• 年多以前BridgetBrittman同事 我们地方图书馆公关协调员安排了一个主题为“自愿简易项目

    Over a year ago, colleague Bridget Brittman, the PR Coordinator for my local library, scheduled a program on the topic of Voluntary Simplicity (VS).


  • 参与调查青少年中,49%图书馆他们常获取书籍地方

    Of the teenagers who participated in the survey, 49% said that libraries are where they get most of their books.


  • 我们地方解释说:“我会开车送图书馆。”

    She explained that we would go where the books were, "I'll drive you to the library."


  • 我就几英里的地方,有许多小小图书馆伫立在人们的前院,把阅读的乐趣分享给路过的人。

    Within just a few miles of me, there are many little libraries in folks' front yards, sharing the joy of reading with anyone who passes by.


  • 年前为了给市图书馆地方,这座旧建筑被拆除了。

    The old building was taken down to make room for the city library a year ago.


  • 大多数图书馆不同,放着图书馆书籍的在特定的时间去特定的地方

    Unlike most libraries, a mini-bus with library books go to a certain place at a certain time.


  • 卫认为图书馆是读书的最好地方

    David thinks a library is the best place to read books.


  • 们在图书馆后面一个比较安静的地方停了下来。

    They stopped at a quieter area behind the library.


  • 断开与外界的联系 — —图书馆其他没人打断分散注意力的安静地方

    Disconnect Yourself – Go to the library or another quiet location where nobody can disrupt and distract you.


  • 尝试不同地方发现最好安静的周围地方工作——比如房间图书馆咖啡馆我的街道

    After trying out different places, I find that I work best in quiet spots where there are minimal people aroundsuch as my room, the library, cafes and in my neighborhood.


  • 每个来自不同地方1525个人图书馆露面分享他们故事建议努力一种更简单环保生活目标

    Each month, anywhere from 15 to 25 people show up at the library meeting to share their stories, Suggestions, struggles and goals for living a simpler, more eco-friendly life.


  • 藩市时候,一些最爱地方(除了公园海滩)就是城市图书馆博物馆展览馆,和一些私人园林

    When I lived in San Francisco, for example, some of my favorite quiet places (besides parks and the beach) were the city's libraries, museums, galleries, and private gardens.


  • 断开外界的联系——图书馆其他没人打断分散注意力安静地方不用手机互联网

    Disconnect Yourself - Go to the library or another quiet location where nobody can disrupt and distract you. Leave your cell phone and Internet connection behind.


  • 布兰登介绍道:“这些图书馆设在学校青年组织校外俱乐部任何那些可以使书籍得到充分利用地方。”

    Brandon explains, "These libraries are in schools, youth organizations, after-school clubs, anywhere there's a system already in place where the books will be used."


  • 摆在我们面前的问题让我们左右为难几年人们图书馆到底有什么价值如果图书在任何地方可以浏览到,为什么还要为了维护这个“装书房子”而付钱呢?

    The dilemma that confronts us is that for the next several years, people will be questioning the value of libraries; if books are available everywhere, why pay the upkeep on a building?


  • 西诺·伍德伦敦南部片无聊地方,它公共图书馆紧锁不太像是一个经济指标

    THE locked doors of a public library in West Norwood, a drab part of south London, are an unlikely economic indicator.


  • 参加图书馆其他地方举行的二手书本促销活动,低价可以到一些很好的

    Attend used book sales at libraries and other places where good books can be had inexpensively.


  • 图书馆又十分丰富资源——杂志地方指导资料库供休闲阅读

    There are so many resources available in the librarymagazines, guides to local places, databases, leisure reading, videos, and of course, the books you need for your papers.


  • 图书馆同样一个充分利用的惊奇地方——所以赶紧办张借书证吧。

    Libraries are also amazing places that are underusedget a card today.


  • 我们特意到了生活便利的地方,有几家杂货店一个图书馆一些书店餐厅五金店、几家面包房、几处美丽的花园还有公交火车站点

    We purposely moved to a spot that's near everything we need: groceries, a library, bookstores, restaurants, hardware store, bakeries, lovely parks, buses and trains.


  • 许多无家可归而向图书馆寻求保护的人一样,班克斯所需要一切就是一个干净,卫生的可以静静地坐着地方

    Like many homeless public library patrons, all Banks wants is a clean, safe place to sit in peace.


  • 图书馆中或者其他的某个地方留下鼓励便条

    Leave encouraging post-it notes in a library books and other random places. (Read Operation Beautiful.)


  • 离线收藏egranary(粮仓)数字图书馆可以互联网接入可靠过多订购地方提供本地访问互联网资源关键子集

    Off-line collections such as the eGranary Digital Library can provide local access to a critical subset of Internet resources where Internet access is unreliable or over-subscribed.


  • 图书馆搜集一些关于某个具体地方,在网上搜集更多这个“目的地”的信息。

    Head to the library to gather books about a specific place and use the Internet to learn more about your “destination.”


  • 可能校园旅游时候,他们故意让你们远离,校园的这个部分但是如果你们到达东区接近河流地方座建筑物,叫图书馆

    Maybe on the campus tour they kept you away from this part of the campus, but if you go over to the east close to the river there is a building called "the library."


  • 作为名作家图书馆读者见面地方他们社区中心失去图书馆的后果灾难性的。

    As an author, libraries are the place you go to meet your readers, the centre of their community, and to lose this service would be catastrophic.


  • 但是实际上网上很多地方已经开始用新的方法来做编目并且知识增加价值了,而且这些实践能够当前图书馆工作中开展的。

    But in fact, new ways of cataloging and adding value to knowledge are already being practiced in many places online, and can be practically built on much of what libraries are already doing.


  • 现在不必为了论文,而前往图书馆或者任何一个提供上网服务地方研究功课了。

    Now, you don’t necessarily have to go to a library or anywhere with computer services to do research work for your paper anymore.


  • 现在不必为了论文,而前往图书馆或者任何一个提供上网服务地方研究功课了。

    Now, you don’t necessarily have to go to a library or anywhere with computer services to do research work for your paper anymore.


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