以物种大量消亡标志;当时地球多达一半物种灭绝了。

    This break in Earth's history is marked by a mass extinction, when as many as half the species on the planet became extinct.


  • 地球历史节律角度讨论岩浆活动旋回

    This paper deals with magmatic activities cycles as viewed from the rhythm of the Earth's history.


  • 当然人类正在引发地球历史第6物种大灭绝。

    Of course, humanity is currently setting off the sixth mass extinction event in Earth's history.


  • 全球海洋循环重要替代部分重要性贯穿地球历史,而且依然存在

    This is a crucial but understudied compartment of the global Marine carbon cycle, which has been of key importance throughout Earth history and it is still at present.


  • 所有这些发现科学家们提供了关于宏观地球历史以及微观大峡谷地貌的信息

    All of these discoveries provide scientists with information both on the earth's history in general and on the area ground of the Grand Canyon in particular.


  • 开元时期地球历史遥远过去人类动物原本是同居一起,非常友好和平

    In the beginning, in a far distant past of Earth history, humans and animals used to cohabit very lovingly and peacefully.


  • 月亮引起潮汐这些都调成了地球历史决定性作用的鸡尾酒——地球原生

    And the tides created by the moon churned these into the most crucial cocktail in the history of the earth-the 14 Primordial Soup.


  • 2005年早些时候曾有人预计去年是有观测记录以来地球历史暖的一个年头

    Predictions early in 2005 that the year would be the warmest on record turned out to be off the mark.


  • 看看过去50地球历史发现一个渐进人类治愈——某种聚合而不是撕裂

    Look at the planet historically over the last 50 years and you will see a gradual healing of humanity - a putting together, not a tearing apart.


  • 我们自己而言我们不再了解地表地球历史直到最近一次经历我们你们旅程取得联系为止。

    For ourselves we have existed outside of the historical understanding of the outer earth up until a recent experience put us into contact with your journey.


  • 化石研究人员已经发现海洋生态系统残骸是出现迄今为止,地球历史最为严重的一次生物灭绝

    Fossil hunters have uncovered the remains of an ancient Marine ecosystem that arose in the aftermath of the most devastating mass extinction in Earth's history.


  • 地球历史有很多尚未揭示奥秘,例如距今350 ~ 250万年前全新世中期地球气候变化根本原因一直都是个谜。

    09051903 One of the mysteries of the Earth's history is the fundamental climate change in the Mid Pliocene, about 3.5-2.5 million years ago.


  • 我们已经询问了你们Agarthan的同胞,准备一个综合的关于四个法则概述以及他们地球历史你们能够更加简便的了解它们对于你们的重要性

    We have asked your Agarthan Cousins to prepare a comprehensive overview of these four laws and their earthly hi story so that you can more easily understand their significance to you.


  • Andean - Saharan冰河期横跨Ordovician冰河期的后期Silurian冰河期前期,大灭绝成为了其标志性事件,地球历史第二个气候恶劣的时期。

    Straddling the late Ordovician period and the early Silurian period, the Andean-Saharan ice age was marked by a mass extinction, the second most severe in Earth's history.


  • 说,冰川作用在地球整个发展历史中都发生证据表明发生在二叠纪末期。

    Glaciation, Young claims, has occurred throughout Earth's history, and there is evidence that it occurred toward the end off the Permian period.


  • 靠近地球9探测器其他俄罗斯着陆器所看到的岩石图,暗示了一段痛苦火山历史一点上世纪90年代得到了美国麦哲伦轨道飞行器的证实。

    The rocky views glimpsed by the Nearer Nine and other Russian landers suggested a tortured volcanic history that was confirmed in the early 1990s by the American Magellan orbiter.


  • 这种金属赋予地球特有磁场地球历史发挥极其重要作用

    This metallic core gives Earth its characteristic magnetic field, which has played an extremely important role in the history of our planet.


  • 最近北大西洋深海沉积物研究揭示了地球气候历史可能循环模式

    Recent studies of sediment in the North Atlantic's deep waters reveal possible cyclical patterns in the history of Earth's climate.


  • 当前我们太阳光度认知是:在地球历史进程上,太阳光度应该逐渐增加不是减少的。

    Our present understanding of the Sun's luminosity holds that it should have progressively increased, not decreased, over the course of Earth's history.


  • 地球早期历史一个如此活跃的物体以至于能够那儿,然后消除某个然后再也看不到这些东西

    The Earth was such an active thing in its early history that it could have been there and degassed to the point that you can't see it anymore.


  • 但是我们不能重新地球历史所以我们必须将如何演绎没有人为干预情况

    But we can't rerun the planet's history, so we have to deduce what would have happened without human intervention.


  • 文学家同样可以根据他们地球构成活动历史了解了解其他行星甚至太阳系之外的行星。

    Astronomers can also use a knowledge of Earth materials, processes and history to understand other planets - even those outside of our own solar system.


  • 科罗拉多河流大峡谷,大峡谷向我们提供许多有关地球自然历史信息

    The Colorado River flows through the Grand Canyon. The Canyon offers a lot of information about the physical history of Earth.


  • 虽然它们有些元素发生衰变(平均)要历经数十亿地球存在也只有数十亿年历史

    Even though some of these elements take billions of years to decay (on average), the Earth has been around for billions of years!


  • 虽然它们有些元素发生衰变(平均)要历经数十亿地球存在也只有数十亿年历史

    Even though some of these elements take billions of years to decay (on average), the Earth has been around for billions of years!


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