• 元素地球特征反映陆源地壳

    The element-geochemical features reflect that hybridism of continental crust occurs in the source area.


  • 火星地球化材料带到火星花费上数十亿甚至几万亿的钞票了。

    The price of bringing something to Mars that could terraform it would cost billions, possibly even trillions.


  • 2026,一百名探险家起程拓殖火星地球化不过并不是每个人都那样做。

    Mars. Kim Stanley Robinson. In the year 2026, a group of 100 explorers sets out to colonize and terraform Mars. Except, not everyone wants it that way.


  • 当然这样个过程得用上成千上万如今,似乎没有很好的方法理由来使火星地球化

    Of course this in itself would take millions of years, at the present there seems no way to terraform Mars and no reason to.


  • 可用于提取深部信息地球化方法三类常规地球化学方法:岩石测量土壤测量;

    There are three categories of geochemical exploration method deriving the deep mineral characteristics from the data, including: the normal (geochemical rock survey, geochemical soil survey);


  • 过去几十年中,已经出现各种各样设想,打算地球最近邻居改造得更接近地球,也就是让它地球

    A variety of schemes have been floated over the past few decades with the intent of making earth's nearest neighbor more amenable to life of the earthly variety - in other words, Terraforming.


  • 泰坦尼克碰撞理论消除地球旋转过快的假设,并解释月球特殊的组成

    Theorizing a titanic collision eliminates postulating a too-rapidly spinning Earth and accounts for the Moon's peculiar composition.


  • 珊瑚礁地球脆弱生态性复杂、最多样海洋生态系统之一。

    Coral reefs are one of the most fragile, biologically complex, and diverse marine ecosystems on Earth.


  • 估计,地球表面另外四分之一土地正面临沙漠威胁

    It has been estimated that an additional one-fourth of the Earth's land surface is threatened by this process.


  • 此外为了养活地球大量人口,人们工厂集约耕作方法集中认为气候关键因素

    Furthermore, in the effort to feed the hosts of people on this planet, the focus on factory and intensive farming methods is being cited as a key factor in climate change.


  • 至于全球嘛,大多数共和党人认为完全没有这么一回事或者认为即使地球在暖完全不是人类活动引起的。

    As for global warming, most Republicans say that there is no such thing, or that if the Earth really is warming it has nothing to do with human activity.


  • 然而我们只有一个地球使得问题更加明朗,”吉尔丁这样说道

    Having only one planet makes this a rather significant problem, ” says Gilding.


  • 人类已经成为地质学层面重塑地球自然力量——只不过是以一种远超地质速度罢了。

    Humans have become a force of nature reshaping the planet on a geological scale-but at a far-faster-than-geological speed.


  • 数据的可视变得越来越流行,不良的信息视图开始越来越多。幸运的是,我们总能看到迈克尔.保克纳创作的非常好的作品。在这个视图,显示了我们地球轨道卫星以及太空垃圾分布。

    to make very, very good ones. Here he shows the satellites orbiting our planet.


  • 然后再想象一下严格数学物理时代之前只身对抗各种显而易见质疑的困难如果地球的这么我们为什么没有被甩地球

    Then imagine the difficulties of defending it against the obvious criticisms in an era before mathematically rigorous physics: why are we not flung from the Earth if it spins round so fast?


  • 这一想法开创世界上最棒视频服务时候地球任何角落,用户使用标准协议看任何视频,无论何时,无论在哪个屏幕上。

    The idea is to create the world's best video service: from anywhere on earth, users can then use a standard protocol to pull up any video, at any time and on any screen.


  • 绿色和平组织忧思科学家联盟世界银行五角大楼同意全球或许我们处于危险中的地球严重威胁

    Organizations from Greenpeace to the Union of Concerned Scientists, World Bank and the Pentagon, all agree that global warming is, perhaps, the most serious threat to our imperiled planet.


  • 随着气候以及土壤沙漠人类根本上改变地球表面

    With climate change, concrete deserts and agriculture, human beings have fundamentally altered the face of the Earth.


  • 随着城市进程加速,城市的有机系统地球生物圈资源体系之间相互作用日益深入,日益扩展。

    With the rapid process of urbanization, the interaction between cities and the biological circle as well as the resources on the earth have become more and more strong.


  • 如果地球自身变得无法居住,全球还有什么用处

    Globalization doesn't do much good if the globe itself becomes unlivable.


  • 虽然很多人都觉得鲶鱼长相丑陋,但它们却是地球多样、同时又是最重要鱼类种群之一

    While a lot of people think of catfish as ugly, they are actually one of the most diverse and important groups of fish on the planet.


  • 悬浮粒子注入平流层或是云层方案不仅仅地球降温

    Injecting aerosols into the stratosphere or brightening clouds would do more than just cool the planet.


  • 随着城市进程加速,城市有机系统地球生物圈资源体系之间相互作用也日益加深和扩大。

    With the raped urbanization, a more extensive relationship and interaction has been established between the city organic system and earth's biosphere and resource system.


  • 重要剖析制度傲慢贪婪评估如何损害生命邻里社区,和地球基本生活体系

    It's important to dissect institutional arrogance and greed, to assess how it damages lives, neighborhoods, communities, and the most basic life systems of the earth.


  • 随着城市进程加速,城市有机系统地球生物圈资源体系之间相互作用也日益加深和扩大。

    With the raped urbanization, a more extensive relationship and interaction has been established between the city organic system and earth’s biosphere and resource system.


  • 位于伯克利加利福尼亚大学历史生物学家,鉴于生物多样现状地球哺乳动物作为一个参考

    Palaeobiologists at the University of California at Berkeley looked at the state of biodiversity today, using the world's mammal species as a barometer.


  • 上述这些不同场景利用的是来自不同技术传感器数据它们提供了基于智慧地球解决方案的一个核心方面仪表构建解决方案基础

    These different scenarios leveraged sensor data from different technologies but all provided the foundation for building solutions based on a core aspect of smarter planet solutions: instrumentation.


  • 一些乐观的人士这种技术的繁荣比作是5亿年前寒武纪的大爆炸当时地球某种程度上呈爆发态势因为细胞已经开始完善正常

    Some excited people have likened this technological upheaval to the Cambrian explosion 500m years ago, when evolution on Earth speeded up in part because the cell had been perfected and standardised.


  • 一些乐观的人士这种技术的繁荣比作是5亿年前寒武纪的大爆炸当时地球某种程度上呈爆发态势因为细胞已经开始完善正常

    Some excited people have likened this technological upheaval to the Cambrian explosion 500m years ago, when evolution on Earth speeded up in part because the cell had been perfected and standardised.


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