• 其中服务业收入比55%,历史首次超过地产收入净利润大于地产

    Among them, the service industry accounted for 55% of revenue, outrun the real estate industry for the first time in history, its net profit is also greater than real estate.


  • 截至去年华尔街交易员银行家从事地产交易创造了21%的国民收入,是上世纪50年代两倍

    By last year, Wall Street traders, bankers and those who deal in real estate generated 21% of the national income, double their share in the 1950s.


  • 随着地产开发速度的降低他们损失大笔收入

    With the slowdown in property development, they've lost a major chunk of revenue.


  • 居民收入水平增长快就业收入双增长使得此前遭受房价暴跌冲击地产市场得以保持高位价格。

    Incomes are high and rising, and the combination of job and income growth has buoyed a property market that was battered by the housing bust.


  • 地产股价波动关联应该来自住户稳定收入,而且它应该通胀的部分对冲(抗通胀资产)。

    It should not be correlated with the movement of shares; it should throw off stable income from tenants; and it should be a partial hedge against inflation.


  • 希腊葡萄牙出现了巨额的往来账户赤字爱尔兰靠着虚高的房产关联收入营造地产繁荣实则掩盖潜在财政弊端

    Greece and Portugal ran huge current-account deficits while Ireland presided over a prodigious property boom that disguised underlying fiscal weaknesses through flaky housing-related revenues.


  • 由于交易税地产泡沫开始生成财政收入就业市场有所帮助

    Thanks to transaction taxes, property bubbles are helpful to exchequers and the jobs market when they first get going.


  • 事实上用于地产开发土地出让收入去年收入的84%。

    Indeed, revenue from the sale of land targeted for property development accounted for 84% of the total for the year.


  • 商业地产损失一般滞后失业率上升大约1左右主要因为租期保护了房主免予租金收入立即下降

    Losses on commercial property tend to lag behind rises in the unemployment rate by a year or so, largely because lease terms protect landlords from immediate falls in rental income.


  • 西班牙爱尔兰收入大幅下降,部分原因在于税收严重依靠地产交易

    Revenue plunged in both Spain and Ireland, in part because tax receipts depended heavily on real estate transactions.


  • 金融业中,虽然保险公司多元金融公司收入有所增长,但是银行地产公司的盈利预计下降

    Within the financial sector, bank and real estate profits are expected to fall, while net income for insurance and diversified financial companies is expected to rise.


  • 例如一个正常经济体收入100,地产价格是100,债务60

    For example, in a normal economy, say, income is 100, property price is 100, and debt is 60.


  • 惠特尼指出福罗里达州发行市政债券90%收入债券,很多地产相关。

    Whitney points out that Florida has issued 90% of its municipal offerings in revenue bonds, many tied to real estate.


  • 地产租赁收入带来债券现金市值上升得来的股票式收益的混合体。

    The asset is a hybrid of bond-like cash flow from rental income and equity-like gains from rises in value.


  • 大部分国家都找不到地产过热证据这些年平均住房价格上涨没有大幅超过当地收入的涨幅。

    It sees little evidence of housing bubbles in most countries: average house prices have not risen by much more than incomes in recent years.


  • 根据通常价格收入租金收益率空置来看,地产市场明显存在泡沫

    Property markets have obviously shown signs of a bubble, judged by usual indicators such as the price/income ratio, rental yields and the vacancy ratio.


  • 随着美国房贷危机收入的次借款人蔓延整个地产市场,美国的地产价格已经最高点下跌了三分之一

    Property prices in the US have already dropped by almost a third from their peak, as the crisis spread from lower-paid sub-prime borrowers to engulf the entire housing market.


  • 考虑到这些税率适用收入人群地产多数美国人想起马克吐温

    Regarding the rates applicable to high earners and large estates, most Americans seem to be channeling Mark Twain.


  • 爱尔兰西班牙收入依赖地产暴利

    Ireland and Spain relied on windfall property revenues.


  • 次级抵押贷款本来为收入美国人提供了一个千载难逢的赚钱机会最后却引发了地产泡沫这些债务累累

    Subprime loans, which offered lower-income Americans a rare chance to accumulate wealth, ended up inflating the housing bubble and leaving these same people with debts they couldn't pay.


  • 地产繁荣促进国内收入差别扩大,同时使国家相对于最有钱的精英而言,变得非常脆弱

    The real estate boom has been a driver of inequality and makes the country very vulnerable to its wealthiest elite.


  • 从事地产行业来说一次非常棒人生经历至少对我银行账户来说是如此经纪费差不多占了我全部收入一半之多。

    Real Estate has been such a great experience, at least for my bank account: receiving commission checks that totaled half of my well-paying salary.


  • 指数走势显示损失率达5%﹐银行因此被迫减债券价值尽管地产本身带来现金收入

    The index's movement implies a 5% loss rate, pressuring banks to mark down the value of their bonds even though the underlying properties are still generating cash.


  • 理论上讲,如果居民收入更多地投入地产市场(例如购买公寓不是购买更大的轿车),那么房价增速将暂时超过GDP增速。

    In theory house prices can rise faster than GDP for a while if citizens decide to devote more of their incomes to housing services (for example, they may prefer a bigger flat to a bigger car).


  • 尽管财政部门迅速增加收入充满泡沫地产市场推动了国民税收快速增加还是未能满足迅速高涨支出

    They failed to keep pace with the surge in spending despite being boosted by buoyant revenues from a booming financial sector and frothy property markets (see chart 2).


  • 2005年6月7日雷曼公司固定收入交易全球总部全美地产市场施以重击。

    On JUNE 7th 2005 the then new global head of fixed-income trading at Lehman Brothers launched a devastating attack on America's housing market.


  • 2005年6月7日雷曼公司固定收入交易全球总部全美地产市场施以重击。

    On JUNE 7th 2005 the then new global head of fixed-income trading at Lehman Brothers launched a devastating attack on America's housing market.


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