• 这份责任每周要去很多不同地方——警察法院医院

    This responsibility takes her to many different places every weekthe police station, the court and the hospital.


  • 一些地方教育试图吉卜赛儿童安排特殊流动学校这样他们能够得到其他儿童一样教育

    In some places, the education authorities try to arrange special travelling schools for Gypsy children so that they can get the same education as other children.


  • 最后联邦调查得到线报被盗文件就在离华盛顿特区地方

    Finally, the FBI received a tip that the stolen document was located very close to Washington, D.C.


  • 联邦调查收到线报说这偷的文件就在距离华盛顿特区地方

    The FBI received a tip that the stolen document was located very close to Washington, D.C.


  • 评估不同财产定下不同税率地方部门则执行并将税收作为主要财政收入。

    The VOA sets the rates for different types of property, and local authorities collect them as their primary source of revenue.


  • 每周四下午营业地方农贸市场当地人附近工作的联邦调查(FBI)探员的最爱

    The local farmers' market, which runs every Thursday afternoon, is a favourite with locals as well as FBI agents who work nearby.


  • 为了更多地方提供更好的服务,我们扩展增加了退伍军人管理医疗保健预算,为受伤战士新建便利设施更好满足女性退伍军人的需求做了很多调整

    To deliver better care in more places, we’re expanding and increasing VA health care, building new wounded warrior facilities, and adapting care to better meet the needs of female veterans.


  • 如果机会日程安排在任何地方,作象征性支持姿态停下来这些警察感谢一下这些消防队员,我们对此非常赞赏。

    And if anywhere along your schedule you have the opportunity, as a symbolic gesture of support, to stop in to those stations, thank those firefighters, we would greatly appreciate that.


  • 获得旅行地区是否霍乱信息,卫生保健提供者地方公共卫生旅行卫生中心联系。

    For information of whether there is cholera in the area where you are travelling, contact your health care provider, local office of public health or travel health centre.


  • 但是美国工作的说,这些矿工需要在狭小拥挤且昼夜不分地方生存下来,这种考验的的确和太空飞行些许相似之处。

    But their ordeal - survival in a small, cramped place with no discernable day or night - does have a few parallels to space flight, according to people who have worked closely with NASA.


  • 美国宇航新的燃料箱容易泡沫脱落地方进行改装,同时安装上了加热器防止泡沫胶结

    On the new tank, NASA has reconfigured the struts and fittings where foam was prone to peeling off, and installed heaters to prevent ice from forming.


  • 航天科学家们回避这些突然从科学杂志出来迅速网络上流行的报道说那个地方也许什么东西生存。

    Space agency scientists waved off reports - which had been popping up in science publications and bouncing around the Internet - that something might be stirring out there.


  • 本榜根据美国人口普查报告,自2009年全美家庭收入数据里取样,希望找到全国前20个收入最高地方

    To find the places where Americans earn the most, we looked at median family income data for 2009, as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau.


  • 早期一些报道认为同一个地方发生了地震,但是美国地质调查后来的分析表示只有一次地震发生。

    Earlier reports suggested there had been two strong earthquakes moments apart in the same area, but the USGS later clarified that there had been just one quake.


  • 一个信得过的信息来源地方办公室地方公共健康机构或者国家气象

    Find a credible source you can trust such as your governor's office, local or state public health agencies or the National Weather Service.


  • 很多地方警察自己的微博发布消息澄清传言,找到关注你自己地区的警的微博值得去做的。

    Many local police forces have been using Twitter to give out information and field rumours, and it's well worth finding yours and following them.


  • 2005年对土近天体探测飞行中,科学家们期待利用美国宇航的卡西尼宇宙飞船月球表面拦截粒子地方观察读数下降

    During a 2005 flyby of Rhea, scientists working with NASA's Cassini spacecraft expected to see a dip in their readings where the moon's surface intercepted the particles.


  • 当事人一处地方每次离开,都到警察登过记

    My client registered with the police each time she arrived at a new address and each time she left.


  • 联邦调查告诉他们不能这么资源永远投入一个地方。 他们想第二天就突袭基地。

    The FBI had also told her that it couldn’t keep so many of its resources tied down in one place forever.


  • 我们需要有建设性更为积极处理应对这一面。

    That needs to be managed and responded to in a more constructive and positive way.


  • 联系国家税务地方税务气象银川市农村信用合作联社

    Contact Municipal State Taxation Bureau, Local Taxation Bureau, Weather Bureau, Yinchuan Municipal Rural Credit Cooperative Association.


  • 美国国家气象建议已铺好的特定表面至少100英尺地方放置传感器

    The US National Weather Service recommends placing sensors at least 100 feet from paved or concrete surfaces.


  • 尽管如此,沙赫·扎德仍然设法在康涅狄格州纽约肯尼迪国际机场之间某个地方甩掉了监视联邦调查小组

    Yet Shahzad still managed to outsmart his FBI surveillance team, losing them somewhere between Connecticut and John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.


  • 根据美国航空航天勇气探测器矿物质分析火星有些地方——比如古瑟夫撞击坑——和地球上的差不多。

    There are places on Mars, like Gusev Crater, which resemble soda lakes on Earth, according to an analysis of minerals by NASA's Spirit rover.


  • 2003年至2007年间,全国各地方知识产权受理各类专利纠纷案件6427件,查处假冒他人专利案件919件,查处冒充专利案件8152件。

    Between 2003 and 2007, local IPR offices accepted and heard 6427 patent disputes, and 919 cases of patent counterfeiting and 8152 cases of bogus patents were investigated.


  • 保守党选举出的警察专员取代现有的地方警察,这些专员有权选择哪些治安事件需要优先处理同时有权批准预算。

    The Tories want to replace police authorities with elected police commissioners, who would set policing priorities as well as signing off on budgets.


  • 之前看见老式轿车原来地方就是警察对面

    That same old-fashioned car that I had seen earlier was parked up in the exact same spot, opposite the police station.


  • 在2006年地方体育记录中介绍小何的生日1994年1月1日,那么今年应该14岁

    A 2006 biography from the local sports bureau where He was registered gave her date of birth as January 1, 1994, which would make her 14.


  • 在2006年地方体育记录中介绍小何的生日1994年1月1日,那么今年应该14岁

    A 2006 biography from the local sports bureau where He was registered gave her date of birth as January 1, 1994, which would make her 14.


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