• 它们那么平静那么清澈以至于 Olle以为自己看见只鸟正沉入水中其实一只正滑翔海鸥水中倒影

    They were so tranquil and clear that Olle thought he saw a bird drowning in one, when it was actually the reflection of a gull gliding above the surface.


  • 石墨烯水中分散性得到一定改善

    Gernerally, graphene dispersion in water took a certain improvement.


  • 声音水中传播速度空气中快。

    Sound travels faster through water than it does through air.


  • 随着水中的氧气水平下降,生成的一氧化二氮就会增加

    Increased N2O production occurs as dissolved oxygen levels decline.


  • 不是水中第一条鱼,却是我心中的第一条。

    Water says: you are not the first fish in the water, but you are the first fish in my heart.


  • 前景微妙的红叶使韦纳奇河边树木水中倒影形成了鲜明对比

    Delicate red leaves in the foreground provide contrast for the trees and their reflection in the Wenatchee river.


  • 是啊群山水中倒影看起来那么逼真那些遍布农田多绿色地毯

    Yes. The reflections of the hills in the water look so real. and the farmlands spread out like green carpets.


  • 索耶水中时候醉酒志愿者表现更加糟糕,鳄鱼明的表现明显卓越。

    When placed in water, the drunken volunteers fared even worse, and the alligator markedly better, Sawyer said.


  • 美国海军官员并未对此事件马上发表看法而且他们也很少会透露潜水艇水中位置

    A Navy official was not immediately available for comment, but the service rarely comments on the location of submarines at sea.


  • 另外,研究人员模拟碳氢水中情况,并未告诉我们脂类之间相互作用的热力学情况。

    In addition, these are simulations of a single hydrocarbon chain in water, and so they don't tell us about the energetics of lipid-lipid interactions.


  • 想必水中某个时刻肯定意识到,如果继续绳索救生圈递他人,他将失去求生机会。

    For at some moment in the water he must have realized that he would not live if he continued to hand over the rope and ring to others.


  • 请记住大部分草药用作泡制有益健康药茶的活性成分,水中稳定性都会干燥

    Remember, though, that most of the active principles that make herbs useful as health-maintaining or therapeutic teas are much less stable when they are dissolved in water than in their dried form.


  • 但是当然,就你们非常清楚知道这一切一样,那里根本就没有狮子只是那只狮子水中倒影

    But, of course, as you know very well, there was' t any other lion! It was only the reflection in the water!


  • 关于面向服务体系结构的书,我可以它带到游泳运动会上去,一边等待观看儿子水中二十五秒冲刺

    I'm reading a book now on service-oriented architecture that I can take to a swim meet while I wait three hours for my son's 25-second sprint in the water.


  • 这些燃料释放出粒子它们速度要快于光速水中速度因此会产生一种名为切伦科夫(契伦科夫)射线本身无害光线

    The particles the fuel gives off, which travel faster than the speed of light in water, can as a result produce a particular type of light, harmless in itself, called Cerenkov radiation.


  • 公路上,这辆车能够一般巴士那样行驶,一旦下水,两台喷射式发动机会开始工作,使大巴水中航速达到8海里每小时

    While it operates like a normal coach on the road, when it is in water it is driven by twin water jets and can achieve a speed of eight knots.


  • 研究人员解释说,这个流程关键组成成分一个催化剂-放置水中金属电极-这个催化剂水中产生氧气,另一个催化剂产生氢气。

    The key component in the process is a catalyst -- cobalt metal, phosphate and an electrode, placed in water -- that produces oxygen gas from water, while another catalyst produces hydrogen gas.


  • 但是根据新的研究——和CharlesDarwin从前的观察蜚声世界Charles Darwin孙子最大程度的躲过这个孩子水中游泳路线明智的。

    But according to new research-and old observations by Charles Darwin, the grandson of the more famous Charles darwin-it would be wise to avoid most of the child's path through the water.


  • 巨大后肢用于水中驱动

    The large hind legs were used for propulsion in water.


  • 马林鱼旗鱼长嘴可能会帮助它们水中滑行。

    The long bill of marlins, sailfishes, and swordfish probably helps them slip through the water.


  • 步行海滩夜间工作的渔民拖网捕鱼

    She would walk on to the beach and watch the night fishermen trawl the shallow waters.


  • 深的水中跋涉

    I waded in knee-deep.


  • 罗盖特维多利亚时期时髦旅游地那时人们来到这里,矿物质水中温泉

    Harrogate became a fashionable resort during Victorian times, when people came to take a bath in the mineral waters.


  • 然而浮游植物含量足够地表繁殖。

    However, phytoplankton flourish only in surface waters where iron levels are sufficiently high.


  • 这些有机物微粒绿色冰山中含量高,但是冰层中还是积聚了溶解有机物

    The green iceberg did not contain large amounts of particles from these organisms, but the ice had accumulated dissolved organic matter from the seawater.


  • 这种细长蜿蜒身体陆地上茂密草丛中爬行,能让水蛇水中游动。

    The elongated, serpentine body that allows land snakes to slither through dense grass also serves aquatic snakes in propelling through the water.


  • 在水中混合一点果汁一个有趣方法帮助喝下大量

    Mixing a little fruit juice into your water is a fun way to help you drink plenty of water.


  • 为了保持水中不至于沉底尾部顶端向后延伸沿着形成一个斜面产生力。

    To help generate lift to keep midwater, the top of the tail extends farther back than the bottom, creating a slant along the back edge.


  • 水培不是它们种植纯净水里,而是适当混合营养素水中

    Hydroponics is not planting them in pure water, in water that has the proper mix of nutrients.


  • 来自东北省份最新报道至少16周日丧生

    Latest reports from the northeast provinces say that at least sixteen people lost their lives in Sunday's floods.


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