• 他们一系列反对核武器反种族隔离地方团体联合起来了

    They linked up with a series of local anti-nuclear and anti-apartheid groups.


  • 参与慈善组织同时也组织人们参加地方团体活动

    I donate my time to charitable organizations, I also organize larger teams to participate at local community outreach events.


  • 许多致力于自由开源软件地方团体在一起筹办活动

    Many of the local groups which focus on Free and Open Source Software get together to organise events.


  • 友谊服务组织服务学习项目地方团体个人进行合作。

    Amizade works with local groups and individuals on service and learning projects.


  • 因为那里人们可以得到安慰指引事事如意希望,而这些教堂大多数都是土生土长地方团体

    Across Kenya, at virtually every road junction, the commonest sign-posts are to churches, mostly of the home-grown African variety, promising solace, guidance and the hope of prosperity.


  • 农家保护作为一种重要的保护策略特别强调保证地方团体育种项目这些资源持续利用。

    On-farm conservation was specifically mentioned as an important strategy to insure continued availability of these resources for both local communities and breeding programs.


  • 无家可归退伍军人全国联盟之类影响力慈善机构捐款,或是较小地方团体比如当地施舍所或者流浪汉之家都可以。

    Give to a large charity like the National Organization of homeless Veterans, or a smaller regional group, like your local soup kitchen or homeless shelter.


  • 佐治亚州大自然保护协会工作的生物学家艾里森·麦基表示五角大楼已经承诺地方团体重建自然生态系统方面施展拳脚。

    Alison McGee, a biologist with the Nature Conservancy in Georgia, said the Pentagon's commitment allowed local groups to be more ambitious in rebuilding the natural ecosystem.


  • 参加其他团体会议,那些人们聚集地方或者活动中

    Go to the meetings of other groups, and to places and events where people gather.


  • 估计美国芝加哥孟菲斯康涅狄格州这样的地方大概20个类似团体

    He estimates there are about 20 similar groups scattered across the country in places like Chicago, Memphis and Connecticut.


  • 人们在一起买卖商品各种服务地方我们许多进行商业操作的集体或是合作团体

    So we have got a number of collectives or groups of co-operatives where people come together barter and trade goods and services.


  • 通过之间地方之间,以及私营非营利性团体共同努力许多地方无家可归的人数已经减少例如芝加哥降低了12%。

    Collaborative efforts at the state and local level, along with partnerships with private and non-profit groups, have reduced homelessness in places like Chicago by as much as 12%.


  • 成为一名志愿者多种方式,可以支持组织团体定期义工,或者干脆某个地方几个小时做事情。

    There are lots of ways to volunteer, you could do so on a regular basis with an organization or group you support, or simply stop into a place and donate a few hours of your time.


  • 团体艺术项目很好的方式可以人人参与使城市成为美丽的居住地方所有居民灌输一种自豪感。

    Artistic projects in the community are a great way to help get everyone involved in making the city a more beautiful place to live, instilling a sense of pride in all residents.


  • 大型动物权利保护团体宗旨上不一定完全相同的地方不过他们现在联合在一则讯息上:吃肉环境的危害汽车严重。

    The biggest animal rights groups do not always overlap in their missions, but now they have coalesced around a message that eating meat is worse for the environment than driving.


  • 墨西哥森林温带云杉冷杉热带雨林都有其中75%以上地方社区——合作农场原住民团体——控制

    Over 75% of Mexico's forests, which range from temperate spruce and fir to tropical rainforest, are controlled by local communities, either ejidos or indigenous groups.


  • 墨西哥森林温带云杉冷杉热带雨林都有其中75%以上地方社区——合作农场原住民团体——控制

    Over 75% of Mexico’s forests, which range from temperate spruce and fir to tropical rainforest, are controlled by local communities, either ejidos or indigenous groups.


  • 合作可以地方国家级妇女团体社团赞助者医疗组织服务俱乐部或媒体播送管道建立友好关系。

    Partnerships could be cultivated with local or national women's groups, corporate sponsors, medical organizations, service clubs or media outlets.


  • 每次巴士在一个地方停下来我们都会根据自己的感觉组成一个特别团体使乘客更加打成一片人们不会根据年龄区分开来。

    When the bus stops somewhere, we tend to form AD hoc groups depending on what we feel like doing. This helps the passengers to mix more, as it could be too easy for people to divide along age lines.


  • 我们同学聚在那里我们的作业足球打排球,玩扑克牌,跟同学们打情骂俏地方是我们班的同学们社交的场所,成为其中的一属于这个小团体来说有着重要的意义

    That was where our class got together, did our homework, played soccer and volleyball and skat, and flirted That where our class socialized, and it meant a lot to me to be part of it and to belong.


  • 如果只是希望人们取得联系可以考虑准备简短调查关于地方的人们关心的问题,一个现行的项目或者你们团体努力的目标

    If you simply want to connect to people, consider preparing a short survey about local concerns, a current project, or your group's goals.


  • 以前在这上学时候觉得自己属于一个独特团体,觉得普林斯顿是个独特的地方

    And when I was here in Princeton, I felt that I was part of something special, that Princeton was really a very special place.


  • 魏伟近年来,因为农民工去别的地方工作保险关系不过去,于是一些农民工团体组织主张集体退保

    In recent years some migrant worker groups have advocated quitting insurance schemes altogether because coverage cannot be transferred when they move to a new region, Wei says.


  • 双方着力扩大文化教育地方民间团体交流。

    Both sides should expand exchanges on culture, education and among localities and non-governmental organizations.


  • 还有一群“GuessWhere”(猜猜这是哪儿团体负责在城镇某些神秘地方拍摄照片其他人辨别出这些照片在哪儿的。

    There’s the gaggle of “Guess Wheregroups in which members take mysterious photos of places in their town and other members identify where each shot was taken.


  • 印度尼西亚,2000多个村庄社区团体制定自己的利用地方资金计划

    In Indonesia, more than 2,000 villages and community groups are developing their own proposals to receive local funding.


  • 德黑兰这些穿着鲜艳团体被安排几个不同的地方

    They place groups of 100 people wearing colors at several locations in Tehran.


  • 因此媒体政客公司行号许多团体许多时间和金钱,极力世界看似是个危险的地方

    so the media, politicians, companies and many other organizations spend a lot of time and money trying to make the world seem like a scary place.


  • 今年12月4日俄罗斯模式准备红场地方自己旗帜性摇滚团体组织场音乐会

    This year on November 4th, Russian Mode managed to organise a concert of its flagship rock group a few metres from Red Square.


  • 今年12月4日俄罗斯模式准备红场地方自己旗帜性摇滚团体组织场音乐会

    This year on November 4th, Russian Mode managed to organise a concert of its flagship rock group a few metres from Red Square.


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